Sex before marriage-BE MATURE!

Sex before marriage?

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Spazzo said:
I feel really bad for saying it, but how come I expected lostgame to of lost his virginity already?...

Well, don't ya know, us Mac users, we're just like that.

In all seriousness, though. We're getting married in a year and a bit, it's not a big deal now. It was like, a couple months ago, but not really anymore.
Well, we don't control your desicions. If you do it regularly, it's your choice. If you don't, that's also your choice. You have the will to decide.
Spazzo said:
Wait a say your 17, right lostgame?
Married at 17? 0.0

well yeah, you can get married mostly at any age, but you have to talk to your parents... diffrent states have diffrent marrage rules, so its diffrent for most people
no, AIDS is something you are born with/get by doing blood transfusion or something like that

AIDS is a disease that wont let you live for long, it destroys you immune system
No clue really, I memory on AIDs is really Iron+Oxygen, so I knew something was wrong with my last post... Sorry if I was WAY wrong...
Aegix said: scare me. You're 17 and you've been doing it REGULARILY? :eek: you DO appear to care about the girl, and you don't appear to do it for kicks, which is really something for a minor, but I just think that it's wrong. then again, it's you're life, I can't tell you how to live it.

I think it's wrong could really end up hurting someone. I mean, if you get laid with a woman, (and let's say the condom fails) then if dump her, she has a horrible decision to make. bear the child and raise it by herself, or abort, and live with that for the rest of your life.

and it think it's ESPECIALLY bad for minors. I mean, most kids these days who are sex maniacs have NO friggen clue WTF they're getting into. Most just see it as a fun thing to do, and don't care about the consequenses (lostgame seems to be a rare exception).

Whoa I agree with you one bit Aegix

Lostgame: .... yeah I am very serious when it comes to life issues
Spazzo said:
Wait a say your 17, right lostgame?
Married at 17? 0.0

Yep I've known some people like my mate's 15 his sister's getting married at the age of 19 - 20 it's one of the two numbers and he has a Nephew

Sorry for double post
I am impressed that Lost game is willing to take responsibility, and marry the girl as soon as legally possible, though.

Most guys (in general) wouldn't do that, were they in that situation.
From my point of view, it's not what the people doing it think, its what the baby thinks. Take that for what you will.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't by any means have pre-marital sex, but you have to be ready and willing to bring up a child. Worst comes to worst, adoption is better than abortion, but that's a whole other topic.

I was adopted myself, and therefore, I am most likely illegitamate. Not necessarily, but still most likely. However, I happily live my life just as if I were my parents "real" child, even though I didn't come from my mommy's tummy. When someone finds out that I was adopted, and asks me if I ever wonder who my real parents are, I simply tell them that i've known my real parents my whole life; they are the man and woman who raised me to be who I am. Of coarse there are times that I do wonder who my genetic parents are, and why I was put up for adoption, but either way, it still doesn't change who I am.

Besides, the knowledge that I was adopted has come in handy on days that I really hate my brother in that I know I have no genetic relation to him. :lol:
ongakujin said:
From my point of view, it's not what the people doing it think, its what the baby thinks. Take that for what you will.

I was adopted myself, and therefore, I am most likely illegitamate. Not necessarily, but still most likely. However, I happily live my life just as if I were my parents "real" child, even though I didn't come from my mommy's tummy. When someone finds out that I was adopted, and asks me if I ever wonder who my real parents are, I simply tell them that i've known my real parents my whole life; they are the man and woman who raised me to be who I am. Of coarse there are times that I do wonder who my genetic parents are, and why I was put up for adoption, but either way, it still doesn't change who I am.

I don't think lostgamer is going to be safe, It wasn't a good idea to do that, unless he knew if his girlfriend had AIDS or if he had AIDS. It just wasn't right. :( You never know if you'll get a disease that's sexually transmitted or if the person, that in this case id female will be able to do so. :? Lostgame, I'm not so sure that this is right for your age or for your life.
Omega the Hedgehog said:
I do believe in sex before marriage, but that's only because I don't believe in marriage in the first place, really.

[insert comment here]

sex after marrage. you dont know if you want to stay with that girl forever. it just makes it harder for you to have sex during school.
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