SRB2Live Public Beta (srb2live.exe, 56k go make some money)

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Ash said:
Cue said:
Ash said:
Cueball, since this server of yours will record scores for each zone, will this work for added WADs (and added characters/SOCs) too, or just for official maps?

Modify game and you'll gtf off my scoreboard :)

In other words, modifying the game will stop you getting stuff, you'll be left with the basic stuff like friends list, etc, no scoring or achievements.

So then, this creates a bit of a problem, yeah? Since this is becoming the official SRB2 scoring thing, it makes it add actual competition. Cool. Okay, so now what's the point of playing player-created maps or using other characters? Hell, what's the point of CREATING these maps?

So, yeah, with that said, the scoring thing will benefit the official SRB2 maps, but making multiplayer maps might not be as rewarding (same as actually using them).

We still have incentive, as well as a use, to create multiplayer maps. We can still play them and beat each other, just as we are doing now. Plus, someone could make their own SRB2Live spin-off if they so choose to.
Yeah, you have the same obligation to play player-made maps as we do with official maps now. With the server up, and with level WADs already being used rarely in netgames, there will be almost no reason to use them anymore, thus, no reason to make them. Tell me: How often do you play netgames with any random level wad released here added? I know I don't, and I play often. Most of the time I don't even download it to play, and only to give some criticism when needed. To tell you the truth, I haven't even downloaded YOUR maps, because I've had no reason to play them. When I want to quench my thirst for a good netgame, I just use the official maps because they're there, and they're very, very good.

Also, a spin-off SRB2Live? You're kidding, right? Pay attention to how long it's already taking. I doubt someone's going to make another SRB2Live-ish thing (with server + achievements) when it happens. Hell, even if they do, it's going to take however long it takes. We can use Cueball as an example, and it's still taking a long while. Think rationally about this! It's not easy to just make a new EXE out of thin air, nor does it take very little time. Have you done it? Until you do, you have no position to say someone could do it with enough effort; save for the few idiots that actually want to program their own EXEs and code their own servers for the few wads they want people to play.

As for you, Monster, there's a reason I didn't overemphasize it, but I don't think you saw the reason why. Oh well...
Monster Iestyn said:
Both of you, STOP IT!

You are starting to make yourselves look stupid while other people read the 'childish mudslinging' in your posts. I know neither of you would want this to go too far.
I wanted to STOP, but someone else continued, and then...
Ash said:
Yeah, you have the same obligation to play player-made maps as we do with official maps now. With the server up, and with level WADs already being used rarely in netgames, there will be almost no reason to use them anymore, thus, no reason to make them. Tell me: How often do you play netgames with any random level wad released here added? I know I don't, and I play often. Most of the time I don't even download it to play, and only to give some criticism when needed. To tell you the truth, I haven't even downloaded YOUR maps, because I've had no reason to play them. When I want to quench my thirst for a good netgame, I just use the official maps because they're there, and they're very, very good.

Also, a spin-off SRB2Live? You're kidding, right? Pay attention to how long it's already taking. I doubt someone's going to make another SRB2Live-ish thing (with server + achievements) when it happens. Hell, even if they do, it's going to take however long it takes. We can use Cueball as an example, and it's still taking a long while. Think rationally about this! It's not easy to just make a new EXE out of thin air, nor does it take very little time. Have you done it? Until you do, you have no position to say someone could do it with enough effort; save for the few idiots that actually want to program their own EXEs and code their own servers for the few wads they want people to play.

As for you, Monster, there's a reason I didn't overemphasize it, but I don't think you saw the reason why. Oh well...

I would doubt anyone would make an SRB2Live spin-off. Yes, how long DOES it take to make the whole online scoring system work? I imagine coding involving online gaming takes...a long time. Heck, I could never, EVER do it. I also was thinking about the problem with something like this if someone takes someone else's username. Throwing out this idea was my way of saying, "I want custom WADs to be used in netgames." Sorry for making myself look irrational.

I've played Jazz Attack several times in a netgame, and I play the OLDCs in netgames as well. I've even found TWO servers playing old OLDC WADs.

Oh, and while you're at it, I wasn't utterly offended or insulted, but PLEASE try to be more tactful. It's a good skill in life, and it really helps. Otherwise, the listener may feel attacked and dislike you for it. I don't even know if you were trying to attack me or not. I couldn't care if you were. But if you weren't trying to, perhaps you should look into how you're going to make the listener feel.
Cue said:
Modify game and you'll gtf off my scoreboard :)

In other words, modifying the game will stop you getting stuff, you'll be left with the basic stuff like friends list, etc, no scoring or achievements.

What about levels don't "modify" the scoreboards (so long as it's something like level packs or Mystic Realm) but characters do?
I just realized some a major flaw in this... If your going to have a Gamer Score cop off system do it right. Srb2 won't provide enough 'Gamer Score' to make anyone look any good, so mods are needed to fill a good amount of 'Gamer Score' so people can have cool amounts of 'Gamer Score'. So heres an example of a good mod system, that would be fair, n00b free, and fun for almost everyone.

1 Making a Mod

2 Peer Voted Approval (and n00bs can't vote) and a Mod Rater (Someone who knows What a good mod looks like and reports anything worthwhile to someone who can make "Gamer Score" for it.) Rating (At least an average rating 7/10 for both.)

3 Achevement naming and whatnot.

4 Gamer Score!
Put up a personality quiz guarding the voting. This works in 2 ways.

A. n00bs don't have the patience
B.3 n00b answers 1 us answer.
Mike_The_Hedgehog said:
wall o' text.

Mike, there will be hundreds of achievements, plenty enough to get a high SRB2Score, the list will be updated regularly and I plan on creating an updater that will allow you to update the individual parts of SRB2 automatically (also means that abusable glitch fixes can be forced upon people =P).

There will be no shortness of achievements, trust me.

I will be speaking with the project directors of SSBSS and ShufflaRB2 about using the SRB2Live user code if they wish to, SSBSS achievements anyone?

Also, project is dead for a bit while I do site stuff, then I'll get back to work on it, I was hoping that Pub2 would keep you occupied a bit longer than this...

Now then, who wants a preview of the next release?
Cue said:
Mike_The_Hedgehog said:
wall o' text.
wall of text

Now then, who wants a preview of the next release?

XD Everyone does,also about the levels and stuff.
Maybe you would have to register your level (PM)cue and see if he registers it.
Just a suggestion tho...
Meh, GIVE ME! New preview! ¬_¬ More Ideas, More Interest. Go and buy a few games, then come back with new ideas, Cue.

... Like this...

Combine Super Smash Brothers: Sonic Showdown With SRB2 live...
...Team up with the staff of it...
Aled The Hedgehog said:
Meh, GIVE ME! New preview! ¬_¬ More Ideas, More Interest. Go and buy a few games, then come back with new ideas, Cue.

... Like this...

Combine Super Smash Brothers: Sonic Showdown With SRB2 live...
...Team up with the staff of it...

What was the point of that? It doesn't make sense.
Chaos said:
Congrats. You now seem to want to copy whatever Monster does.

I did that for a reason. Shall I explain?

Aled Wrote: Blah Blah Blah,
Iestyn Wrote: What was the point of that? It doesn't make sense.
That had no point either...
So there's your answer!
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