Stuff to put in 1.09

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Cy-Cyan said:
A guide on how to add fricking enemies... Yes, I still want to know how... I WANT MY THZ FISH DAMMIT! A-hem... Compilers are evil... evil... evil... Hmm... The list of zones that will actually be in the final version... Rocky Mountain has been scrapped (and thank god for that), and there's probably a few others that have as well...

you cant add enemies....but you can replace and add frames so much to basically mask the enemy from being an original srb2 enemy
Then what's this Buzz/er about? If enemies can't be added, how can that be? Yes, I realise it has to do with programming, in info.c or something... but I dunno how to add a new object...
Em... thanks Mystic... but I did sorta ask how to program it in... no matter... Bosses that aren't Eggman? Make them yourself lazy one...
For slopes, why not use a sector special that tilts the floor at selective angles, such as 30 to 90 degrees? And for FOFs the special could be linedef based as FOF (solid, opaque, tilt 60) and so on.
It's not that easy. Nowhere near that easy. Each slope would probably need a load of different algebraic formulas. Each seperate slope... And there's also collision, the movement would probably need to be rewritten, and AJ has said himself that he's not going to rewrite it again.

Besides, there are always fake slopes/stairs... they don't look right and they might not do exactly what you want. But they are useable.
Blue Blur said:
For slopes, why not use a sector special that tilts the floor at selective angles, such as 30 to 90 degrees? And for FOFs the special could be linedef based as FOF (solid, opaque, tilt 60) and so on.
You misunderstand. The problem isn't having a way to specify the slopes in the wadmap. That's easy. The difficulty lies in making the game actually display the slopes and handle the physics for them, two tasks that would involve not only scary linear algebra stuff, but also rewriting tons of scary and hard to understand code.
How hard can linear algebra be?

The only way slopes can be possible in srb2 is if the legacy team themselves write the code. They're not impossible to do in doom however, as Zdoom has shown us.
Theorectically, nothing is impossible. It just depends how hard you want to work for it.
Of course. I'm sure that years ago everyone thought it would be impossible to have object heights in Doom. That's just one example, of course, there are multitudes of features in SRB2 that were thought impossible before.

And someone should just make a single webpage with all the facts put together that explain why slopes and loops aren't happening in SRB2. :D
dunno if this is reported yet......but if your doing a netgame...and someone joins using split screen........and the 2nd player goes int crashes both people using splitscreen
Wrong topic, Shadow :P

Hey, how about...


To even the odds against Detons a little? ;P
Well, you see, that's where their immense ownage comes from. They feed upon the power of the Pokemon trapped inside them!

Seriously though, I imagine it's a simple coincidence.

Blaze has a valid point though. Those Detons are sodding fast, and turn on a dime. If not have them travel in a straight line, widen the angle at which they can turn. They could still pwn you, just not with alarming regularity.
maybe they ARE pokeballs, and by some odd coincidence they think whoever your playing as is a pokemon ;-)

but because sonic etc arnt pokemon they just explode

bleh enough of my blabbering
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