2012: The Year The Internet Ends

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There's been a few thoughts of the world ending. 2000, June 6, 2006 (666 is the devil's number), now 2012. I'm not sure that 2012 would be some armageddon after all the other thoughts, but whatever will be will be. We're in the present now, people who are living their life scared for the next for years should be enjoying what they have now, because if 2012 truly is the world's end, you'd die of a wasted life. Lol, kinda irrelavent btw, but I'm Christian. Also, to the people posting music, what's that have to do with ANYTHING at all?
JRose said:
Predictions of the end of the world have been going around for ages. I highly doubt that the end of the world is going to happen anytime soon.
Though, notable is the fact that plenty of thousands of years ago, astronomy has existed without the use of modern technology,and has proven so far to be very accurate. So, if the Mayan calendar ends at 2012, then I don't know whether the creation of a world empire begins or the Earth decides to kill half of us off (by now, both options seem equally plausible), but we damn well better expect something.

But we've gotten this far off tangent.

So, them internet gatekeepers, eh? What a bunch of losers.
It's likes what FuryHunter and Cue said, nobody is going to want this in the long run.
Besides, the Internet is a place where the human race can SHARE information, not have it spoon fed to them by small groups of people, that's what TV is for!
Linux users especially, will definitely not stand for this rip-off scheme either.
Think about, more than maybe 3 billion people against maybe a hundred men, the whole world will crap on this bologna and demand that they have their internet back. This is honestly nothing to get worked up about. Besides, Microsoft could always bribe these idiots out of doing it anyway.
Either way though, I just hope SRB2 1.1 is finished before 2012.
About the musical post, it was a joke I do beleive. The thread was shifting to the topic of "End of the world as we know it" and what song was referenced?
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