What is your favorite wad?

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That's still not a lot, though. There's three shades for yellow and a white outline, and that's about it.
I'd like to point out that shading is not a benefit to the wad if the whole of it sucks. Super Mystic Sonic sucks, ergo, shading is irrelevant. Super Mystic Sonic has extremely little shading anyways. There's no good point to it at all. Please don't defend any aspect of it. :(
Technically, you don't "own" the topic. So what, you created it. Whoop de doo. I hate it when people think they can do stuff in the topic they created.
(Offtopic) I never said I had authority, if that's what you read then you must be doing drugs of some sort. I simply stated that it is entirely useless to say "I don't have a favorite wad", when it's obvious I was only asking what peoples favorite wad was. If someone asks what your favorite wad is in a thread, and you don't have a favorite wad, then whats makes you think you have any buisiness posting?

Now please get back on topic.
Jason The Hedgehog said:
(Offtopic) I never said I had authority, if that's what you read then you must be doing drugs of some sort.
What makes you think I read it? I saw it as implied by the wording of your post.
I simply stated that it is entirely useless to say "I don't have a favorite wad", when it's obvious I was only asking what peoples favorite wad was. If someone asks what your favorite wad is in a thread, and you don't have a favorite wad, then whats makes you think you have any buisiness posting?
Probably the fact that this is a forum? =P

Now please get back on topic.

Jazz Attack is cool.
All-Time Favorites...

Singleplayer Levels:

1. Metal Flower

2. Mystic Realm (Nitric Citadel)

3. Acid Missile (Storm Ruins)

4. Blue Heaven (urm... no particulars)

Honorable Mention: Morph's Level Pack, Moon Temple, and Egg Palace...

Match Levels:

1. Multiplayer Fusion (Riverbed)

2. Space Fight

3. Carved Barracks

4. Feudal Age Rush

5. Jazz Attack (just not Lava Lake, Goo Lagoon, or Disco)

Honorable Mention: Industrial Sync, Jade Valley, Noxious Factory

Capture the Flag Levels:

1. Mystic's Castle Level

2. Sky Shrine

Honorable Mention: Railsniper Range, Concrete Stronghold

Circuit Levels:

1. Sonic R Remake

2. SRB2 Riders

3. Space Race

Honorable Mention: Noxious Woods

Please note that I am not counting miscellaneous contest levels that have been gathering dust. I don't remember any being extraordinary anyways. I'm also not counting my levels which were never released due to unfinished (well I consider it such atm) design... otherwise CTF might be fuller. Lastly I didn't count any CURRENT official levels. I have fond memories with JVZ and NFZ though... (and 'meh' memories with ZRZ)

Also note that the majority of these were not played in netgames, since I only ever play online in Jazz's server or once in FF's... I would play in more but I don't feel like downloading 8+ different Sonic's or dealing with a load of rubbish from some players. (there a way to ignore global chat?)

Now for detail... (1 in 10 viewers will actually read these)

SP: Metalflower has always been my favorite, and being discovered when factory levels were my favorite type, it has remained to be so. Acid Missile is just above Blue Heaven because the unique levels give it an edge... (water+springs, submarine+movers, basic+hordes)

As for match, again, Someguy tops it off with Multiplayer Fusion, including Riverbed which is great for somewhat larger battles. Space Fight was an old favorite, but I think that was before 1.09.4... Carved Barracks is the only level I REALLY liked in Spazzattack... with Feudal Age Rush being fun in OpenGL...

Capture the flag, I remember hearing some good things about a level by Mystic in a contest a while back so I dug it up and it looked really fun, but I never got to play a real game on it. I've only played real CTF's on the recent contest levels (2v2, 2v1, 1v1) and in Jazzattack (4v4, 3v4).

Poor circuit... I unfortunately don't see many good ones at ALL so my favorites are largely contained in race mods... (Sonic R, SRB2 Riders *coughwithexecough*)
Sumakima said:
djhearn said:
oh favorite wad hmmmm...... let me see.........oh super hyper mysterious shadonic thats the favorite
That wad died out a LONG time ago.

yup.The new one is!

*shuts mouth before noobs start asking*

My favorite wad would be....

1.Mystic realm*Im a mystic fan!*smacked*
*real*2.Acid missile
Metal Flower seriously sucks. The only time I've finished it was with HMS in JTE a moment ago, and I didn't like what I saw.

There were too many unavoidable hazards, such as detons and THZ turrets. There wasn't any way to turn the THZ turrets "off", though it looked like it was intended the way one of the THZ turrets was shrouded in purple colormap.

And while yes, a good deal of the level is huge and explorable, it just loses its sense of direction even MORE. It took me ages to figure out that you had to walk across the skinny pipe over electric damage, not to mention all the times I fell in the scenery and had to intentionally kill myself because I couldn't get out.

Also, the majority of the level was just running on a flat platform with some scenery on the side. While yes, I'm going to have to actually look at the outside area when I'm not in the mood to break level design, that's only because the outside area seemed to be the only decent area in the entire level. Actually, no, the lazers attheend cause me to retract my statement.

While no, JEV3, I don't doubt that you've been in the SRB2 community longer than I have, I doubt your level design experience.
I've currently had a change in heart of favorite wads.

1.)Knuckles.WAD -An impressive perfected 2D knuckles wad.

2.)Espio.WAD -One of the more impressive wads SRB2 has had in quite some time.

3.)Vector.WAD- The new Vector wad recently made by ChaosZero64, I was verry impressed with this wad.

For any of you who may not know already, the new Vector wad in on the add-ons menu of the site.
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