Comic Series (not that anytone cares but look anyway)

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Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 6:46 pm
It's ok, Mr. lee (isn't that your last name?)

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:37 pm
Oh f#%@! I left my name in there! And my friend's email adress!

Next time, actually read the posts, IDIOT!
So... do you like my comic? Not that it matters, I'll still continue with the series for getting at least 3 out of 5 good reviews. And the bell rang so the kids in my spanish class didn't have time to review it.
Spanish. Yuck. You don't take spanish up here in Canada :P.
Instead, we have French.

Anyways, ya, your comic was preety neat.
Good work on it!
Thanks, but i must apologize for my revolting handwriting. And here are some things i promise from the next comic:

~The comic will be in color and possibly have a background in some scenes.
~My handwriting will be neater.
~It will be more interesting and make more sense.
~There won't be any reviews.
~There will be a bigger cast and they will have names.

And probably more. Now I need website help.
People, i wouldn't be asking if i seriously didn't need help! How do I host a website!? Can't someone help me!? :(
Whoever posted the free web making website, please read this:
The Hosting isn't free!
Now what do i do?
Yes, but that's not important. I need my site up by 10 oclock!
Edit: What was the point of that IM? Why would I need to know that? T_T
Okay, for the last time, and please, how do I host the website? The site i used to make it is on the first page of this thread, and if you have AIM, you can help me there.
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