New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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IGN gave Sonic Adventure a 9, which came out around the same time as Sonic Pocket Adventure. Still think the score might be a little off the wall.

SPA was just Sonic 2+3 remixed. Its like having the master pieces on your gameboy, with a whole bunch of extra features.
Yeah, get Sega's USA developers to make Sonic 4.
What we need is another Iron Man. ^^

Iron Man's developers aren't really that much are part of SEGA. Not as much as STI was, at least.

I laughed out loud at the following quote.

Sega hopes with the restructure that Iron Man 2 and the sequel to Beast Rider will deliver what the original games were meant to do.
Does that sound familiar?
Wasn't Secret Level still American? :p
Oh, Secret Level shut down. High Voltage(The Conduit) is now working on it.

Now to get back to Sonic 4...
Not as much as STI was, at least.

I laughed out loud at the following quote.

Sega hopes with the restructure that Iron Man 2 and the sequel to Beast Rider will deliver what the original games were meant to do.
Does that sound familiar?

Yes it does... A little too familiar to the point it makes me uncomfortable.

Now SEGA themselves have turned into one giant Sonic Team. Well, I'm out of luck if I want a nostalgic game. Thanks SEGA.

And IGN hates Sonic? Uh... Really? I thought that they hated the BAD games from Sonic. I don't know what you're talking about, besides imaginary glitches (yes, I do agree that the glitches in their Unleashed review was bull), they nail most Sonic reviews.

Then again, they are FPS savvy. But that's beside the point.
Its just Hilary that hates everything. :p

Oh, Avatar items confirmed. A mask! :o
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Its just Hilary that hates everything. :p

Oh, Avatar items confirmed. A mask! :o
*insert picture here*


Ya know, I'm in love with the game now, just for that costume. I. Want. It. Now where's my Eggman outfit? Eh, I guess I'll have to do with the SASASR Eggman glasses.
Its just Hilary that hates everything. :p

Oh, Avatar items confirmed. A mask! :o

I honestly don't see the appeal of dressing your avatar in costumes such as this. Just makes them look even more ridiculous than they already do.
I can't see why you guys can't see that that Sonic costume is a photoshop (or however you call that). The belly is copied, and the edges have different lighting. It also looks very blurry.
Now SEGA themselves have turned into one giant Sonic Team. Well, I'm out of luck if I want a nostalgic game. Thanks SEGA.

Hoo boy, what wasn't recycled in this and dumbed down? Watching the remade Sonic 2 Mecha Robotnik being played like a violin with a 31 hit point health meter was too much. Hard? Barely. Super tedious? You bet.

Every boss was recycled, all the gimmicks of ye olden Sonic 1 & 2 (plus homing attack)


No, not really. The key here is that the original had quality, while the remake does not. If something's being remade and is worse than what it's remaking, I doubt it will instill nostalgic feelings to the degree had it been a remake of similar or better quality.
I don't get how the remade bosses are worse.

The first one with the giant ball, is no longer jump on his head 8 times. He actually becomes a danger.
I don't get how the remade bosses are worse.

I can tell you that many people will probably think that Casino Street's boss is absolute trash compared to its Casino Night inspiration. The playing field for the Casino Night boss was awesome because it has a ton of bumpers and other gimmicks to impede/aid you in defeating the boss. That design is not only fun, but it incorporates itself into Casino Night's level design very well. Not only is Casino Street's boss arena smaller and lacking as many bumpers, but the boss's attacks are now non-threatening except for that cheap charge-up-with-electricity-and-fly-about thing, which he'll likely only get in once before you defeat him. The boss is more of a formality than it is a fun event.

I also dislike the new Death Egg (the E.G.G. Station boss). The original required considerable risk and precision to beat it within the ten-minute time limit. Now the boss takes hits like the side of a barn and the only thing special about him is that he takes an absurd number of hits to defeat. Something's wrong when I find the final boss less threatening than he those that came before him.

And the homing attack, in combination with the titanic size of Eggman's ships, just makes everything too easy in general. That said, I do like Lost Labyrinth's boss.
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