Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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I'm not gonna continue on with this, it's a waist of my time and I don't have to prove crap, just like I said, you all will find out February 10th, that's when you'll get your proof and I'll be the one laughing, lol.

Mystic said:
That is, quite simply, the most hilarious story I've ever heard, and is completely laughable in several areas. Prove it. I don't take kindly to hoaxes, and you're clearly trying to cover your lies with more (even more obvious) lies. You can't provide proof for a much simpler reason than what you said; you're lying, and it's incredibly obvious.

If you can provide proof of your outlandish claims, you can feel free to bring it up again. However, continued posting of blatant lies will lead to a ban. Discussion over.

Back to speculation on whether they bring Marth back for SSBB. I sure hope so.

And you can't ban me for lying since I'm not lying and you don't know yourself whether or not I'm lying, you just have an opinion, that's all it is, nothing more really, you don't know me or what my talents are capable of. And by the way, neither Marth or Roy are coming back, that was the point to adding Ike...
Except Ike is rather different. Marth and Roy were purely swordfighters, no fancy special stuff, whereas Ike has his little explosion move. Not to mention Ike looks like he'll be a little on the slow side, while Marth and Roy were balanced.

Also, yeah, he can ban you for lying. He can ban you for anything he feels like, that's the whole point of the last rule.

But nonetheless, I suppose a Final Smash update is better than some of the stuff they could update on. Dedede's sounds kinda tacked on though.
Julian said:
I'm not gonna continue on with this, it's a waist of my time and I don't have to prove crap, just like I said, you all will find out February 10th, that's when you'll get your proof and I'll be the one laughing, lol.

Mystic said:
That is, quite simply, the most hilarious story I've ever heard, and is completely laughable in several areas. Prove it. I don't take kindly to hoaxes, and you're clearly trying to cover your lies with more (even more obvious) lies. You can't provide proof for a much simpler reason than what you said; you're lying, and it's incredibly obvious.

If you can provide proof of your outlandish claims, you can feel free to bring it up again. However, continued posting of blatant lies will lead to a ban. Discussion over.

Back to speculation on whether they bring Marth back for SSBB. I sure hope so.

And you can't ban me for lying since I'm not lying and you don't know yourself whether or not I'm lying, you just have an opinion, that's all it is, nothing more really, you don't know me or what my talents are capable of. And by the way, neither Marth or Roy are coming back, that was the point to adding Ike...
By the way , the best way to prove somthing is to eitheir have a picture or video or Wiki (as always)opps i typed it at the wrong spot*Alright back to the topic agian) King dee dee dee Has a weird speacial and all summoning his minions.. hmm a 3-5
Hoping Marth makes it, like Mystic... But I could settle for Link, if worst comes to worst.

Anyway, the AI in SSBM was a little iffy sometimes; essentially, from what I've seen, they do this: Beat the hell out of you (At least, try), dodge attacks and dodge attacks, both of these are expected. But, what happens as well annoys me: they always, ALWAYS go for the winning player. This has annoyed the heck out of me and my friend, Chris, because the person with most kills (frequently me, for this reason) has all the CPU players chase him. This in turn allows the player to score more kills and get ahead of the opposition, while the losing player has a hell of a time chasing CPU players which are ignoring him almost completely.

Secondly, there is the items. Why is it that the CPU always go from one side of the map to another just to get a friggen' pokeball that they can't throw at you? It's ridiculous.

Should go for items if they really are a disadvantage, like if they are close, or go for a far-off one if at high damage.

It's free for all! Not fight over items-and-winning-player!
Well, there was this video where 2 nearly-average Melee players and a level 1 bot got owned by a level 1 Sonic bot. I can't remember exactly where they put it on youtube, I'll post it when I have more time.
Well, it's rumor-mongering, but it seems to be spreading like wildfire, so why not:

Possible full character roster leak.

As with every rumor, take what you see there with a grain of salt. I'd love to see several of the characters on that list, though.
I can tell it's prolly fake by one character on that list: Animal Crossing Villager.

As an assist trophy, sure. As an actual character, no.

EDIT: Also, Mystic's being sort of hypocritical.
..K. Rool? Olimar? Ridley? Animal Crossing Villager? Nope.

1. K. Rool isn't really much of going into Brawl.. He isn't that popular among others, I believe, so there's not really a chance of him being in the game.

2. Olimar.. Isn't he small in Pikmin? Comparing to the bottlecaps and such.

3. Ridley. No chance at all of him being in. He's been a boss, yeah. But he flies most of the time. Plus, he's huge. He'd suit more of a Mini-Boss in Adventure mode.. Like Rayquaza.

5. Animal Crossing Villager? Not at all. They don't have attacks, or atleast I don't think they do. But surely, no chance of one of them being in.

6. Megaman may be in, but yet again, another low percentage. Most likely, he'd be a clone of Samus.

And lastly..

7. Geno- He's cameo'd in some games, yet.. He's not that well known to others. He's wanted a lot though. I'm not so sure, though how he'd fit in.
Actually, the Animal Crossing Villager makes me suspect it's REAL more than anything else on that list. It's so completely ridiculous that it sounds like something they'd actually do. Remember Mr. Game and Watch?

Most people make fake lists to try to get you to believe something amazing is on the list, like say, idiot kids putting Shadow on the list because Shadow is so ub3r cool *cough*, but this list has a bunch of cool stuff and a bunch of utterly ridiculous crap that seems like it has no purpose. Olimar? The hell? That makes NO sense. There are popular characters on that list, but also a bunch of completely unpopular characters that most people faking simply wouldn't of thought of.

I do agree that I hold quite a bit of suspicion for the list, especially Geno, Ridley, and Megaman give me some pause, but there isn't anything on that list that screams "FAKE", so I figure it's worth posting if nothing else but to get some discussion.
Dark Warrior said:
He's not acting like that because he's an administrator. He's acting like that because you have no proof of your claims. Hell, I could claim that I struck gold under a hidden cave where I dug up a two-thousand year old tree and am now the richest man alive. Doesn't make it true in the least. Unless, y'know, I actually prove I did it. Something you have not done. Instead, you just tell us that "I emailed Nintendo, and they added me." Amazing. Prove this. And no, not a copy of the e-mail they sent you. Let's see some real documentation from Nintendo, or proof of your credibility. Until you can prove such, you will be considered a liar.
You really did? *killed*

Anyways, I think that that new bomb item is cool.
@Julian: Okay then, tell me your first and last name, and let me see if I see it in the credits. And if it's not there, don't give me that "ops they fargawt meee" crap,
And besides, anyone on the Internet can be anyone else kthx.

Like I can say I'm a terrorist and throw this place out of order or something.
Chaos said:
And besides, anyone on the Internet can be anyone else kthx.

Like I can say I'm a terrorist and throw this place out of order or something.
CHAOS! Argh I was about to say that... sniff* well anyways they should have a vid that show them holding thier birth cetificate or somthing before they go claming that thier name is going to be on credits are somthing.... Like Chaos said that Julian on this site could be anyone else, thiers 75% they could be a fraud, because these days anybody can put any crap on the internet ... Let me give you a example ( those stupid edits of other charecters in SSBB, but I got to admit some acttuly make me thing it was true....
Today is his first day registered and the first post he makes is that?
...Anyone else feeling suspicion welling up inside?

A FAN SITE is NOT official. This is RUMOR not PROOF.
Ultimately this is a pointless argument. Until SSBB comes out and we can see the credits saying "Sonic-Julian Clarke", no one is going to believe it. IF Julian did in fact voice Sonic, kudos to him but until the game is out, no one is going to believe that you can just call up Nintendo and say "O Hay guys, I'm uber1337 so I wuz wonderin if I cud voiz Sonik." Until this can officially be proved or disproved I vote it is just dropped until such time comes, because as is with no official proof its just back and forth "yes I did", "no u didn't".

Anyways like Ree-c, I'd be happy with Link (hmmm I get the distinct urge to go play TP) But right now I'd just be happy playing as Sonic in SSBB...I REALLY need to get a Wii...hoping for extra large xmas funds this year.
XsoniccoreX (814) said:
Today is his first day registered and the first post he makes is that?
...Anyone else feeling suspicion welling up inside?

A FAN SITE is NOT official. This is RUMOR not PROOF.
Ultimately this is a pointless argument. Until SSBB comes out and we can see the credits saying "Sonic-Julian Clarke", no one is going to believe it. IF Julian did in fact voice Sonic, kudos to him but until the game is out, no one is going to believe that you can just call up Nintendo and say "O Hay guys, I'm uber1337 so I wuz wonderin if I cud voiz Sonik." Until this can officially be proved or disproved I vote it is just dropped until such time comes, because as is with no official proof its just back and forth "yes I did", "no u didn't".

Anyways like Ree-c, I'd be happy with Link (hmmm I get the distinct urge to go play TP) But right now I'd just be happy playing as Sonic in SSBB...I REALLY need to get a Wii...hoping for extra large xmas funds this year.
Hopefully they can get Mario to cacth up with Sonic in story mode quick so it would look so cool, two mascots fighting side by side... Makes me cry ... And yes lets forget the julian crap right now and get back to the topic please? Unlees julian is going to keep on boasting that his/her name I going to be in SSBB.. GAH! Plz give us a good update!
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