Super Smash Bros Melee

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Yeah... I remember looking at the dojo and seeing how nice the graphics looked. But when you played the game, they looked bad. A lot of those nice looking things were sprites.
Autosaver said:
The Dark Fox said:
Autosaver, Brawl doesn't have good graphics. They are slightly better, but disappointing for the Wii.

It has better graphics......


Look. Compair Brawl graphics with twilight princess graphics.

The winner is Twilight princess cause the blend of graphics, the bloom effect, everything was perfect.

now Im NOT saying Brawl has the WORST graphics, enphasis on NOT. But the only thing that looked good that could compare to Twilight was the Hi-res movies they made. Remember that they pay more for high res than most of the sprites, but not music and development.

The first game had Gameboy backgrounds mixed in with 64's graphics.

melee had gamecube graphics with 64's graphics

and brawl had Wii's graphics with Gamecube's graphics.

So to defend this, Melee may had more shine, but it was a lot more dazzling to look at. Brawl though had pretty lights and nice stages, but I was not as...well....wooed by the graphics. It was like the Wii was trying it's best to be beautiful in the game.

Remember that IDEAS=work


EFFORT=demand by jerk gamers

DEMAND BY JERK GAMERS= poor work time for the guys who do this for more than just 12 hours, also the fact that other games are not tested enough cause of this demend. Not to mention money

I said better,I looked at some of the Brawl remake stages...
and then I played Melee....I was shocked,Melees version wasn't eye catching.

Same with items.... :O

Plus online feature = More replay value
Coop mode/extras = More fun
And demos..thank god I'm not wasting my money.
Music = Wooot!

Also......let me bring up POKEMON stage.

Brawl = Awesome
Melee = MY EYEZ! > Exaggerating
IF they took out the story mode's Hi-res movies then it would of looked better.

But I was not impressed. Love the old, like the new I say.

Custom Robo had the worst graphics in story mode but nice stages and designs in battle.

And uh.....if it wasn't for melee's ides for Giga bowser, crazy hand, and other events. then brawl may of messed it up.

Now what your saying is true, but at least Melee does not have a Lame story like brawl (no story whatsoever that is).

lets forget online play cause that pwned melee. Tell me what you thought of the stroy mode.
Frankly, I don't know why everyone's complaining about Brawl's graphics. The character models look better than that of Melee's, and the stages are at the very least on par with Melee's stages, so that should be satisfactory enough for anyone.
Autosaver said:
Same with items...
Plus online feature = More replay value
Coop mode/extras = More fun
And demos.. thank god I'm not wasting my money.
Music = Wooot!
Brawl = Awesome
Melee = MY EYEZ! < Exaggerating

1. Online sucks. Subspace sucks. Demo's are pretty useless, as they don't give you any time to get into it.

2. Items are abusive, rather than fun.

2. Melee has great graphics, what the hell are you talking about? You simply have your standards too high for a Gamecube. If you take in consideration that Melee was made a couple years ago, while Brawl is fairly new, you'd see that that it only looks slightly worse because Melee was built for an older system.
Are we comparing Melee to Brawl or are we talking about Melee. Seriously it's about Melee so shouldn't we talk about Melee.
Earuto said:
Are we comparing Melee to Brawl or are we talking about Melee. Seriously it's about Melee so shouldn't we talk about Melee.

WE ARE talking about Melee....and Brawl

Also Melee was fun,Dark Fox.
I'm not comparing graphics during that time,I comparing graphics to today.
Its a little unfair but still has my point.

Also Online sucking???
1.Get a better connection if yours sucks
2.Get friend codes
3.80/100 times I have little to no lag.

1.It kinda does,you get to start seeing how you play

Theres an item option for starters.
Turn it on low,take all cheap items out and have fun.
Subspace is not necessarily bad, but it should not be held up as a phenomenal sidescroller. The story isn't supposed to make sense to each franchise, but on its own, it actually has a few legitimate surprises. As for items, you can really control what comes and what doesn't, as well as the overall rates, so I don't see why that is an issue.
The Dark Fox said:
Autosaver said:
Ps3 = 360 > Wii > Ps2 > Gamecube
What are you talking about? The graphics on the Wii and Gamecube are almost the same thing.

Compare Brawls graphics to Melee....?
Wii isn't the same graphics...

Though IMO Brawl is better, IYO Melee is?
Autosaver said:
The Dark Fox said:
Autosaver said:
Ps3 = 360 > Wii > Ps2 > Gamecube
What are you talking about? The graphics on the Wii and Gamecube are almost the same thing.

Compare Brawls graphics to Melee....?
Wii isn't the same graphics...

Though IMO Brawl is better, IYO Melee is?
Still, Melee still has almost the same exact graphics. I was just implying that Melee's graphics were wonderful for it's time, Brawl's isn't.

Also, I'm talking about myself as a group. Tons of people prefer Melee over Brawl. Look at GameFAQS.
Autosaver said:
The Dark Fox said:
Autosaver said:
Ps3 = 360 > Wii > Ps2 > Gamecube
What are you talking about? The graphics on the Wii and Gamecube are almost the same thing.

Compare Brawls graphics to Melee....?
Wii isn't the same graphics...

Though IMO Brawl is better, IYO Melee is?

Gamecube maxed it's true potential out on it's graphics with metroid and twilight princess.

No difference, just a little more buffed.
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