Official SRB2 Ventrilo Channel - (Down until further notice)

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I acted stupid but then got moved. YAY! I better shut my mouth about how many wads I have and start counting by the microphone....
Before I get moved again.*Shuts mouth when mod comes in*
Look who came on Team Speak.


*Sorry for the runescape window, I was dueling someone and forgot to minimize it. I talked to him abit and I left and then he left. -.-*
Actually, BlueJinjo came before that, though. Spazzo already knows that BlueJinjo exists. Heck, I've seen him there the other time he was on.
No, I never shut down the server. My computer just had a really weird error, and shut down while I was asleep.
Hey guys, I'd just like to forewarn all of you that the server might go down for a bit today, as it turns out to be thundering outside. Unfortunatly, I am not home right now, so I cannot do anything. If it goes down, it will probably stay that way until the weather subsides.
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