Stuff to put in 1.09

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There weren't any homing rings in FBZ.
There weren't any random monitors in FBZ.
There weren't any Armageddon Sheilds in FBZ.

It's a simple suggestion, frankly, seeing as we already have a lot of stuff that never was in an official Sonic game (well, the random monitors were in Sonic 2 but only in 2P mode). It's not like it'd even be too hard, seeing as DOOM had partial-invisibility code lying around somewhere - still pretty dang hard to see something with that.

Either way, you seem a little... agitated? Defensive? Rude? Not sure what adjective works best, really.
I mentioned this in another topic but here: Some way to be able to control the robots.

I'll give a little example: In the first Age of Empires, there is a cheat that allows to to take control of the wild life. You basically command the wild elephants and lions and such.

Something like that would be cool. You type something in, and you can take control of a robot in the field, like be a Jettysyn and fly around and hit people, or be a crawla and...crawl, or be Eggman, and have a one on one boss fight.

That would be absolutely awesome. I don't expect it to happen, but it would be killer if it happened.

EDIT: Small note, but it seems to me as of late that a441 has been against adding anything new in lately. First the password feature, and now this (the invisibility thing), both of which would likely be very simple to add in.
Not to mention the "talking" sprite. But, he's the one in control of things (well, him and SSN), so what are WE going to do about it? Nothing I know of.
Take Sonikku's suggestion and walk into Sonic Team Junior's Top Secret Headquarters and blow the place up? That's the only thing I can think of.
Shadow Hog said:
Not to mention the "talking" sprite. But, he's the one in control of things (well, him and SSN), so what are WE going to do about it? Nothing I know of.

a441 is not the only person adding things, you know. Just because a441 hates it doesn't mean it isn't going to happen. That's why this is a "suggestions" topic. So everyone can say that they'd like a feature and request it.

Whether it gets done is up to time, manpower, and whether the suggestion is actually good or not.
Whoo! Little subject space that no-one ever looks at! ^_^

No it wouldn't; The whole idea of SPMoves is to add everything in that didn't make it to SRB2. You should take a long, hard look at these pages (So should I, considering I help with it... *shot*) and see what some of the ideas that the fans have. Knowing that you've been at a loss for ideas lately, this'd be a great way to keep progressing on SPMoves but still be able to mantain a lazy mind. Like me! ^_^;
I've already asked a few people for ideas. They had mostly things revolving around evil toilets and giant houses. I think JTE's Pad has gotten into some people's heads...
Okay! I was told to post this here, cause it was a good idea :)
There needs to be some kinda linedef executor or something that pops a message up (like it does at the start of a level) when you step into the sector.

Say you're in THZ2, the game says Techno Hill Zone Act 2, like it normally does. Then you step into the turret room and the same kind of thing shows up only it says "Turret Room".

It'd be real useful in city wads and wads that combine the 3 acts of a level into 1 map :D.
I actually have an idea for Mario mode: Mushrooms. If you place a moniter in a Mario block, instead of it activating, it moves in the direct it faces, with a mushroom sprite with spots colored to it's power (Blue for normal, dark green for liquid, red for fire, black for boomy, purple for Eggman, and light green for 1up). It would add to the flavor and make for interesting match maps.
Shuffle said:
There needs to be some kinda linedef executor or something that pops a message up (like it does at the start of a level) when you step into the sector.

Say you're in THZ2, the game says Techno Hill Zone Act 2, like it normally does. Then you step into the turret room and the same kind of thing shows up only it says "Turret Room".

It'd be real useful in city wads and wads that combine the 3 acts of a level into 1 map :D.
There are internal script-executing linedef executors which were made for that sole purpose. My suggestion, in fact. I have a thirst for power. :twisted:
The only difference is that scripts can only pop up a message like if someone said something. Maybe we should have a "zonefont" or "popup" console command?...
I know, did you even read what I was saying?
I'm talking about making a new kind of echo thing that uses the title card font instead. It would certainly be easier then making a new kind of linedef executor alltogether. Just make sure you use a type that only executes once so that the title card doesn't go poof on you. :|
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Anyways, I have an idea: Server messages! Example:

connect; name hotdog003
Hotdog003 is in the game (node 3)
Welcome to Meadow Match. There are 3 players here:
Mystic, FuriousFox, and Zash.
The current gametype is TAG with a timelimit of 5 minutes.

... See? Maybe, you could customize it like this:

Welcome to %map%. There are %numplayers% players here:\n %listplayers%\n The current gametype is %gametype% with a timelimit of %timelimit% minutes.

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