Anyone else disappointed?

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Get 2.0.1, KMM, it fixes that problem.

It´s already updated with the updater and manually... I´ve got a 1 life no credits saved game on ACZ1, and if I die, I get the Game Over. But if I try to start the game again, I´m stuck with one life again... What should I do?

Now this is a cool idea. We might be able to try saving the game upon a crash, no guarantees but it can be looked into.

No, no... My problem is that the game actually SAVED when it crashed. I was playing ERZ1 with 25 lives. Then I arrived to ERZ2 with 8 lives, I went to the left and the game crashed. When I restarted the game, my saved game had 8 lives instead of 25, and in ERZ1. I thought it was really weird.

Although actually saving where you were could be cool anyway if there´s a crash.

After from what I read on this topic, almost everyone seems to complain about the save system, but as for me, I feel that something needs to change, but not necessarily the save system.

Actually, you can get 2 lives before entering that cannon part, and a shield. You can get some more extra lives too before entering ERZ3 ;)
here is a suggestion: what if the ability to save on any act was an unlockable? and perhaps a delete save feature would be useful. then if all our saves where used, we could delete one so we could play WAD's and SOC's.
I'm very annoyed, the classic levels were fine but all the others took a load of tries and deaths to finish, the save thing sucks since even if you have 10 lives you start again with 1. If you die then that's it, I am stuck at Egg Rock act 1, most of the new levels take too long.
I can't even do the last boss (host game) and I have watched Sonic The Movie (it's even on my iPod) most of the new levels have death gimmiks, I like the levels but they are filled with KO gimmiks if you play it from load game.
The only thing I like really is the music.
daiches99 said:
And I wouldn't like it any other way.

Really, now. ERZ isn't cheap. ERZ is mean, but it's perfectly fair.

If you are talking about ERZ1, wait to see ERZ2, more than twice bigger, harder and craziest :P And then you have that wonderful final boss...

You should get there with many lives, and practice the levels on Time Attack. First time I died like 50 times or more in ERZ1. Now I can finish it with 1 or 0 dies. It happens exactly the same with ERZ2.

Practice and don´t get angry, every new room could severely bring down your lives.
I appreciate the work that was put into this. There are a couple things that I could gripe about but the final release is what matters. There's just one issue. How can this be considered a classic rendition of the 16-Bit Sonic series if Eggman is in it? Bring back Robotnik dammit. Eggman and Sonniku suck. In case you need another look:

The sadistic mastermind we need

Or even this

But especially not this clueless-looking twit created by Sonic Team who isn't as hell bent on killing a hedgehog like he used to be

Eggman wasn't in the Sonic movie, Robotnik was, so why not remain consistent if you're going to put that boss as the final boss? It's like Sonic Team coming out with a new game and the characters stayed with their new designs and Robotnik went back to his old design. It just doesn't fit.

End of dramatic post. :P
arnold_the_bartender said:
There's just one issue. How can this be considered a classic rendition of the 16-Bit Sonic series if Eggman is in it? Bring back Robotnik dammit. Eggman and Sonniku suck.

Last I heard eggman was robotnik.
Arnold, Eggman IS Robotnik.
Ninja'd by Pac.

both the first and third robotniks are also Eggman. Eggman is his original name from Japan.
I like the new pallet, and the new mapping possibilities should lead to some fun content. With the new enemies should come some new states to play around with.

I am disappointed that the characters are so badly nerfed. The massive amount of grouping of abilities makes the idea of new characters less innovative, because there are only 7-ish variations. Also, why was sling item removed? There is some serious custom ability potential there. Removing the spark from creating characters won't stop anyone from recoloring sonic.
I personally enjoy the new save system and think it works rather well. However, I do suggest that they make it save after each act in ERZ simply because, while it's okay to have to redo some of the earlier levels, when your'e on a level that is as challenging as ERZ is, it gets really tedious when you have to redo the first act after dying on the second or third act. (even though I love all three acts of ERZ) Other than that, I'm perfectly okay with the new save system.
I'll also add thirteen tons of guitar picks.

I think most levels were based for knux, I flew through the game with knux (literally) and ERZ is currently a breeze.
daiches99 said:
I think most levels were based for knux, I flew through the game with knux (literally) and ERZ is currently a breeze.

Haha, I thought that too...

[spoiler:992c7f2645]...until I got to the Knuckles-only section in the left path of Act 1. All the rest of the rooms aren't too bad up until that point, but then that section with the converor belt pillars hanging from the ceiling really took some lives from me, haha. I can't get past the room after that at all, but I'm trying my best. Also, I really like that the team is giving Knux some love with sections exclusive to him, like in S3&K.[/spoiler:992c7f2645]
Pac said:
Last I heard eggman was robotnik.

Fail. I'm not that dumb guys. I've been playing Sonic games since the beginning (Genesis era). Also, I didn't get Ninja'd, Glaber. The Ninja got a reality check. I KNOW Eggman was his name in Japan at first, but ONLY in Japan. *Nickname caught in Sonic 1 manual, never to be used again till '98*

I guess no one understands. I KNOW Robotnik and Eggman are the same person. When I say Eggman and Sonikku I'm referring to their current designs (from '98 till now) by Sonic Team. In my context (as well as other people I talk to who remember the glory days fondly), when we say Eggman, it's referring to the new design and Robotnik to the original design or the one from '91 till '97. Besides, where I come from (North America) we called him Robotnik in the good ol' days before it was permanently changed to Eggman here in the US, his not-so-threatening nickname that was used in Japan since his inception.

It's a classic vs new thing, namely the era of Robotnik/Eggman from when the series was popular until it started to go downhill. It's easier to say in words but not in text.
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