Stuff to put in 1.09

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This came up recently so maybe it would be a good idea to implement? Of course, I could be wrong on this one...

* Deny OpenGL software rendering by default unless you supply a command line parameter. This way, people without 3D cards can't try to run the OpenGL mode and end up with framerates of 0.5 or 0.1 and be nearly unable to exit the game as a result.

--- Gemini
The default Microsoft software OpenGL driver is pretty slow. SGI has a faster, MMX-optimized version.
I'm sure this suggestion's been made but it's a crucial one:

* Make SRB2 able to read a text file that manually assigns the map cycle in different multiplayer modes. This way you can skip certain levels, mix your own levels in with the existing loops, etc., and be able to make a definition for each different game mode. If the file doesn't exist it defaults to the current built-in map cycles based on the levels you're on.

...but now that I think about it, how would the game know to use the map cycle since you get to choose which level you start on? Hmm...

--- Gemini
* Make SRB2 able to read a text file that manually assigns the map cycle in different multiplayer modes. This way you can skip certain levels, mix your own levels in with the existing loops, etc., and be able to make a definition for each different game mode. If the file doesn't exist it defaults to the current built-in map cycles based on the levels you're on.

...but now that I think about it, how would the game know to use the map cycle since you get to choose which level you start on? Hmm...
Sounds like you want to use the MAINCFG lump to me. It's not mode based, but it does specify which maps go to which maps and what mode each map is. (Also happens to be a large compilation of MAPXXD lumps, but that's beside the point.)

Just slap a modified one in a WAD for every special setup you desire, and load those up when you want to use them (and if you're server; don't want any consitency errors, do we?).
Heh... I remember making an SA wad that I had planned to create every single level in SA for... And every map had a script that would load the right wad with proper maincfg and graphics changes... So I could have a Chao Garden made of crawlas and crawla commanders (reprogrammed to just follow you around and stuff, of course) and the next level could reset them and use the blue crawlas for the rhino bots and the crawla commanders for a "whale"... Eggman would be Chaos or the Egg Hornet or Walker or whatever for every boss battle, and I had plans for all of them... Like Chaos 0 would have a modified turret that shot an Eggmobile missile followed by turret fire moving at the same speed, skinned to look like Chaos' "hand" and his "arm"... And yes, I had that properly programmed before Blaze's SA-SRB2 release, I assure you.
Yep... And no, I will not give it to you, it's much too massive. And... I think I took the massive amount of screenshots down from my website, I dunno. Don't worry, it was very buggy in some places (And I was JUST learning about the block enemys and impassable linedef flags and fake floors... Amazingly, I found the only way around being able to thok through impassable linedefs. :wink:)
SSNTails said:
The default Microsoft software OpenGL driver is pretty slow. SGI has a faster, MMX-optimized version.

Not really. It has better softeware rendering, but if your going to use your graphics card, it still uses Microsoft's OpenGL32.dll file for hardware
Not really. It has better softeware rendering, but if your going to use your graphics card, it still uses Microsoft's OpenGL32.dll file for hardware

That was the point, actually, because SRB2 will go into software OpenGL mode by default if it can't find any hardware for OpenGL, rather than quit out and tell you that there's no hardware OpenGL driver and that you should use the software renderer instead.

--- Gemini
FMSonic said:
Not really. It has better softeware rendering, but if your going to use your graphics card, it still uses Microsoft's OpenGL32.dll file for hardware

Huh? What you said doesn't make sense.

Microsoft's OpenGL32.dll is their software driver for it. SGI also makes a software driver that is faster than Microsoft's... I have it.

If you have hardware, your graphics card overwrites Microsoft's OpenGL32.dll with its own.
Jason the Echidna said:
Heh... I remember making an SA wad that I had planned to create every single level in SA for... And every map had a script that would load the right wad with proper maincfg and graphics changes... So I could have a Chao Garden made of crawlas and crawla commanders (reprogrammed to just follow you around and stuff, of course) and the next level could reset them and use the blue crawlas for the rhino bots and the crawla commanders for a "whale"... Eggman would be Chaos or the Egg Hornet or Walker or whatever for every boss battle, and I had plans for all of them... Like Chaos 0 would have a modified turret that shot an Eggmobile missile followed by turret fire moving at the same speed, skinned to look like Chaos' "hand" and his "arm"... And yes, I had that properly programmed before Blaze's SA-SRB2 release, I assure you.

Can't you make a crawla commanders bigger like for boss battels.

Edit 1: Is there a Better 3d Software... forget what I just said. *Puts head down*
Yes, of course you can. How do you think I made Eggman to be Chaos 0's size? Or all the crawla types to be the size of GBA-style Chao? :lol: But you need to change it's actions and stuff quite a bit before you can have a boss battle with a Crawla Commander... Or at least, one that actually ENDS when you beat it. :roll:
Yes, but can you make special little in-game cutscenes that occur in-game the instant you trip over a specific lindef, causing a special message to display on-screen that you otherwise would never see since it's not hardcoded into the game, as well as have numerous NPC characters (like, say, Eggman) start saying lines of a script as he begins his barrage on you, whislt Blue Crawlas are spawning like crazy around the level and the camera pulls off and quickly roams around the level until it reaches your goal so as to point it out?

Well, I'm probably exagerating what you'd actually WANT to do with FraggleScript, but I'm certain with a little know-how it can easily be done. So, can you do THAT with SOCs? I certainly hope so. Assuming, that is, if you followed that run-on of a sentence.

Actually, given what you apparently CAN do with SOCs, it wouldn't surprise me... though it always struck me as more of a DeHacked replacement than a FragleScript one.

Another thing... what DOES SOC stand for, anyway? Sonic Object Coding? Super Orange Children? Such Obese Chickens? Shoes On Claws?
SOC is DeHackEd. You can do most of that stuff with linedef executors (not spawning Crawlas or moving the camera, though).
Shadow Hog said:
Yes, but can you make special little in-game cutscenes that occur in-game the instant you trip over a specific lindef, causing a special message to display on-screen that you otherwise would never see since it's not hardcoded into the game, as well as have numerous NPC characters (like, say, Eggman) start saying lines of a script as he begins his barrage on you, whislt Blue Crawlas are spawning like crazy around the level and the camera pulls off and quickly roams around the level until it reaches your goal so as to point it out?
Well, I could do that through mah l33t (and l44t) programming, but there is no Fragglescript in SRB2 for something as cool.
Well, I'm probably exagerating what you'd actually WANT to do with FraggleScript, but I'm certain with a little know-how it can easily be done. So, can you do THAT with SOCs? I certainly hope so. Assuming, that is, if you followed that run-on of a sentence.
With SOCs, no. Because of one thing: SOC edits only allow you to do just that: Edit. You cannot create something new and you cannot change what a thing CAN do, just what it does.
Another thing... what DOES SOC stand for, anyway? Sonic Object Coding? Super Orange Children? Such Obese Chickens? Shoes On Claws?
Stupid Overloaded Crap.
Jason the Echidna said:
Well, I could do that through mah l33t (and l44t) programming, but there is no Fragglescript in SRB2 for something as cool.

Yeah, Fragglescript is evil, so I took it out of SRB2. Basically, I determined it would be too hard to maintain with all of the changes I was doing.

SRB2 Object Configuration

BTW, for mini-mods, there's another lump you can use besides MAINCFG... It's... help me out... I forget... -_-...
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