SRB2 gets advertised!

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hotdog003 said:
You'd better cencor your post, Omega... Before Mystic gets here, I mean...

Right, because we all know that "sexy" is a bad word.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind SRB2 becoming bigger. But let's wait until the game is actually finished first. :wink:
logokas said:
You just signed your own death will, lol.

*Waits for him to get pwnt*

I'm liking this board already.

Oh, for Christ's sake. Doesn't anybody read the rules? Mystic said:

Mystic said:
1. Generally speaking, keep the board to the content that can be broadcast on network TV (Think "The Simpsons") and use your own common sense as to what's allowed or not allowed on the board.

Sure, network TV has gotten worse lately, but honestly, nobody's getting "pwnt" just because a bad word slipped once or twice. Mystic's talking about people who's every other word starts with "F", and I'm not talking about "Firetruck". But don't run around saying "you're gonna get in trouble!" like some kind of damn child.


You'll have to excuse me. It's morning, and I'm unusually cranky today.
Walan said:
Sure, network TV has gotten worse lately, but honestly, nobody's getting "pwnt" just because a bad word slipped once or twice. Mystic's talking about people who's every other word starts with "F", and I'm not talking about "Firetruck". But don't run around saying "you're gonna get in trouble!" like some kind of damn child.


You'll have to excuse me. It's morning, and I'm unusually cranky today.
Walan wins the internet. He's got it exactly down.

I'm not out to get people who insult me or my mother, I'm out to get people who disrupt the activity of the forums, and you people certainly aren't doing that. If someone is going to get in trouble, they're going to get in trouble, but it certainly won't be because of a bunch of people acting like 8 year olds saying it.
Mystic said:
I'm not out to get people who insult me or my mother

Mystic's mom zomglawl
plz dun kill me.
Close, but not close enough. HERE'S Mystic's mother!


Yeah, we're all banned. :roll:
Sorry for dragging this off-topic (yet again), but I thought I'd just pop up here and spill the beans, if you will.

Here's an early, early production shot of STH:LOTBB2. I'm sorry, I did mean to add the '2' to the end of the name. I'm not telling any more about this game except it is my latest (and hopefully greatest) Sonic fangame ever, and it's coded in Visual Basic. Don't let that disturb you, I can get a pretty good framerate (of about 20 or 30) on my 444mhz machine.

You're probably wondering where STH:LORBB1 is, aren't you?
Well, my first game, Sonic the Hedgehog: Legend of the Blur Blur, or STH:LOTBB (yes, that's the title), didn't make such a hit.

I've hosted it up even though it's not worth a dime. Be warned: It's programmed in Flash (which is not the best programming language for games, let me assure you), and it contains horrible MIDI music converted to WAV. It was also made before I had a basic knowladge of programming in general.

This early game didn't get past Act 3 Level 1 in terms of production. At least it has a plot. If you'd like the .FLA (about 15 mb), then PM me, and I'll be happy to give it up.

The seccond game isn't anything like this. First of all, my drawing skills have gotten better, and it has... oops, I shouldn't say. Hopefully, it's gonna be at SAGE, but no gaurantees.
Ritz, if you touch that 'It has' sentance up there, I'm gonna kill you.
Wow... that game reminds me of MY first try on making a fangame on Click and Create. It was similar to that too. But mine was less buggy and didnt had any control lag :wink:
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