Wizard Model Edit (player.zip) OpenGL

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..Heh. He was supposed to change it to wizard3.wad, but never did. :P

EDIT: Crimany! This topic is getting posts a lot faster than I thought!
Sorry bout that I forgot to rename the wad, just keep it as wizard2.wad anyways screenies!





*Insert gasp bubble animation here*
Aw, boinciel got to it first ;_;. Ah well, I'm gonna port some myself. =P

As for the ring MD2s... *coughgodownloadwizzardcough*
light dasher said:
no. not wizard rings, THOSE rings (you can see them in the first screen shot and in the "a model topic")
Don't you mean second screenshot? Or do you mean from someone else's post?
Alright, I don't get this at all. Nitro, can you just use the Shadow skin with the model, turn it into a wad, and call it shadwizard.wad or something for me? I really don't have time for this stuff, and my patience is wearing out.
I can't get it to work with Knuckles, however, I can do it with Sonic ( And get S3&K's Blue Knukles. XD ). My md2 folder is comming soon...
I know I have the same thing. And I forgot to keep the old skin so now i have to recolor it again.
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