Wizard Model Edit (player.zip) OpenGL

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What, do I happen to be on everyone's ignore list again? *mauled* No one happened to answer my second question.
Vash said:
..Then why do you people even bother making character models if people can't change model skins like that?
If you want to model so much, stop half-assing characters from the Sonic model, and make some items and stuff for the MD2 model topic from scratch! All of these characters are a waste of time; not to mention that some people are only making skins. Can you honestly see someone having a separate MD2 folder for each character or something? Because remember, the PLAY MD2 overwrites all characters, and because you can't switch them in-game, I doubt they'd even be used that much; a quick look perhaps, and then switch back to Sonic because he's more original.
OH Quite you
Boinciel said:
Guys, maybe you should slow down on the skin production. Sure, it's nice that you're so attached to this new thing, but I think you're just flooding the MB now. All these skins are for Sonic, turning him any variety of colours, but there are just too many out there. Within about two days, you've made too many skins to count. This is a serious problem. If you flood the marketplace with new products, you make it so that nobody can pick which one to use. And if you make it so that you can only use one at a time, this creates a choke point. Instead of making new skins for just one model, why not make new models altogether? Sky Ninja has (very helpfully) pointed you to a competent .MD2 editor, and you have everything you need. Stop with the skins and move on, please.
First the people were whining that there are too many skins and that you should make more models, now your whining that are too many models, what do you want more, more recolours of sonic or models?
and for you concern i've actualy been making other models
Is there a reason why you have to go off of Sonic's model for every one? Can't you delete and weld vertices and split edges to get new vertices? You might be able to make a more efficient base model and then from adding more vertices you can modify it.

Personally I prefer sprites to models in this case, but if you are going to use models and want some custom characters, I don't see why you have to limit yourself to Sonic's spines unless that modeling software is REALLY that limited.
JEV3 said:
Is there a reason why you have to go off of Sonic's model for every one? Can't you delete and weld vertices and split edges to get new vertices? You might be able to make a more efficient base model and then from adding more vertices you can modify it.
Well, if we just delet them, the model will have a massize hole in his head.
and Chaos Knux, no it isn't
But then you can drag the vertices in close proximity to one another and then weld them, thus closing the opening. I'm not anywhere near a decent modeler but I can at the very least do that when the software isn't acting up. (different types of models though)
Even though I have o expirnce in socing might it be possible to use a soc for multiply characters?Sorry for grammar.
I would make things from scratch, however, I suck at making 3D models from scratch. I'm better at editing them.
Ash said:
GKWX2 or something. This happens quite often, actually. D=

Oh my fgsing GOD, GKWX2!?

Do you know how fgsing AWESOME and EPIC it would be to have GKWX2 around again?

Seriously, that would be awesome.

hint: this probably isnt gkwx2
I have the strangest feeling the post you guys are talking about was deleted, as were many of the other posts you guys talked about in other topics.
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