Stuff to put in 1.09

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OH,I see :? ....I didn`t know it was that hard.
*dang , no new enemies I guess*
Here's my list:

1) More characters (namely vector :P)
2) more secrets. not just secret stages, but also secret characters, secret areas, (I don't just mean rooms full of powerups, but a whole new area. I remember a shooting game, where if you shoot a certain object in a level, you would be teleported to different places, like a pool party, a duck shoot minigame, a chicken fry, a bowling alley, a billiards room, ect.)
and secret routes through the level.
3)More bonus stages. I know you only need seven, so why not make secret bonus stages? like say, find a hidden super emerald, and you'll be transported to the stage. you don't have to win anything for clearing them, but it'd be a nice touch.
4) Add Yellow Gallaxy as a standard multiplayer level. At least, if not for the level itself, for the fact that it is an homage to the most anticippated sonic game of all time. Besides, its good, and you know it.
5) It'd be nice if there were cutscenes between zones, so that the game actually has a real story. Or at least an ending.
6) A secret ending.

I am aware of the lack of space, but still...
JetKrazy said:
You ask for too much, you notice that, Ritz?

I'm not suggesting that they put in ALL of that. Just a few ideas, that's all. But they HAVE to put vector in the game. and I don't mean some peice of crap like knuckles.
im pretty sure cutscenes would ruin that *classic* feel about srb2

and after all its pretty obvious what the story is :-p
No, they will not HAVE to put anyone else in the game. I'm sure everyone will vouch for me on this one, the characters have been decided. There will be no more aside from custom made ones.
if people want more characters then they are free to make them themselves anyhow, so instead of asking to add more characters, i suggest people just have a go at making there own

im rather rubbish at drawing sprites and id say im doing a good job on espio so theres really no excuse
Firemario, there is a reason, however, why we allow people to create their own sprites and give out the information for doing it. It adds replay value. The reason Sonic Adventure's multiple characters sucked was because a lot of it was tedious and provided different gameplay which wasn't as good as the traditional Sonic gameplay.

If you recall, the reason the original games multiple characters ruled was because they all had original moves that allowed them to do things the other characters couldn't. By adding more capability into SRB2's engine, that would allow a spriter the freedom to create a new character with a drastically different ability set than STK. Originality is the spice of life, ya know.
But I have have another question for the Stjr: Have you ever thought about resorting to Sonic Extreme's badniks to implement into Sonic Robo Blast 2? All they are doing is collecting dust at sfghq and no one's bothered to use them in anything, despite that a lot of work went into them, and they could actually work int the game. It might provide a quicker alternative to satisfy everyone rantings about wanting more badniks into the game.
Truth be told, SRB2 used to rely heavily on Sonic X-Treme sprites (for Sonic, at least).

But as of now they won't fit in with SRB2's style, unless they were used simply as placeholders.

Again, we'll be lucky if AJ finishes Knuckles. Take what you can get. Want more enemies? Learn to code, learn to sprite, do it yourself. SRB2's open source! Knock yourself out. Don't want to code? Learn Soc Editing. I described in as best of detail as I could how I edited SASRB2 with a Soc.

"That's too hard!" you say. Well, now you know what we face. :P Small code tweaks are one thing, but full-out totally new features are another, especially stuff that's difficult to implement.

I personally always try to be as practical as possible when I suggest new stuff. And, as you might've noticed, a handful of my suggestions were implemented.
One word: Goomba.

These things are only viewed from the front, and to be honest, they look alright. The programming of enemies hardness varies on what sort of enemy you want... Oh wait... (quickly programs annoying enemy...) ...Shush you.

BlazeHedgehog said:
But as of now they won't fit in with SRB2's style, unless they were used simply as placeholders.

But a couple of people are working on X-treme wads right now.
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