1.09.3 Released

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SSN, if you keep up this Knux making sprites thingy Srb2'll be GREAT!
Give walking a little love plz soon.
Also, what's new in this update? (Exept more Knuxy luv)
Not my gamedata!

You fiend SSN!

*goes and cries in the corner*

Tapika the fox said:
SSN, if you keep up this Knux making sprites thingy Srb2'll be GREAT!
Give walking a little love plz soon.
Also, what's new in this update? (Exept more Knuxy luv)
Ruined OpenGL in fullscreen
Reset Gamedatas
A third of the screen is black in full screen...
Look at this
SSN, you deserve a PWNSOME medal for this version of SRB2.
And you deserve for it to be taken away because you made me delete my 100% complete gamedata. :evil:
Tapika the fox said:
SSN, you deserve a PWNSOME medal for this version of SRB2.
And you deserve for it to be taken away because you made me delete my 100% complete gamedata. :evil:

All there is is timeattack mode and a new knuckles, that's all the good things about it, the gamedata opengl and screen size problems makes SSN deserve to be dragged out into the street and given a black eye...
Not half, 76% did! The other 24% are n00bs that say they can't find 1.09.3.X so they use 1.09.2.
lol :D

Uuuhm can't SSN just give us the old beta back?
Because... I'd rather have no time attack and all my game data than time attack and no game data. :?
Your game data is only "corrupt" if you cheated and hacked it. Valid gamedatas from older versions will work just fine. :)
New for .18/.19

Texture offsets on FOFs in OpenGL now display properly
Time Attack Menu
Hacked gamedatas are no longer valid
Ultimate mode disabled in level select to make it even harder, muahaha
Fixed border draw when cv_viewsize < 11
RESETMUSIC console variable - defaults to "NO"
Fixed -gametype parameter
"Time-Only Race" and "Team Match" can now be specified in a gametype switch by their name in quotes
Adjustments to ring weapons
Small adjustment in A_Boss1Chase to 'kind of' keep custom bosses from sticking to the floor, since the real Boss1 actually does this very elegantly elsewhere.
Adjustments to 'returned flag to base' indicators
Emblems properly displayed at end of game
More stuff
SSNTails said:
New for .18/.19

Texture offsets on FOFs in OpenGL now display properly
Time Attack Menu
Hacked gamedatas are no longer valid
Ultimate mode disabled in level select to make it even harder, muahaha
Fixed border draw when cv_viewsize < 11
RESETMUSIC console variable - defaults to "NO"
Fixed -gametype parameter
"Time-Only Race" and "Team Match" can now be specified in a gametype switch by their name in quotes
Adjustments to ring weapons
Small adjustment in A_Boss1Chase to 'kind of' keep custom bosses from sticking to the floor, since the real Boss1 actually does this very elegantly elsewhere.
Adjustments to 'returned flag to base' indicators
Emblems properly displayed at end of game
More stuff

thats "more stuff"?new chara? new zones? or some thing more?^^
SSN, for the Knux sprites, you don't have to make new "O" sprites(the one-colored ball in Sonic + Tails sprites) just to point that out.

Also, is it just me, or does it seem like some of Knux's sprite look a bit too familar?
SSNTails said:
The "Final 1.09.3" will be v1.09.4, which will come out sometime in ----.

v1.09.3.18 is a release candidate for 1.09.4. It contains everything you need except music.dta.

Yeah final!!!
Ok, i was working on a wad and it had a special end sign, everything worked in the previous version, until now, NOW THE ENDING SIGN IS THE SIGN OF ZIM!

That really pissed me off...

Pros: Every pro that 1.09.3.xx had, plus no more OpenGL warning.
Cons: Bad menu design, OpenGL runs in a window.


Another pro: Knux has more finished frames.
AJ, your failure is showing, as
OpenGL is still not completly fixed
GFZGRASS is still coming up as white.
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