Your Favorite Family Guy saying.

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Spirit Dragon

GameN'WatchComms Co-Host
This is where you tell everyone your favorite Family guy saying.

Mine is
Peter Griffin said:
You know what really grinds my gears America. YOU! F**K YOU! And thats what really grinds my gears.
I don't really like the show that much, so I don't like any particular quote.

I'm not sure this topic can get anywhere, though. I think it's best on IRC.
Ugh, I might as well say it too:

Originally posted by Asian Reporter Trisha Takanawa
*In a hurricane* Tom I... *Smacked by a flying car*
Tom: Thank you, Trisha.

I'm also watching Family Guy right now. :3
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This is just like when I <insert dumb pop culture reference here>. *flashback sequence*

^ Lather, rinse, repeat.
I know I have my most favorite quote but I can't remember it. But anyways...

Peter Griffin said:
Your more of a buzz killer than Buzz Killington


Stewie Griffin said:
*right eye turns red*

LightspeedX's quote was really funny. *still laughing*
I have too many to list. But here's one from a recent episode.

Peter: "This is gonna be way better than when we had that Victorian girl ghost over for dinner."
(Flashback. The Griffins are having dinner with said Victorian girl ghost)
Victorian Girl Ghost: *sobs* "My governess drowned me in a well." *sobs some more*
Peter: "You are a horrible dinner guest."

And then the same episode also had a parody of the Soviet animation Hedgehog in the Fog, which was a nice treat.
Peter Griffin' said:
Oh the bird is the word the bird is the word oh the bird is the word!

He'd never hear that again :P

because Stewie smashed it :D

but I can't watch Family Guy D:
Family Guy has really really REALLY gone downhill lately.
Peter went from being a caring but rather misinformed (and dumb) guy to being a full out retard.
Lois used to be... uhh there? Now she's a nymphomaniac.
Brian used to be the intelligent voice of reason, now he's an author avatar who does nothing but tack on MacFarlane's views of everything into the show.
The kid whose name I can't remember... well... uuuhhh... I have no idea what he used to be and what he currently is.
Meg is now a punching bag for no reason.
Stewie went from being an evil mastermind (but helpless) obsessed with killing his mother to "BRIAN'S OH SO OPPOSITE COUPLE (wackyness ensue xD)", and they also made him gay for no reason. (Not complaining, but the sudden jump was kinda weird, there was not much hinting that it would end up like that).

So there goes my rant on the show. It's still laugh out loud funny sometimes, but now it only relies on shock value rather than actual clever gags.

I'd encourage you to change the topic title for "Favourite TV quote", because that seems more wide in choices and tastes, and might be a much more interesting thing to discuss.
The kid you don't know is Chris. :p
Meg has always been a punching bag...
Stewie had TONS of hints of being gay. I also don't get why people are worried that he is gay.
Peter went from being a caring but rather misinformed (and dumb) guy to being a full out retard.
Lois used to be... uhh there? Now she's a nymphomaniac.
Brian used to be the intelligent voice of reason, now he's an author avatar who does nothing but tack on MacFarlane's views of everything into the show.
The kid whose name I can't remember... well... uuuhhh... I have no idea what he used to be and what he currently is.
Meg is now a punching bag for no reason.
Stewie went from being an evil mastermind (but helpless) obsessed with killing his mother to "BRIAN'S OH SO OPPOSITE COUPLE (wackyness ensue xD)", and they also made him gay for no reason. (Not complaining, but the sudden jump was kinda weird, there was not much hinting that it would end up like that).
Sounds familiar

-Edit by Arf
Nothing against you, but the picture contains swearing.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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I really don't like Family Guy that much; it's far too random in every episode to be funny for me anymore. I'd prefer something a little more subtle in its humor.
The only Family Guy gag I can remember and really like is the chicken fight, and any of its sequels.

That's not a saying, so I'll just go with "This is like the time when I"
Family Guy has really really REALLY gone downhill lately.
Peter went from being a caring but rather misinformed (and dumb) guy to being a full out retard.
Lois used to be... uhh there? Now she's a nymphomaniac.
Brian used to be the intelligent voice of reason, now he's an author avatar who does nothing but tack on MacFarlane's views of everything into the show.
The kid whose name I can't remember... well... uuuhhh... I have no idea what he used to be and what he currently is.
Meg is now a punching bag for no reason.
Stewie went from being an evil mastermind (but helpless) obsessed with killing his mother to "BRIAN'S OH SO OPPOSITE COUPLE (wackyness ensue xD)", and they also made him gay for no reason. (Not complaining, but the sudden jump was kinda weird, there was not much hinting that it would end up like that).

So there goes my rant on the show. It's still laugh out loud funny sometimes, but now it only relies on shock value rather than actual clever gags.

I'd say that's because the show's emphasis has strayed from storytelling and establishing characters, and has aimed more for telling jokes simply for the sake of telling jokes. So, it's really no surprise that Peter, Brian, Stewie ect. are really stock characters now. That's probably why the less interesting characters are more or less ignored (Lois), or mercilessly picked upon for shock value (Meg).

That said, I still like Family Guy's humor, especially its shock value (say what you will about it, there is nothing more gut-bustingly funny when shock value is conveyed with the right timing) as my other favorite show, South Park, moves away from that and more towards parodies. I think an animated skit show produced by MacFarlane and written by his staff, a la Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy, would be great. Such a show wouldn't have to go to the trouble of creating regular characters and writing a plot to hold episodes together, so more effort could be focused on the comedy itself.

That's why I don't really care for American Dad and absolutely loathe The Cleveland Show: In addition to less remarkable characters and fewer humorous shorts, each has more emphasis on plot-driven episodes. That's not the type of humor MacFarlane and his people are best suited for.
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Yeah Elbo, "Mysoginist Retard" totally = "caring but rather misinformed (and dumb) guy" and "Space occupier" = "nymphomaniac"!
And "liberal ******" = "Author Avatar selfinsert".
You should try to stop and figure out if I plagiarized something and instead actually COMMENT on what I wrote. Then you'd find out if I did.

That's why I don't really care for American Dad and absolutely loathe The Cleveland Show
American Dad is fine, but The Cleveland Show... It's just hilarious because it's a terrible Spin off show on purpose. It has the typical spin off clichés, such as the wacky neighbours, the "moving away" from main cast part, etc.

I think an animated skit show produced by MacFarlane and written by his staff, a la Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy, would be great. Such a show wouldn't have to go to the trouble of creating regular characters and writing a plot to hold episodes together, so more effort could be focused on the comedy itself.
Well, you can always watch some Robot Chicken because it's almost what you descibed, except this is done by the other MacFarlane. It's still 10x funnier than current day Family Guy + Simpsons + American Dad + whatever the hell Seth Macfarlane does today
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This is [going to be] adjective than when noun verb [article] noun!
Remember the time noun verb(past tense) [Noun/Verb]?
You should try to stop and figure out if I plagiarized something and instead actually COMMENT on what I wrote. Then you'd find out if I did.

Not to sound rude, but he wasn't saying you plagiarized anything. He was reminded of an image so he posted it. :/
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