Stuff to put in 1.09

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"Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi". It's not a Sonic movie, but there's someone there who looks like a particular Eggman.
Although I can't get this image out of my head of every badnik in the game looking like the current Knuckles sprite... *beaned*


Pre-rendered, when done properly, looks very nice ;P
Jake said:
"Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi". It's not a Sonic movie, but there's someone there who looks like a particular Eggman.

Who's that guy who looks like Eggman?

Kids: Sponge-bob Square-pants!!

Me: This is NOT your show! *sends Omega to erradicate them*
I've got a suggestion (Just said that so I wouldn't confuse you guys about that spider)

Pinball, every sonic game has at least one aspect of pinball, Spring Yard's bumper's, Casino Night's pinball machine, Sonic Spinball is all pinball. SRB2 needs pinball. It's like a trademark for Sonic games
Blue Blur said:
I've got a suggestion (Just said that so I wouldn't confuse you guys about that spider)

Pinball, every sonic game has at least one aspect of pinball, Spring Yard's bumper's, Casino Night's pinball machine, Sonic Spinball is all pinball. SRB2 needs pinball. It's like a trademark for Sonic games

Slots machines!!! And to quote Charmy, "It's the best game ever! Let's play! Let's play!". OK. It's the worst game EVAR!!!. But put in anyways.

Oh, and pinballs needs slopes. Unless it's vertically. And you have to make the camera in 2D when you enter the pinball.
Even if we did it vertically, it would still need slopes for the ramps and whatnot.

You'll just have to use the bouncy sector to annoy players =P
While we're on the topic of Casino stages, would those slot machines from Sonic 2/3+K be possible? You know, the ones that give you rings or spikes...
I'd bet those would be possible, but displaying the results might be hard. Those would be neat, though.
Umm.. I have a suggestion. *shot*

Probably said this before, but perhaps green Crawlas that simply find the nearest wall and roll around on it? It'd be nice in areas where Knuckles has to climb a lot, or in a tight area. Also just look neat. =P

Also, is there any possible way at all, that there could be a tag for a baddie to not shoot at a certain team, like maybe just the red team? That's open a whole diverse concept for mappers like me who wanna create something new - like 'assault' esque maps or something. You could also mod an SP map with red starts dotted around and blue starts at the normal spot, so you have to fight humans as well as the normal baddies (ala Perfect Dark's Counter Op mode, for anyone who's played that game)

I just think that'd be awsome to have a tag for baddies to not shoot at whatever team, it could put a lot of fun into those single player maps and expand on map-making as a whole.. As if it's not big enough already. =P
How about a special boss thing, that when the boss gets defeated, it opens a door or something. That would make it so that when you beat the boss, there would still be half the stage left.
You should already be able to do that with some clever manipulation of the Egg Trap sectors.
Hey... And what about a timer to finish the level...?

*Thinks about a level where you fight Eggman after some steps, defeat it, and then have time to go out of the stage*
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