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Oh hey, I recognize you.

I remember those animations you did awhile back, I remember liking them.

Anyways, for a first level pack, this is very impressive. The level of detail and how its represented reminds me a lot of Duke Nukem 3D/Blood/Shadow Warrior with how they effectively make a stylized, parodied version of what would otherwise be real life locations mixed with an old Newgrounds-esque style that gives the pack its own identity.

I can see the jank but I'll refrain from explaining it as you probably are aware of it already (some texture misalignment, flat misalignment, slime trails, etc.)

(for the slime trails, you can wiggle some vertices and they'll usually sort themselves out, most of the time :v)

Okay now for some criticisms.

Some areas are very cramped (it seems you got better with this as you developed this pack, but you might want to go back and enlarge them anyways, the edit selection tool will be helpful for that :P)

Uneven, amateurish ring/monitor placement (nitpick >:v)

Some dash pads send you straight into danger, giving you only 3 frames to react (one section in "RUN" is particularly bad with this) (you should also probably know dash pads have a greater effect if you roll into them)

Don't play as Sonic & Tails, voice lines will repeat and give a major headache. (i don't have an easy answer to this mapping wise tbh)

Other than those complaints, what you have here is incredibly unique and I'm interested to see how the final version of this pack will turn out~
This was honestly so refreshing to play. I had a big ass goofy smile on my face through my entire playthrough and I explored each nook and cranny I could, it was well worth it.

While it does have its glitches you already know about, its nothing too game breaking so I'm willing to look past those. It's a shame you couldn't fix the cutscenes as of yet, but I'm sure someone can help you out on this!

The humor here is fantastic as always, been a huge fan of your animations as a kid so getting to play through what feels like one of your cartoons is an amazing feeling I can't quite describe. I'm eagerly hoping to see more from you!
Glad you liked it!
Feel free to request any level ideas or character cameo's if you want, always willing to listen to new ideas and it's fun to throw Sonic in locations you'd never see in the games.
Or a more cartoony "newgrounds" version of an older established Sonic location, why not.

Slime trails, wiggling verticles.
Good to know the name of these terms so I can research them.
Nothing more frustrating then having a problem but not able to do any research because I don't even know what it is.
Thanks to knowing these terms, I discovered the Wiki had has a page about rendering issues, that's a lot of help.
Altough there's one error I keep getting that doesn't seem to be included.
It's when an area I made is perfectly fine at first, but when I build a new area further ahead in the level, suddenly makes that previous area go nuts in an effect close to the hall of mirrors, but diffrent and not involving missing textures. It's still happening in the finished version in the train tunnel in Software. Is there a trick for that?
Usually I have to cut up the levels in seperate parts, it's the only solution I could figure out.

Sorry, I never discovered the double audio during testing somehow.
Hmm. Guess I'll put every audio file on "play once" then.
And sorry, no idea how to add subtitles.
I mean, I know SRB2 has an option to have text appear in the level like the tutorial, but I prefer the speech in the levels not to interupt the gameplay. Would be awkward in the first stage if the player's stopped dead in it's tracks anytime the intercom goes off.
None of the audio's really important anyway, just atmospheric touches.
Altough there's one error I keep getting that doesn't seem to be included.
It's when an area I made is perfectly fine at first, but when I build a new area further ahead in the level, suddenly makes that previous area go nuts in an effect close to the hall of mirrors, but diffrent and not involving missing textures. It's still happening in the finished version in the train tunnel in Software. Is there a trick for that?
Usually I have to cut up the levels in seperate parts, it's the only solution I could figure out.
The software renderer tends to become prone to glitching once the dimensions of your map get large enough, there is no easy fix other than wiggling vertices, and maybe splitting some large sectors, and hoping for the best.

I assume you are talking about the last map since there's a train tunnel there, fortunately such problems do not happen at all with the OpenGL rendering (which is an indication of the increased dev. freedom it will bring), but the majority of the community still plays the game using the software engine as of 2.2.6.
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I mean, I know SRB2 has an option to have text appear in the level like the tutorial, but I prefer the speech in the levels not to interupt the gameplay. Would be awkward in the first stage if the player's stopped dead in it's tracks anytime the intercom goes off.
The tutorial's Text Prompts are actually versatile enough that that doesn't have to be a problem. You can set them to not lock the player's controls, to disappear after a set amount of time, and to take up less screen space.
They aren't super well documented though, and I can understand not wanting to add more complexity onto some already crazy presentation.
Now that I've gone a bit further into it, I really like this pack. It's obvious you're still learning about all the tools you have available, but you're clearly willing to put in the work with what you do know and there's no shortage of vision and charm here. I think this project has potential to be something truly great once you've fully got to grips with all your options.
I'm a bit tired atm from lack of sleep, but I finally feel ready to give some at least notable thoughts on this pack overall. For sake of quick and easy work I'll put my review into 3 categories, with a 1-10 rank on how well I think you did on it. These categories are Atmosphere, Gameplay, and Flow. I'll also leave an 'overall' rating at the very bottom with info I didn't think fit into the three categories.

Atmosphere: 8/10
Your levels, rough as they may be, have been some of the more immersive ones I've seen in 2.2 so far, with how many NPCs are strewn about and how much detail and color you've scattered throughout the level design, I definitely do enjoy running through these stages from time to time just to get that same rush I'd get from a game like colors or adventure 2, with how the voices and action set-pieces combine to make it feel like I'm running through one of your older Sonic cartoons, if said cartoons took themselves more seriously rather than being mostly parodies.

Gameplay: 6/10
The gameplay here feels very adventure 1- being ambitious, but also rather rough around the edges. As said before, it still shows that you're trying to figure out all of the tools at your disposal and how to best use them- however, what you have done for your first real sets of levels is astoundingly impressive and commendable, as I haven't seen many first-time maps that quite feel as ambitious as yours, while still managing to not suck. The main detractors in my opinion come from how tight and small some areas can be, leading to the gameplay becoming cramped for brief periods of time before opening up again- The springs can also be a bit awkward at times, but I do think you've begun to more understand the age old rule of 'players should be able to trust springs', and as a result, the gameplay flow is far nicer and smoother. Speaking of!

Flow: 7/10
Hooo boy. The flow is really where your maps start to shine. Generally speaking your maps feel very adventure 1-2 with how many springs and boost pads you've strewn about, which isn't a bad thing- it actually helps with identifying how your map logic works. Your mapping logic seems to revolve around the idea that the player must ALWAYS be moving and ALWAYS be bursting head-first toward the next checkpoint. This feeling of flow is also aided by your strategic use of voice clips- such as in the current final act, where the voice clips make me feel like the action is constantly happening and I feel like I absolutely SHOULD keep moving forward without pause, no matter the risk. I mean hell, you turned a High Quality Rip meme song into an exciting chase theme with that level, and I'm still impressed that a shitposty song like that became such a fun, frantic, and exciting theme- but that's because your level flowed well enough that the music matches the beats of gameplay when you're on a good run.

Overall: 7/10
I do recommend anyone curious try this map pack out- it's got some pretty good highs and pretty manageable lows, and the fact it's only part 1 excites me.

I think, having read some of your previous thoughts, you should lean toward a slow buildup to an adventure-style finale, but keep your humor and style prevalent. I can definitely see an exciting finale arising from what you've got going on, and I do think you can make it work.
I'd also like to suggest, if you're still trying to figure out level themes, a level where you scale a mountain might be a neat one- having to climb up it while briefly going in and out of mineshafts to get around and such.
Firstly, I just wanted to say that I have been subbed to your YouTube channel for over 6 years and regardless of your intention or not, you managed to somehow make the wacky, cartoony atmosphere of your videos into a full-fledged level pack. I had a lot of fun playing through this one over and over mainly due to it’s art style and use of slopes and minor differing paths.

School Campus stands out to me as one of the best levels mainly due to it’s balance of open speed sections and well-executed platforming. Playing this mod with Alt-Sonic is especially fun because of the world you have made. Having Sonic zip through streets and open speed sections was very satisfying because of how wide you have made the paths which is a nice touch for people who like playing with faster characters. I would like to see more levels with this balance in the future.

Your goal of making this feel like a cartoon was executed quite nicely. The atmosphere felt similar to an Ed Ed n’ Eddy cartoon mixed with your YouTube video universe. I noticed you said you might want to take Sonic to his Adventure world but why not embrace your cartoony art style further by taking inspiration from cartoons like AOSTH or even SatAM? You have established a Knotehole in the main city. It would be pretty cool to see SRB2-Sonic in different cartoon settings from his successful cartoons.

The music also makes the world you have created feel even more immersive. Boot Camp and School Campus really stand out and music that feels like it was made specifically with the levels in mind.

Regardless of where this project goes, I cannot wait to see what else you have in store. This is definitely a mod I will keep my eye on.
I love this mod it is easily one of the best mods ever. Keep up the great work, because I'm looking forward to anything else you make.
found this error in School Campus
Ah, I'm finally capable of getting those wall of mirror esque glitches under control.
Oof, that's a relief. Thanks for the advice!

It's the main reason why there's more tight spots and claustrophobic parts in the levels, they're bottlenecks created in case the level starts glitching, so I can cut off the level from there for damage control. Maybe I won't need them anymore now.

I promised an update at the end of the week, but it's going to be next week. Time went faster then I anticipated. Sorry. But it's a big update.

Oh, yeah, the library pit problem. Still have to figure out what's wrong there. Either way, the pit only fails to work right around the trampolines, walk around in the pit and you'll eventually get teleported, in case you're stuck.
But I have to get that fixed.

When I said I was thinking about going into a more Adventure esque tone eventually, I didn't mean I'd drop the comedy and attitude, that stuff's baked into my DNA. I'm just talking about story scope.
Not that I think the Adventures were that grimdark to begin with, but whatever.

Oh, I am taking inspiration from the Sonic cartoons, heck this pack is deliberatly designed to be Sonic's entire ouvre smashed into one.
Roughly speaking I'm using the Adventure era/ SATAM/ Archie/IDW comics as world building/ lore but AOSTH/ BOom/ My parodies as the characterization of the cast.
With Robotnik, I went with a Long John Baldry impersonator.

Yeah, I tend to listen to my chosen music for days to get the rhytm of the level playing in my head. In fact, the RUN level was meant to be playing in sync with the music, but I gave that up halfway trough. Too many factors at play.
But if you hear a break in the music right when crashing trough the office window, or the song winding down right when you jump the cliff at the end, then congrats, you stumbled into the intended pace of the level.

Ed, Edd and Eddy huh? Funny, my wife came to know my cartoons from an Ed Edd and Eddy fansite somehow. Never saw the connection, besides we both having a more wild organic artstyle.
I did eventually make one Ed, Edd and Eddy halloween parody cartoon. Couldn't find a good Eddy voice impersonator, so turned him into Eddy Krueger instead.
But off topic now.
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Oh, yeah, the library pit problem. Still have to figure out what's wrong there. Either way, the pit only fails to work right around the trampolines, walk around in the pit and you'll eventually get teleported, in case you're stuck.
But I have to get that fixed.

I think I can say why; you probably didn't set the sectors below them as pits. When you change a sector's type with an FOF over it, it does not change the FOF to that type, ONLY the control sector effects the FOF.
In example; setting the pit sector under the FOF to a killing type does not make the FOF kill the player.
Changing the Control sector for the FOF to bouncy likewise, does not effect the area the FOF is over- only the FOF becomes bouncy, while the floor retains it's own type.

Yeah, I tend to listen to my chosen music for days to get the rhytm of the level playing in my head. In fact, the RUN level was meant to be playing in sync with the music, but I gave that up halfway trough. Too many factors at play.
But if you hear a break in the music right when crashing trough the office window, or the song winding down right when you jump the cliff at the end, then congrats, you stumbled into the intended pace of the level.

I respect the commitment my dude, I always think the music should be made for the level or the level made for the music- Good music should match a good flow through the stage in a Sonic game, and hopefully be set in such a way that when a big moment happens, there's a good chance the music will just happen to reflect that. And I can definitely feel it, even with not perfectly matching the flow of the song.
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Oh, yeah, the library pit problem. Still have to figure out what's wrong there. Either way, the pit only fails to work right around the trampolines, walk around in the pit and you'll eventually get teleported, in case you're stuck.
But I have to get that fixed.

Pro tip: Use `Continuous` instead of `Each Time.` And put the linedef executor activator on an invisible FOF (Linedef action 223), instead of on the pit itself. (in that case you're also going to want to use Sector special 64 instead of special 80)
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I expected but was still delighted at the IMP references and cameos. What I certainly didn't expect was for Plurmp Dankenstein McFlurten The Cat, Esquire to make an appearance. What a nice surprise!


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Hi! I've been a fan of your stuff since your Newgrounds stuff from way back when so I'm always happy to see new stuff from you, but that aside this mod was rad! I love the level designs, running around them and admiring the scenery was a ton of fun! I also absolutely adored the soundtrack, so much so that I was hoping you could give us a song list so that we could go find the songs ourselves! Really looking forward to seeing this improve and become better than what it already is!
Continuous instead of each time? Hmm, never considered that, or bothered to look into the diffrence. Alright. Altough it seems I simply forgot to give the pit sectors of the library the trigger at all. So it wasn't a big deal to fix. But in the future I'll use your trick if that's more stable.

Yeah, I can't help myself throwing in a bunch of random cameo's whenever I need to draw tons of faceless extra's.

Ah, right, apologies for the lack of song list. They were supposed to be in the credits I haven't implanted. Anyway...

Air assault: Coal mine from Metal Slug 3d. Yeah, an underground level theme for an airstage.

Al Acuda Port: Beautiful morning from Suikoden 2, orchestral version. My favorite RPG town track. Even if it was never used as a Town track in Suikoden 2, it's a character theme. Oh well.

Jungle ruins: Clif Danger. Obscure Dos game that sucks, but the soundtrack is amazing. No idea what the track is called, there's no official soundtrack but someone ripped the level tracks here:

Boot camp: Rockin' commander from Monkey ball 3d. I think I read somewhere the song was never used in the final game, but I'm not sure. I only have the gamecube monkeyball games.

School campus: Another Hideki Naganuma track to get some Sonic Rush/ Jet Set Rado vibes. Brother goes away from Arcade game Ollie King:

Party like it's 1959: Big Moon Rising from the animated adaptation of Discworld's Soul Music. I sped it up a little to make it more Sonic friendly.

Boot Leggin': 8Bit Labyrinth zone is my favorite obscure Sonic track. A friend of mine always complains it sounds more like a casino track then a water one. And since Boot Leggin' has both elements of a water labyrinth AND a casino (Well, some kind of gaudy entertainment building anyway), it was a perfect fit, so I picked a remix. Well, two for variety's sake:
One from Hedgehogbane
And one from Scottyrichthemusical, sped up a little:

Science fair: Cheerfully bombastic, with an air of high society and a mild undertone of upcoming dread. Perfect fanfare for Dr. Eggman. Originally from the Baron 1898, a storydriven Rollercoaster from the Dutch themepark Efteling.

Run: My animation instinct always looks for a track with a lot of diffrent tempo's and tones for an action scenes, so each tonal change can guide where the action is going. And I basically designed the Run stage as if it's an interactive action scene. So the sparatic nature of this mix was perfect for me; Ain't nothing but a flat beat from Silvagunner:
First few stages, I can tell it's already bursting with effort and love!

I generally enjoyed each stage, and all the references and work really payed off. I've already seen your videos, so I'm used to your style of art.

Stage 1 was a nice start, although I bumped my head on the turns a few times. It was a little rough, but it wasn't much longer until I found the fun.

Stage 2 took me over 10 minutes to complete, just because I was amazed on how much work was put in. Right from the start, with eggman beating sonic on a tv show, I knew I was in for something. A whole lot of references really amazed me. It would be nice to see more maps to just, look around and enjoy yourself. The ending with the single crawla really got a laugh out of me. A. Single. Crawla. The only complaint I might have is that the characters are all flats instead of objects, but I honestly doubt we could cram that much in.

Stage 3 was unexpected, you don't find much emerald hunt stages, ever. It was neat to see, and I like the running gag of "Emerald Soda?". Overall, nice stage to see, it was big, but still kept things together. Also, Tikal was there at one point, that was neat to see. The Chaotix being there was funny to see.

Stage 4 was pretty funny to see, all he "obey eggman" signs were a nice laugh. I really think the mad doctor would try that. The stage DID feel a bit cramped at times though. Breaking through glass and into a new area was a neat idea I didn't quite think of. Then again, I can see Sonic doing that.

Stage 5 was annoying for some of the goop placements, but other than that, I managed. It's a bit odd, seeing people just straight up drink the thing that can kill the player. This was a nice and fun roam around the city though.

Stage 6 was a bit annoying to navigate, mostly because the radar would pick something up in another room, and I'd find myself ramming my head into a wall, trying to get it. The rooms really make you think what's in that eggman soda. I did really enjoy all the references and jokes made there, like the Egg Carriers one weakness: Blue rodents. Also makes you think WHY the Royal Family let eggman take over.

Stage 7 was just named Run. And the stage doesn't disappoint. It's a nice and simple "escape" stage to really end off this beta.

Overall, really enjoyed this one, it was quite a ride!
I can't wait for it to be "finished".
Update; version 1.3

Alright, big update. Version 1.3.
Also, re-download the music file, that one's updated as well.

General updates:
5 emblems in each level now. Happy hunting.
New routes, to accomendate the emblems.
Brand new secret level. Because emblems require a reward.
So collect 40 emblems and you'll...err...receive a reminder you unlocked this level.
Even tough it's immediatly available after getting record attack/ level select.

Individual level upgrades:
Air assault: The biggest upgrade. Got the impression noone liked this level much, so there's an entirely new main route, with the original level now being a sidepath.
Some new textures to make it more colorful.
And a smaller new area based on Grayangel's suggestion.

Alcudia: New music, since I noticed let's plays got into trouble.
Sorry,I thought it was obscure enough. Guess not.
Some of the blander buildings have been upgraded.

Jungle ruins: Much more jungle foilage. Proper swamp water. Small new area, once again based on Grayangel's suggestion.

Boot camp: One new area at the start.

School campus: 3 new short area's.
Realized I screwed up the trampoline physics, turned that into a feature where there's now 2 trampolines with diffrent physics attached as level gimmick.

Party like it's 1959: 2 new area's, one practically operating like an entire new mini level.

Boot leggin': 2 new routes.

Science fair: 1 new hidden room. Changed the emerald shard areas a bit so the radar shouldn't go off in the wrong area's anymore.
Sorry, haevn't fixed the audio issue yet. Have to figure out how to make these atmospheric area sounds, instead of hard triggers.

Run: Barely any changes. Half the glitches are gone, at least. . Final cutscene barely works. The damn problem is that there's no text, so the game ignored my tics I tell the scene to last and immediatly skips the whole cutscene. Is there a way to tell it to fully focus on the pic duration and ignore the lack of text?
Also can I activate the GAME CLEAR status without the final cutscene showing the "haha you have no chaos emeralds!" part? Since I wasn't intending to incorporate Chaos emeralds in this campaign.

Is it possible to tell the game to stop turning cyan colors into transparency? The Wiki says Slade can do it, haven't found where. Especially since it doesn't seem to have a term, so I can't specificially search for this issue.
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Some of your edges are solid when I don't think you meant for them to be. The log pillar is right at the start of the level, near the one with the ring monitor that has a similar problem.


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