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Wait, Green Hill is in this pack!?

Green Hill in the pack:
I really enjoyed this pack! It looks pretty darn cute with all the hand drawn textures and characters, they're just the right amount of dorky too. Music choices are different, but they fit well. Sadly, some tracks don't loop properly, but I only noticed when I was going off secret hunting.

Level design is charming, the city levels are cute and the ring and spring placements help give a good idea where to go! I love all the alternate paths too. I really liked the opening Egg Fleet and Jungle levels and how good a speed you can get within. Unfortunately, in Party 1959 there's a diner where the exit may be just a black wall when you enter. I fixed it by going back to the entrance and it just so happened to reload the area fixing the exit. Also when going through the skyscraper area there's a chance the music doesn't swap at all? I think it might be finicky on *how* you enter them.

Now the real nitpicks. From the Jungles onward you placed Unidus right around corners and after tight corridors, and often you'll run right into the little buggers or their spikeballs. In Run the same issue happens with the turrets, you'll round a corner and get shot- though, they're telegraphed somewhat by the sounds they make- Unidus not so much. It's something that caught me off every damn time I played through this. Ring placement, while really good, also has some issues, where they are just in... really weird places like so?

Still, a really charming and fun level pack I hope to see get better and better! I'm pretty eagerly awaiting Part 2.
I'm assuming it was going to be particular frames of the animation like in Island Tour's ending and not the whole thing 1:1, because yeah the latter wouldn't work. The former should work, and I'm curious to see just what exactly you had trouble with.

Well, maybe it's not too important, at least for Part 1. The story post-Boot Camp is clear enough from the environment (Eggman's making a soda that's brainwashing the populace) though the extra context for the levels before Boot Camp is appreciated. Heh, I always though Egg Fleet 3.5 was meant to be a dream sequence (to start off with a lot of action, like many movies do) since Alcudia Port starts with the character on a bed.
I'm assuming it was going to be particular frames of the animation like in Island Tour's ending and not the whole thing 1:1, because yeah the latter wouldn't work. The former should work, and I'm curious to see just what exactly you had trouble with.

Well, maybe it's not too important, at least for Part 1. The story post-Boot Camp is clear enough from the environment (Eggman's making a soda that's brainwashing the populace) though the extra context for the levels before Boot Camp is appreciated. Heh, I always though Egg Fleet 3.5 was meant to be a dream sequence (to start off with a lot of action, like many movies do) since Alcudia Port starts with the character on a bed.

Interesting. I think I picked up on most of the story beats that were intended. I assumed after the characters fell (literally) for Eggman's trap, they were lost at sea until they happened to be found. Didn't even think about the context for the school level before seeing the video. That was funny.

Oh, I also didn't think the Master Emerald was powering the coffee makers. I thought the characters just needed coffee for some reason, and the shards were just placed there because it was easier than programming the coffee pots to function that way.
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The idea is that Eggman's making a mockery of the master emerald shards to get a rise out of Knuckles and to show he has bigger plans. In hindsight I should have added more variation in silly devices he used their power for. Oh well.
Next update maybe.

Oh, the cutscene plan WAS to just have a slideshow.
If you check version 1.2, you can see the opening cutscene working in-game, slideshow style. Like how it was in island tour.
As seen in this person's playtrough:
It's only after I gave up putting it in SRB2 that I made the cutscene animation more complex.

As for why I gave up, rather not go too much in detail since I'm not entirely sure if it's my own fault for being terrible at writing code, or the software's fault.
Simply put, the problems were:

The timing. It seems SRB2 puts priority on the text on screen over the amount of tics I tell an image to last in the code.
I don't use text, so each image sequence in a scene would override the tics I tell it to last and immediatly transition to the next sequence.
To solve it, I have to make each image sequence as short as possible so the amount of time each image lasts goes by faster then the default "no text" shut down.

Each image sequence causes a delay of a quarter of a second. Since my cutscenes are a cartoon and have to be timed perfectly with the audio, that's a problem. ESPECIALLY when the previous problem forces me to use as many image sequences as possible, thus increasing the amount of delays I have no control over.

Testing. Calculating the random delays into the tic count of the images requires me to test the cutscene dozens of times. And I can't just straight up test it, I have to boot up the game and mods and sometimes beat a stage before I can see how the cutscene fails this time. Which ain't fun if it takes 50 tries to get it barely right.

And finally, I can't get more then 1 cutscene working. When I have 1, it works fine, whenever it's the intro, end screen, level transition. But as soon as I have 2 cutscenes, one works, the other crashes or plays the wrong one.
Tough I suspect it's probably me screwing up in the coding somehow.
Urgh, my messy brain really isn't suited for the exact nature of coding.

Those are the main reasons why I gave up and just use my 1 cutscene slot as the end credit sequence where the timing doesn't matter too much.
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I never worked with SRB2 cutscenes so I can't pretend to be an expert, but looking through the wiki page here...
SRB2 Wiki said:
Pic1Duration is the amount of time the individual picture will stay on the screen, measured in tics. Remember that 35 tics = 1 second. After the duration is over, either the next picture will be displayed, or the scene ends if there is none. Note that the total length of the scene is based not just on the sum of the individual picture durations, but also on the time it takes to display the scene's text. The scene will end either after all pictures have been displayed or a few seconds after the text has finished displaying, whatever comes first.
If the problem is that not having text is messing up durations, wouldn't a solution be to tell the game to print a bunch of empty spaces? Or just a big string of AAAAA but using the TextXPos and TextYPos variables to have them be printed off-screen?

As for the crashing problem, that might be a problem of simply putting the wrong numbers in the wrong places. Without looking at the actual code, I can't offer more advice than that though.
Roger, you could use a lua script to draw the frames on screen instead of using SRB2's shitty built-in cutscene system. It'd be a lot smoother.

You'd have to export frame by frame- and it has to be at 35 FPS EXACTLY or the audio will desynch, but it's totally possible and I'd love to see these cutscenes in-game
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death floor moment


  • this isn't supposed to happen.gif
    this isn't supposed to happen.gif
    1.4 MB · Views: 252
I've ignored Lua coding so far, so I'll look into it when I get started on part 2.
Altough I'll try and do most story stuff within the Hublevels next time.

The Eggfleet end of the level sign doesn't activate when you fly over it? Hmm. Guess I have to lower the ceiling there then. Sorry.

I'll start on part 2 after I get a few more animations finished first. So I probably won't start on it till November/ December.
Takes me about 5 or 6 days per level, so Februari 2021? I hope...
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Takes me about 5 or 6 days per level, so Februari 2021? I hope...

Hot damn man, you make some pretty fun stuff within a shockingly short amount of time. I personally know maps are hard to finish quickly, so dang- That's pretty impressive IMO.
Not gonna lie, the voice acting is so bad it's really really good. 10/10 for the voice acting.

The levels themself are actually pretty well designed. The visuals could use some work, but that's just my opinion.

Overall, this is a pretty good little mappack. Can't wait for part 2.
Since I'm still stuck on getting all the emblems in School Campus, could you make the emblem radar obtainable at 20 emblems?
I could, soon I figure out how to refer to it in the code to make it unlockable.
I'm busy this weekend,won't be updated till monday, if I can figure it out.
Not that getting all emblems really matters, the hidden level unlocks automatically.

And I'm not sure if a radar helps with the school level since most emblems involve finding the 3 hidden routes.
To get to the jungle gym, don't go downstairs in the second interior school portion but go to the left instead.
The Harry Potter hidden area is after the big open outside area in the middle of the level, find a hidden doorway on the right when you walk toward the library courtyard and stand in front of the snake sink to fall down.
Third bonus area requires you jump on an orange trampoline in the library trough a high gap to find a harder trampoline segment.

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