STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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So here's my review of the wad:

Wave Ocean 1: Too much lag, I couldn't barely move while I was in the front of one loop (all loops lag when I approches them), but it was fun with all the amount of loops. 8/10.

Wave Ocean 2: Better than the first wad: it's more bigger so it's good, and no lag in there. 9/10

Wave Ocean Speed Zone: More better than in the first wad, no more need on modifying this one, it's better enough, but don't forget to take out those walls glitches. 9/10.

Egg Cerberus Boss: Just a boss, nothing else. Surprisingly, I think I didn't see any of those walls glitches.You might wanna take those spikes out, it's the first boss of the wad, unless you previewed for all bosses to have spikes. 10/10.

Dusty Desert: Please tell me that this zone is an alpha or beta version. Anyway, one big problem I find out is the quicksand, it's just too fast, all my times I died were in the quicksand. Alpha/Beta version: 5/10, Other version: 3/10.

Silver Boss: Normal boss, If you're planing on changing sprites to Silver then you might wanna use the Egg Slimer sprite, or else the Egg Cerberus Boss will be a Silver Boss instead, i didn't see any of walls glitchs too, but you might wanna re-see it, i might be wrong. 10/10.

Overall: 9,5/10 (I didn't count Dusty Desert because i don't know which version it is) It's very good, better than the first wad, keep up the work!

EDIT: I didn't count the Adventure Fields because they aren't Action Fields so I can't give their result, but if you wanna me make the reviews of it, I'll make them.
If you are gonna so silvers iblis then do it in 2d or something and if you are gonna do sonic and shadows iblis then i would have sinking platforms and a zoom tube thing to eggman which hits him then make you high up and returns you to the starting platform.
daiches99 said:
If you are gonna so silvers iblis then do it in 2d or something and if you are gonna do sonic and shadows iblis then i would have sinking platforms and a zoom tube thing to eggman which hits him then make you high up and returns you to the starting platform.

How am I gonna do the connect to eggman zoom tube thing, I think that's impossible. Chisuun I don't know what you want to do, I'll put you in the multiple path making position. Is that OK?
Chisuun told me to put recolors, Chisuun quitted the spriting, he's now a mp3-Ogg coverter and a beta tester.
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