Sonic Unleashed

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I would like to point out something that I don't think anyone has noticed yet...

Kotaku said:
Sonic Unleashed begins with Dr. Eggman using the chaos emeralds on Sonic, cursing him to evenings filled with beat-em up platforming and fuzzy, implausibly stretchy arms. Yes, Sonic becomes a were-hog, a hulking beast that runs slowly on all fours, beats up hordes of enemies at a time with his giant fists, and uses his elastic arms to help him navigate some traditional platforming segments.
Lol, the site must have misinterpreted the information we've gotten during E3. Werehog doesn't move as fast as regular Sonic but still moves at a decent speed. He can also run on all fours in order to go quite a bit faster. They had a live demonstration of the gameplay at Gamespot... Camp Sonic provides a link to that as well as every other almost trivial bit of news that has come in from E3. (well, not really trivial, but they made a seperate news post about Shadow and an online component being confirmed for the game in another interview they had already posted)
DanteEX said:
They almost had it. They were so close. But they had to add the were hog form, they just had to. Changing the style of game play, making Sonic look like he's on steroids. They had a perfect chance but they added it.

Well, considering the fact that the people developing Sonic Unleashed didn't know who the hell Sonic was when they started, it's a nice gesture. Plus Sonic never gave me a challenge, it was just too much "Gaining speed". There was rare chances where I had to jump on platform to platform.
NeoJames said:
I'll Begin said:
Why does everyone assume Ware Hog sucks? You've never played Sonic Unleashed.
Aw, screw Kotaku! They shouldn't make it seem that bad. I mean, is this why most people hate the Werehog?
Now, I've like the Werehog from the very start and the latest demo preview from Gamespot proves that he's presenting a challenge no one's seen in a Sonic game since Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Exploration. Except this time, it's necessary to explore the world as we saw that he had to find the cubes to put in place before moving on. Besides, 30 combos for combat? Wow.... If certain combos are more powerful on certain enemies and can't hurt others.
I've got to say, JEV3 is making the most sense here. The Werehog gameplay is very promising, and to me, Werehog is quite impressive. However, in later Sonic games that feature Knuckles and Tails as playable characters, I feel they should use Werehog gameplay for Knuckles' stages. All they'd have to add is Knuckles' gliding ability and get rid of the swinging on poles mechanic with Werehog.
On another note, I'm really hoping to see more Wii screens and hopefully Wii gameplay.
Judgeing by the scans, the Graphics aren't like the Xbox 360/PS3 version, but since it's being develop by Dimps, who develop the Sonic Rush series, maybe it has a chance.
I just watched a video of Were-Sonic gameplay, and while it doesn't look that bad, it dosn't

I mean, I want to play a Sonic game, not...a were-hog beat'em up.

Like in SA2, I just wanted to play the speed levels, but the game forced me to play shooting and collecting levels.

Unless, it's like SA1 and I can just play as Sonic and then eventually try out Were-Sonic when I feel like it...
Actually, they can make the bashing up Sonic friendly. Look at Gama. He did it right.

Actually, in my opinion, SA2 wasn't amazing. What turned me on was the Shooting and hunting, especially Mission Street, Enternal Engine, and Mad Space. If those beat the Sonic stages. Who knows? The bashing can be better than the Sonic stages.
It's kinda obvious that the game might have a day-night system, but I think sega will only let you turn were-hog in certain events in the game.
Old'd, but since nobody presented much of an argument....

Dark Warrior said:
steveb96 said:
Its great to have sonic back like he was. Im so getting this game.

No, this looks like Heroes with more speed, not classic-style Sonic. Classic Sonic is not about how fast you can go. It's about the flow of the game, and good design with alternate paths, not one linear high-speed line where you hold the forward button.

What? In all of the gameplay videos shown, the level design is not linear, and there's certainly button-pressing involved throughout the levels. The videos clearly show so, and if it's hard to notice, pause at certain parts of the video and look. If it still isn't satisfying enough, keep in mind that various Sonic Team members have stated that the level design is not yet final, even with the E3 beta shown.

SilverESP said:
Yugi2 said:
Oh hell yes. This game looks like it's gonna be a good one, not like the utter **** we've been getting lately.

I agree too.

No, the only thing that was apparently done right was the WereSonic engine. The level design and enemy placement really looks like it kills that, though, so it doesn't really matter.

Basically, this video shows how SEGA is failing. Again. The one thing they get right, they also ruin at the same time.

See my previous statements.
Ugh...I actually liked the idea of werewolf sonic, but the elastic arms and beat-em'-up style gameplay that comes with it? God...SEGA is coming to an end...And I'm made that the made sonic 2x bigger and 2x slower...I like the classic platforming though.

EDIT: Maybe werewolf sonic should look like this:

(The shoes should actually be darker)
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