STH360 (50 % done) continues elsewhere

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k, heres my explanation. Sonic goes off trying to save the princess at white acropolis, but Eggman told Sonic to bring the chaos emerald to the base, and then sonic shows up blah blah blah and eggman tells sonic to put the emerald on this one pillar connected to this time machine called soloaris (prototype) and Eggman pushes this button which sends sonic to the future and they ended up at crisis city. This is a bad explanation, but you get the picture.
Sounds good to me.
Sky said:
HS If you begin Crisis City you must have finished White Acropolis .
Yes, he has finished White Acropilis, and it's uber fun. :DDD
Sky said:
HS If you begin Crisis City you must have finished White Acropolis .
Yeah I'm done with White Acropolis. In Crisis City I'm at the part where sonic bounces off of like I think it was six springs and like the game plays itself for a little while. (can't show you screenshots yet, you'll see ^^)
Sky said:
0K I say that cause i can't Wait -_-"
Umm actually Sky check your private message, you'll find a surprise^^. I sent you this before you started talking about you wanting the mod so bad.
Well you guys, I'm done with Crisis Cite'! Whooooo finally I'm done with that ruin level. now the only thing I have to make for crisis city is the mach speed which is just a straight road filled with enemies and obstacles.
That sounds very boring. Try adding some of your own paths, please, or else that level will be...blech.
Well you guys, I'm done with Crisis Cite'! Whooooo finally I'm done with that ruin level. now the only thing I have to make for crisis city is the mach speed which is just a straight road filled with enemies and obstacles.

Man! you are fast!
ok. I'm going to send out some more private betas after I'm done. Remember I made a SOFTWARE VERSION and a OPENGL VERSION. Don't just take the opengl version and just use it in software, because it would look horrible and lagg alot and don't just take the software version and play it in opengl because it won't seem good to you and you might ask for more, so that's why I seperated the two.
Mach Speed Sky, I got to do the Mach Speed Part, but what I forgot was to fix Software version on Crisis City (normal part) in Software. So give me like 5 minutes and then I'll get started on mach speed. Really all I need to do is to make the Thok barrier come close to the level some more. Crisis City in opengl version is more open ( hey that's kinda cool Open---- OPENgl, cool) and has more space.
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