Voice Actor(s) Needed

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If you can wait until sometime in May, and if the lines aren't too corny.
I would advise against it.

If you and I are going to be working on a full scale project, Zeshiro, we'll need a voice actor who we can get to at any given moment. By SSN's words, I'm guessing Kecky would be available for a limited amount of time.
High Hat 314 said:
I would advise against it.

If you and I are going to be working on a full scale project, Zeshiro, we'll need a voice actor who we can get to at any given moment. By SSN's words, I'm guessing Kecky would be available for a limited amount of time.

Well how about Kacy (sp?)? It's not like you haven't tried every other excuse to get her over to your house. :roll:
Zeshiro said:
High Hat 314 said:
I would advise against it.

If you and I are going to be working on a full scale project, Zeshiro, we'll need a voice actor who we can get to at any given moment. By SSN's words, I'm guessing Kecky would be available for a limited amount of time.

Well how about Kacy (sp?)? It's not like you haven't tried every other excuse to get her over to your house. :roll:

Woah, talk about your hyperbole's, Mr. Exagerration.

And it's Casey. She could do it. I'll talk to her about it the next time I see her.
Woah, this party's getting crazy! It's not too dull either. :P Anyway, I've been trying to get my sister to voice act a little. I have a feeling she might do a good job of it, but she's being well...difficult. If I manage to get her to voice act and I see it's not bad, then I'll upload it or something.
ViralZero said:
Woah, this party's getting crazy! It's not too dull either. :P Anyway, I've been trying to get my sister to voice act a little. I have a feeling she might do a good job of it, but she's being well...difficult. If I manage to get her to voice act and I see it's not bad, then I'll upload it or something.

Viral, your sister wouldn't be good for Caelyn...maybe Cream...hell even a chao...but not Caelyn.
Viral, your sister wouldn't be good for Caelyn...maybe Cream...hell even a chao...but not Caelyn.
Well, that maybe so, but I just wanted to see. It just seems that my sister might have the high pitched, squeeky, and "cute" voice catgirls seems to have. And one more thing. Are you online right now? I had posted the my previous post only minutes ago.
ViralZero said:
Viral, your sister wouldn't be good for Caelyn...maybe Cream...hell even a chao...but not Caelyn.
Well, that maybe so, but I just wanted to see. It just seems that my sister might have the high pitched, squeeky, and "cute" voice catgirls seems to have. And one more thing. Are you online right now? I had posted the my previous post only minutes ago.

Moron. By the time I read messages like that it'll be like 2:00 a.m. You won't even be on... :roll:
Moron. By the time I read messages like that it'll be like 2:00 a.m. You won't even be on...
Jeez, don't have to be such a cheeky monkey about it. Anyway, my sister is gonna voice act a little today. If I like it then I'll run it by you. Erm...That's all.
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