SRB2 Riders v1.46.4X (srb2riders.exe)

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The wiki seems to work fine for me... Keep on trying, and see if it'll work.

But here are the things needed for a level header anyway...

Level (the number of your level)
Levelname = (Name of level)
Act = (Act number)
Musicslot = (Tunes number)
Typeoflevel = (Numbers representing types added up together for the modes you want your level to support)
Nextlevel = (Number of next level)
Weather = (Number of Weather)
Skynum = (Number of Sky)
There's nothing new or different that you need to have in the Level Header. For Mario Kart's typeoflevel, it needs Single Player, Race, and of course, Mario. And even if it did, I would do it myself once I get the level.

Here's the Riders news:

All music OGGs have had their filesize reduced, and now loop continuously.

If you are already playing a game, and try to enter Time Attack, you get the "You are already playing" message. Mostly for people who went there while hosting/joining a netgame.

The "Switch Map..." menu got into the code while it was on the SVN, it simply didn't work. Until now, I got it working again.

Jet now has his goggles on, is holding his Extreme gear, and is standing, walking, and running with it. I only need to make the Trick frames, and he's done. I can still try to make every Speed character have their grinding animation, and give Knuckles and Eggman the punching animation, but I'm too lazy.

On an small note, I finally organized all of the player's frames. The Walking frames are now from B to I, Trick frames are from T to Z and [, and other stuff like that. I didn't remove any frames, but I'm thinking of adding 2 more for Mario Kart mode. No point in having 1 set of frames for a whole wad file. It's going to use the "c" and "d" frames, I'm strongly guessing.

I also tried to add the 3D to 2D mode to the riders code, and after 10 minutes, it didn't work. I compiled the original code to test it out, and it didn't work either. Probably because it has #ifdef SRB2TODO on it, I don't know. Then I reminded myself that I tried manually before, by using "twodlevel = true;". It affected everybody, though. Well it didn't work this time, and I figured it must of been because it was placed in the wrong section. It's originally in P_ProcessLineSpecial, and the section that worked was in P_ProcessSpecialSector. I tried it out, and I got it working for individual players. Anyways, this is just a hint on what to expect in SRB2 Illusion.

Finally, yeah, I'm just about done. I just need to finish Jet's trick frames, make 3 levels, and finish up the Credits cutscene. I already have SRB2 Illusion drawn here, and I'm drawing Sky Road right now. We'll see if I can finish this before the weekend is over. I might go to NY and MA this weekend, but there's a 50% chance I will. If I do, it'll have to be finished sometime NEXT week.
Ok, I found it. So, STJr Illusions would be... what? A bunch of random SRB2 community in-jokes or something? Or is it just going to contain references to the original SRB, and other related games and such?
I thought it was baiscally the same thing as the carnival but at night.
It also had more sega stuff the carnival didn't have.
I've heard that it will be normal SRB2 secret levels(Don't ask me what levels).
So...There is going to be a Sky Road track too?Thats fine...Now we need Babylon Guardian...Wonder why...It is a short track...Most of the N00bs will use it only.
SuperSonic made Babylon Guardian, I might as well use that one. For SRB2 Illusion, it's going to be on Mario Koopa Blast, then onto Christmas Hunt, SA Example, and NiGHTS' level.

Why in the world would I pick random SRB2 community in-jokes for it? That would be crappy.
Rant time!

Chaos Zero 64 said:
SuperSonic made Babylon Guardian, I might as well use that one.

...No thanks.

Chaos Zero 64 said:
For SRB2 Illusion, it's going to be on Mario Koopa Blast, then onto Christmas Hunt, SA Example, and NiGHTS' level.

SA Example? Why would you use that? Not only is it real short, but it's basically a test level. Whatever. =|
Chaos Zero 64 said:
SuperSonic made Babylon Guardian, I might as well use that one. For SRB2 Illusion, it's going to be on Mario Koopa Blast, then onto Christmas Hunt, SA Example, and NiGHTS' level.

Why in the world would I pick random SRB2 community in-jokes for it? That would be crappy.
Babylon Guardian of SS64:Are you crazy?Thats odd and boring.Just a''NO''
SRB2 Illusion:MKB,CHZ,AEZ and SHZ for it?Just delete ''Adventure Example Zone''.
Ooo... I like the Jet that's in your avatar, CZ64.

As for Storm and Wave, I'm still taking an incredibly long time to make them. I might as well leave it to you to get all the other frames done once I've done the standing frame for both Storm and Wave. At the moment, I've just made this new standing sprite for Wave now.

I'm curious about whether or not you've remembered to update the credits unlike last time.
This idea just came to me now.

Regarding the ramps and doing the tricks; Sure people would be stupid and try to move during the trick frames, possibly get to somewhere where they're not supposed to, or even fall in a pit.
Suggestion; Somewhere in the code you can have this.
if (player->springing && (Some check to make sure the player didn't bounce from a nights bumper))
cmd->forwardmove = cmd->sidemove = 0;
I've only seen an instance of player->springing in P_Map.c, or was it mo->springing? I forget.

But what this little peice of code does for you is that it disallows movement if the player is bouncing off a spring. Useful for what I said before.
Since CZ64 hasn't started them yet, I've had a go at the grinding frames for Sonic. So far I've only done the front sprites.

But this is how far I want to go with it. Anyone else, including CZ64 of course, may continue it for me based off these that I've done.
Looks like it also affects moving forward. Well a lot of my ramps were made to be able to reach if you hold the forward button. But I can still use the sidemove one. Been wanting to figure out how to do this myself. Thanks.

The srb2wiki doesn't work for me. I tried google, and anything related to or won't appear. All I need it for is for the NiGHTS tutorial. I forgot how to make the second Axis. One is 1024, the other one is 65532, or something like that. Once I know what it is, I can finish up the Illusion level.

Well, while I'm at it, I'll start making Sky Road now.

And Monster, of course I haven't forgotten. It's high up on my to-do list before I release the mod. ..but to make things easier, why doesn't everyone who contributed here post what they did. That way, I won't have to backtrack page after page since the last release to know who did what.
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