New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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They better be...
Casino Street Act 2, although can have its fun factors, is quite boring once you know what to do.
The Homing Attack is way too overpowered, at least in Sonic Rush, the Homing Attack was a very close-ranged attack, not a 9 KM tele-directed missile.
Bought the game as well. Cost $9.99 for me. I was very impressed with it. Actually I'm still playing it today. I find getting the final emerald very difficult for some reason. The final boss is easy once you do it a few times. Also like how you can play levels in time attack or by points. Will buy the Wii version soon.
You know, for all the complaints I've lobbed at this game, I was actually surprised by the that alternative second Casino Street act. It looks very fun, and although the card-granting bonuses seem a little generous, I thought the gimmicks were unique. At the very least, I'll credit Dimps or SEGA for listening to popular opinion and delaying the game to improve it.

Is that Super-Sonic jingle different from a few months ago? I swear it is.
I think the most annoying addition to this game is auto stopping. In the air. It's so frustrating how you can't let go of the controls, and watch Sonic's momentum carry him to a high ledge. I can't believe you're being forced to hold the Right button, in the air, or you'll fall into a pit. It might of been fine if your speed went down slowly, but not to zero in less than a second. This is nowhere near close as the classic Sonic games. It's not even Sonic at all.

At least the gameplay is fun. The speed seems to match closely to the old games, and you get to explore the levels like they promised. Fighting against old enemies is still lazy, and nowhere near nostalgic. The spindash isn't classic though, since you're yet again forced to walk up walls. Only good as an instant speed pad.

The Special Stage seems fine to me. But the controls are kinda bad. I never jump, and I always end up pressing left instead of right in one point or another. Also, trying to even GET to the special stage is annoying. I already missed it twice, as Sonic goes too far off the screen if I was running fast, and his slow acceleration doesn't give me enough time to touch the ring.

I have the Wii version, and I might get the one for the iPhone once I get my brother's iTouch hacked. I don't really need the 360 version, as it's just to have graphics a tiny bit better. Plus I got the Wii version by using a Wad.
But still, how could you have gotten that price in the US when on the wii shop channel it was 1500 points ($15)?
Regarding the replay value, you should bear in mind there are two more episodes to come, so that is a thing that will improve as time goes by.
Screw what I said about not buying this game. I am getting it!
Review will be edited in this post.
So I tried out the game. I am a bit annoyed that Sonic moves a bit too slow for me when I try to gain speed. It feels quite stiff.
Uncurling = I tried to land on something but just as I was about to. I uncurled and lost my rings.
Those corkscrews, am I losing speed whenever I go on them? I feel my character instantly loses a bunch of his speed while on them.
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hey guys

I got this game

and turned out

it was actually fun

I don't think there was any doubt about the game being fun.
There fanbase/people are just complaining about certain things. (Sonic feels stiff, jumping is awkward, spindash is weak, uncurling, eh)

I just beat LL Act 2. Bottomless pits = :(
It was alright. The level design was fun (for the most part), but that's all I can really say.
My main problems were the controls, absolutely unexcusable physics, rehashed bosses, and annoying music.

And the final boss isn't that hard.
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OK, so, I've actually played this game now through an emulator (Wii emulation is surprisingly fast!), and I've got an actual opinion now. Actually, I've pretty much had one since the old beta videos of this, and the sad thing is that my opinion hasn't changed at all since then. First off, something positive! I have to admit I like the level design a good bit more than I thought I would. There's actually a good bit of new gimmicks in such in the old levels. And even though it's basically a mini-cutscene where you have to watch Sonic run around in the background for about 10 seconds, I like those card roads. Hey, Death Egg in S&K did it, so they're allowed.

If there's anything that's a complete and TOTAL deal killer for me, it's the physics. I'm sorry, but there's just no way at all you can defend them at all. There's pretty much no momentum or natrual way to build up speed, and pretty much any trick you can do in the Genesis Sonic games, like, say, building up speed by rolling up and down a U-shape? That doesn't work here. Plus there's the fact that they basically plastered speed boosters everywhere, which really only serves to basically cover up the crappy physics. You can't even really JUMP right in this game, because when you change directions in mid-air, you basically kind of 'snap' your momentum instantly in the direction you choose. It just comes off as really stiff.

And yet everybody will gleefully ignore all the problems in this game and give Sega no complaints to actually fix them for Episode 2. Oh well, let the hacking commence! We just need a complete physics rewrite, a completely remastered soundtrack, less speed booster, and we'll be on our way. I'll still be playing through this, but I know I'm probably not going to bother buying Episode 2, either.
The "To Be Continued" screen

My worst enemy

I don't have enough money to buy the game yet, so I'll have to wait :V
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