E-102 Gamma

[Open Assets] E-102 Gamma 1.4.2

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The time limit on that stage is the exact same length as the time it takes for Metal Sonic to win and for the space countdown to kill you. So even if I changed Gamma's time limit, you'd still die. (As for tips on how to beat it: shoot the Speed Sneakers in the glass tube, and be sure to use the horizontal red springs for the last tunnel.)
Ok, thanks for tips and answer.
I finally beat this race.
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I did it first try like a boss myself
You just need to adapt really
That's pretty much how it is with most custom characters anyhow, especially with their unique playstyles and stuff. It's a bit of a different case for Gamma because he's, well... Gamma, but he's an SRB2 character at his core so he can still be played like one
That's pretty much how it is with most custom characters anyhow, especially with their unique playstyles and stuff. It's a bit of a different case for Gamma because he's, well... Gamma, but he's an SRB2 character at his core so he can still be played like one

Honestly pretty fun blasting and speeding through every stage with him
That time limit does things to you man
Honestly pretty fun blasting and speeding through every stage with him
That time limit does things to you man
Yeah, it's REALLY satisfying getting a huge combo and that sweet 1 minute bonus from destroying a bunch of enemies
Especially in ACZ with its exploding barrels. Grinding time extensions with them is dangerous, but worthwhile and fun if done right
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It's a lot easier with all 7 emeralds
I'm having the same problem as that one review:
The sprite is glitched and broken
Just got some error messages about the LUA
The only thing this needs is custom hud support, because I use this hud:


instead of using its timer, it creates a second one:

Edit: Forgot to mention that this also happens with every character, modded or vanilla, when gamma is enabled while using this hud.
The only thing this needs is custom hud support, because I use this hud

There's not a whole lot I can do about this as SRB2 has extremely poor tools for HUD collisions, and manually modifying the player's time every tick is very annoying & would come with other gameplay problems.

That said, Gamma is already using an in-dev version of my Custom HUD library, which I want to make a proper release of soon so that everyone can utilize it. This library was made specifically because I got frustrated with not being able to do anything about these conflicts, so all of my mods which touch the HUD use it already (Gamma should already work relatively well with SA1 HUD, for instance).
emerl rouge cream
Theres Already Rouge And Cream:
Theres Already Rouge And Cream:
Yeahhh, but both aren't 2.2 quality mods tho, in terms of sprites at least.
The mod is awesome! I really enjoy shooting things up more than using Fang's popgun.

Also,i know this may not be aprooved,but is it possible to make a version of Gamma which DOESNT have a time limit? Some people would love to play with Gamma in hangout maps,but cant because of time limit.
Also,i know this may not be aprooved,but is it possible to make a version of Gamma which DOESNT have a time limit? Some people would love to play with Gamma in hangout maps,but cant because of time limit.

Gamma only uses their time limit in gametypes that have exits enabled. If you're using a custom Hangout gametype, then the time limit should already be turning off.

Otherwise, I am not interested in adding a time limit disable for main gameplay, because their time limit is super important to me and how I view SA1's balance (as much as I like SA2, they really made the mech gameplay a lot less fun to me by changing the physics and removing the time limit).
It seems that even if the latest update specifies that it works with SA1 Hud, this happens.
No, i didn't turned off the hud, i double checked just in case i was.
Might be related with Gamma, since i even tried to run the hud mod without him and the hud was working crystal clear.
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Additional error found: The stage icons doesn't appear as well
Here you can see the comparison between using the hud with Gamma installed and without (with the hud turned off).
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Oh, the hud got updated.
Thanks, i was having an headscratcher on why it wasn't working


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