Sonic Unleashed

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OMG, this game is going to be great! I don't care who sez it sux, it's going to be RADICALLY AWESOME!!!!!!
Chisuun said:
The reviews from IGN and GameInformer are in.

IGN gave it a 7.2, not bad:

GameInformer...not as positive: they gave it a 6.5
I knew that someone was going to say that there are some flaws in the night/Werehog gameplay. Still, I like the Werehog parts, as, like Sonic The Fighters and Sonic Chronicles, Sonic uses combat, but in a different way instead of the 2 above.
Predictably, many of the reviews are rating the game lower because of the Werehog, but considering they've actually only lowered the score to an above average/good level despite being so dead-set against the werehog actually comes as quite a bit of surprise. IGN in particular said that the Werehog wasn't bad, it just broke up the speed formula much more than they liked, which was pretty much what the melodramatic article I commented on above had to say.

Here's the huge thing though, Sonic fans are split down the middle several times, and the most recent is the split between arcade style on-rails pseudo-race gameplay, and free-roaming traditional platforming gameplay. The Werehog makes up for the latter, and so far, two reviews have admitted that it is not that bad despite how much they hate the idea.

However, I'm not quite sure I like the fact that they had less obstacles than Secret Rings. I'm sure there are other ways to cause an awful lot of speed replayability, but being able to get better at Secret Rings until you actually could blaze through a level without bumping into anything was really fun. As long as that isn't dumbed down too much, I'll be pleased.
Brown the dog said:
Chisuun said:
The reviews from IGN and GameInformer are in.

IGN gave it a 7.2, not bad:

GameInformer...not as positive: they gave it a 6.5
I knew that someone was going to say that there are some flaws in the night/Werehog gameplay. Still, I like the Werehog parts, as, like Sonic The Fighters and Sonic Chronicles, Sonic uses combat, but in a different way instead of the 2 above.
Eh? GI trashed it? Hm... That was weird.... IGN giving it a good score while GI is being a stubborn group of jerks... Herm?
Chaos Zero 64 said:

The Xbox 360 version got delayed until Nov 24, while the PS3 version gets delayed until Dec 12. I guess I'll have to wait until Thanksgiving then.
...That figures so much.

Guess I'll get the Wii version for the time being then.
...GI is being a stubborn group of jerks... Herm?

Did you ever consider maybe GI didn't like the game? You can't automatically assume they're going to give Sonic the royal treatment.
Chisuun said:
...GI is being a stubborn group of jerks... Herm?

Did you ever consider maybe GI didn't like the game? You can't automatically assume they're going to give Sonic the royal treatment.
Or have you considered the fact that the gave SatSR a 5/10?
Sure, they probably played the game, but I don't like their opinion.
The press is hardly worth trusting nowadays anyway. Once again, wait for more reviews to come in and make your own judgement.
Blackarms's Youtube videos of the day stages do look like fun, but I can't stand how empty the stages look. It kinda reminds me of Burnout actually, which was great, but Sonic is not a racing game.

I'm waiting to see which version is generally accepted as better. Then I'll either get a 360 and this game, or just the Wii version (though a 360 is on my list either way).

In the meantime, I'll just jam to Spagonia's daytime music. It kicks MAJOR ass.
Kilron said:
In the meantime, I'll just jam to Spagonia's daytime music. It kicks MAJOR ass.

Listen to the final boss music. That almost made me faint.
There was a Youtube video for the music, but I didn't watch it. I already had enough spoilers as it is!

EDIT: You know what? From the looks of it, the XBox 360 version of this game looks like it has more stuff than the Wii version, but I honestly think the 360 deserves it. Think about Sonic's recent history for a moment: the Gamecube has gotten updated versions of the Sonic Adventure series, those of which are still considered the best 3D Sonic games to come out. What major exclusive did the 360 get? Sonic '06? Gee, that's comforting.

I don't have a 360 or PS3, and I don't intend to buy one soon, but I'm still getting Sonic Unleashed. I'm actually pretty excited to play it, to be honest. Even if the werehog's gameplay isn't very good, it's still going to be worth it just to play the daytime ones.
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