Rate the above user's avatar! Version 2

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AWW! This must be a Plumber/Neutral chao! 9/10, needs shading on hat and clothes.
There's a rip in the time-space continuum, and I'm throwing a chaos emerald into it.
Considering it's the Mobian universe's most powerful and important object, that could cause problems.

And Bouncey gets a 5/10.

An interesting concept, but just too small. I also don't like the fact that its stuck there in the corner. Maybe you ought to make it a larger image and then paste that part of it in the center. It'd probably look a lot better.


Also, consider giving it a moustache. : D

Other than that, as I said, I love the concept of a Mario chao.
Bouncey: 6/10. It's a little small, and I didn't realize it was Mario until I read the thread.

And while we're kinda on topic, I seem to be the only one here who doesn't know who Mystic's avatar is supposed to be.
8/10 -- I like the avatar, I know who's posting when I see it.

What is that cow DOING, by the way?
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