Super Smash Bros Brawl (Label your Spoilers!)

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Jigglypuff will be in.

Jigglypuff is the only character with sing, and that just wins it. Not to mention, it's a powerhouse.
Well, if you think about it, pokeballs are just asist trophies in a way, just pokemon.

Nights might make a cameo apperance in the background but it's nintendos project, oo oo, speaking of nintendos project, you can get Ryan Drummond back to voice sonic for brawl, you just call nintendos number, (then press 0 to speak to a nintendo rep) and request Ryan Drummond for brawl, ryan himself said he'd be glad to voice sonic again, and if you're worried that anyone is going to be mean to you, don't worry, they're really surportive and very nice, Nintendo also said that if anough people call and request Ryan for brawl, They'll make if happen, and it's nintendos project and not sega's right?
i'd put the number here, but i'd need permission from the Staff first
Shadow Hog said:
Make sense please. Detail of what? "That platform style"? What on Earth are you talking about?

When you respawn, you are on a platform, and invincible. (like in the Mario Bros.) Maybe Sonic just has the same thing but he has Tails flying him instead.

All I care about is shadow the hedgehog if he was in brawl he would have a great final smash. In story mode if he was in there the subspace will convience him into evil so he is beats up goodl guys like in shadow the hedgehog (video game) but later in the game he will save all the nintendos
Jazz said:
Shadow fails.

There is no need to have such an annoying recolor in Brawl...

Yes Shadow wouldent make a good apperance because he was in new games like sa2 or Sonic next-gen , and ect .
By the way I think nintendo Is thinking of bringing back the old not the new...

For instance

lucas-old Jap mother 3
Ike-old Jap fire emblem
snake-old since ps1
pit- realy old
king deedeedee-old
pokemon trainer-old as heck
ice climber's- very old
dk-very old
zero suit samus-meh

Shadow- a little bit new
Tails- old

So therefor Tails would make a better chance to be in ssbb then shadow.
Wow, you'd deny that game just for that? That's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Just don't play as the damn character like i'd do.
Todd Khool the Cyborg said:
If Shadow is in Brawl then I'm not buying the game.
Heck, if Shadow was in brawl, I would have fun just beating the living daylights out of him.
Chaos Zero 64 said:
This is one of the things I find really annoying.

Sure, the Wii's not about graphic power, but come on. We're supposed to see smooth lines and complete circles. Seems Nintendo hates making smooth models and round eyes on things they think they can get away with.
The hexagon shape was actually Waddle doo's origonal shape. he was never ment to be a complete circle. I mean, Waddle dee has ovals, and gordos also have circle eyes that are circle.
Chaos said:
Shadow Hog said:
Make sense please. Detail of what? "That platform style"? What on Earth are you talking about?

When you respawn, you are on a platform, and invincible. (like in the Mario Bros.) Maybe Sonic just has the same thing but he has Tails flying him instead.
Why the hell are you even coming up with these out-of-left-field theories? Tails is an Assist Trophy. Any character can use him. Discussion over.

light dasher said:
shadow is sorta in brawl, cause that's one of sonic's costumes, type in youtube 4 Sonic Brawl
That's not Shadow. That's a black Sonic. He lacks Shadow's red stripes, differing gloves and shoes, upward-bending spines, chest hair, and pretty much any other aspect of Shadow aside from being black. This is like saying Tails is a playable character since Fox is a playable character, despite the fact that the only thing the two have in common is being male anthropomorphic foxes.
Chaos Zero 64 said:
This is one of the things I find really annoying.

Sure, the Wii's not about graphic power, but come on. We're supposed to see smooth lines and complete circles. Seems Nintendo hates making smooth models and round eyes on things they think they can get away with.
The hexagon shape was actually Waddle doo's origonal shape. he was never ment to be a complete circle. I mean, Waddle dee has ovals, and gordos also have circle eyes that are circle.

Forget the rest of Waddle Doo's body, his eyes should not look like octagons. We won't be seeing him up close often, but still, that just looks wrong.

Whatever, Dedede still looks awesome by the rest of the screenshots.
Looking at a few sprites of waddle doo, I noticed he kind of changed from octogon to circle and back and forth like that, but his eye was always a circle.
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