STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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nitro_the_hedghog said:
Dr.Pepper said:
Seriously guys, that title screen is absolutely laughable, it hurts my eyes. I would be utterly embarrassed if I was caught dead playing a mod with a title screen like that. Why not try ripping off '06's actual title screen instead?
Yeah that's kinda what I mean. How come when I'm trying to explain something then I can't explain it good. Well Winds post tells you. I know what you guys are trying to tell me ( SWSM and Dr. Pep.) You are tying to tell me to concentrate and add more detail to the levels. Well, I do concentrate and make details. It's just that I'm fast( not really fast that your thinking, It's like a little bit faster than usual) at making levels. I don't know how I'm going at that rate, but I am. I think I'm going faster than you guys by just coping and editing. Loops take me thirty minutes to do now because I copy and paste. Thank you 2 for telling me to concentrate more I guess.
So you're not taking the opinions of people(SonicMaster) who make well-received levels seriously at all?
If you would just spend at least two weeks on each individual level instead of using your lunch breaks, I wouldn't be throwing my controller across the room in frustration every time I dare bother playing Wave Ocean. Actually study SRB2 levels, learn what makes them enjoyable, get a grip with the engine's limitations, and how you can adapt it to the themes of STH360. I doubt you've even touched The Emerald Isles or Blue Heaven, from looking at your stages.
I would have offered to help you with the graphics, but seeing as you guys are liking Title screens this quickly slapped together, why should I even bother? There isn't going to be any different positive reaction whether or not I spend five hours to five minutes making something that may or may not be crap.

Meh, I don't care about that crap anymore. Oh. and why I was gone so long is because my internet wasn't working right.
He's trying to tell you have to make your levels better, so you should care.
Sorry SONILDOW but they're right. If you don't spend time on your levels, you won't be able to find and fix any flaws in them. Slow down for a bit
Honestly, it dose not matter who's level received what, or what needs to take what amount of time. I'm sticking with HS on this someone could easily spot a flaw a bug by simply testing the level, the level should not take so long just because you need to make sure there is anything wrong with it. If in the event the bug/what ever the thing it is makes it out into the release it can easily be spotted by a fellow poster and then take it out. Bottom line is, You can start a level you can spot the issues but it dose not need to take weeks/months, Sure it could take some days, 15 at the least but shouldn't take like weeks just to make just "1" level seriously that's just outrageous. Period.
How much time did you put into your levels? What scores did they get?

How much time did SonicMaster put into his level? Look at what scores he got.

Huge difference.
To be a good deveoper of levels, take your time at them cause remember that 3 out of 20 people complain about things that really don't matter.

Testing them helps too so you can review any flaws and make up for that mistake. this will stay in your head so you won't copy the same mistake twice. If someone says their's a bug and it not causing a paradox then ignore it, but if it does cause problems then play through and find the bug. Better yet just save a small draft of the stage and remake it. Obviously you and many others know this already.

If you work fast at levels then you must be fast at testing right? I don't want to agrivate or irritate you to loose your sanity but it's just my thoughts on this situation. But make sure (if you might of done this in the past that is..) your work does not take up more than just a week unless precaucions must be preformed. Take note to why the true version of SRB2 is not out yet. ( it could crash & in the result,other things have to be remade so somethimes It does take longer)
Ok, I have tried to stay away from this mod mainly because I have heard that the game that this is based off of sucks, and because I have heard a lot of bad reviews for it. Honestly, I have never played STH360 before, so I'm judging this through an objective standpoint, and basing my judgments on gameplay as compared to the how close the level looks to the real thing. I decided to try this for myself today, and this is what I have to say:

I started to play, and the first thing I noticed was adventure mode. This already starts me off badly, because I use mouselook and adventure mode makes it annoying as hell to control it. After turning analog off, I ran around the starting level, which really sucks badly. I was running around wondering where to go when I suddenly run into some random room with what looks like a T.V. with a waterfall texture on it, then the level ends. Now, I don't know if that's something the original game, but the fact as it matters is that it sucks when executed in SRB2. As I was playing through the game, I found many bugs, glitches, and generally random things throughout. Especially the annoying loops and random zoom tubes. The gameplay consisted solely of homing on a some enemies, bouncing on some springs for a large amount of the level (some of which lead you straight to death without some changes of direction from the player), fly through some zoom tubes for another large amount of the level, repeat. I didn't finish the mod all the way through, some parts were so annoying (like the quicksand in that desert level) that I didn't bother trying to finish the mod completely. Now, alot of the aesthetics were nice, but what are those without any proper gameplay?

Bottom line is, listen to what people are telling you about taking your time and such because most of them are right. Seriously, Wind is backing you up, but just look at his levels and you'll see what I mean.
What i've noticed is that because HS here has a wad that has more than three levels, the people who can't make levels/can't make good ones, think that this is the best thing ever because they can't do it. This is a decent mod at the best. You take too little time on the levels HS, you don't know enough about levels to make a mod this big. I work on my levels for a long time, just to make sure everything is 100% as good as I can make it. You seem to skip a few tings over because you think nobody will see it. :\ Not cool man. Redwalls in odd places. Most of the levels are unplayable and really not fun. Sorry man, but if I was you, I would work on the levels you have before making another.
Ok, will you guys just shut up about the "spend more time on your levels!" I just gave Dr. Pepper the wad, so he can check on how I did. ( I gave him the wad first because he's my friend ) and I think I'm going to give SWSM the wad since he's hard core at level making I guess. and if you guys would like to read Dr. pepper's critism, here!

Dr.Pepper said:
Sorry it took so long, but given the fact that the stage wasn't in level select, it took a while to get to...and a while to get back to the stage whenever I game over'd. >_>
It's a good improvement over your previous levels, the flow was good, the ramps were really smooth, it wasn't ever cramped, the unlockable door worked out okay for the most part, and I liked the textures. Yet like the rest, it has problems...
For one, while randomly thoking as Sonic at the beginning of the stage, I ran through a wall and into a red block. O_o It's a minor problem though, can't knock off points for that, but still funny. :P

The path you created for the first loop doesn't always work...

It wasn't exactly the best idea to force those flying creatures(whatever they're called.) to stay in mid-air. Some of us do force Adventure mode off, or use characters that can't use the homing attack at all. I had to weaken the gravity to reach them as Blaze.

The pink switches was a neat idea, but you should reduce the number of them, and also make the switches accessible by some other means for characters besides Knuckles, Tikal, Rouge, Super Sonic, or Burning Blaze. Lots of users play as custom characters/don't like Knuckles, so it's a good idea to give your players options/alternate routes.

I don't have an image for this one, but it isn't needed.
You know the two rooms that have enemies which need to be defeated before continuing? Well, it's a great idea I think, but there needs to be a way so that the player can immediately understand what to do. (Like some marking of a broken Crawla on the ground next to the door.) You also might want to remove the Crawla Commanders from those rooms too, they can be tedious to take out sometimes.
Now besides what I mentioned, I liked both acts HS. This has lots of effort put into it.

and if you want to read my reply here it is.

I know because I was taking my time like you said. =/ Well some of it, but it isn't your fault, it was mine. So it's fix the loop entry( I putted it beside the loop so you don't have to start from the other path.) and fix those enemies beside the door.( lower them) and make a broken crawla symbol on the ground so it would make the player know what he has to do. ( I'll make them blue just like how I do the other ones ) and make some accsessible buttons for other characters and reduce the number of buttons to what number?Well this was a good thing taking your critism.

You are now officially a private beta tester

From now on I'll do what you say since your the master of level creating and I'm a begginer to the ground like poop. Ok I'll fix all your probs except the first thing, I don't know where you thokked at, so I don't have an idea on where to fix the problem.
Now you see how that was?
Now please quiet and let me work and give beta's to the people that are better than me at level making that have posted on this topic.
Is a good idea to have Dr. Pepper as a beta tester. I never see the red block he said O.O. I know you are going to fix all the others things right!
I don´t have Flame Core, but, inside the volcano in the knux part, maybe you can put a special light to the purple switches and people can see them easier. Later than this, try to finish Radical Train (take your time) and test it!
Good luck!
According to Dr. Pepper's final screenshot in his critism.... Yeah I already did. I did everything but reduce the number of buttons and take the knux part out of it. No, I'm going to leave him in as a choice. I don't know how many buttons I need to create.
I did everything but reduce the number of buttons and take the knux part out of it. No, I'm going to leave him in as a choice. I don't know how many buttons I need to create.
I did everything but reduce the number of buttons and take the knux part out of it. No, I'm going to leave him in as a choice. I don't know how many buttons I need to create.

What?? Knux part out? ohh ok...
How did you go on Radical Train?
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