New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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I may be on temporary leave for a small bit, but I have to say this.

Mad Gear Act 3: for the frickin win, it is amazingly epic.
They all sound ok to me. I listened to Mad Gear twice while playing all songs on loop, and I'm not into it yet.

I'll wait until the main site updates new songs before I call this legit. Who knows if it is, but having Dimps reuse the boss song from a 3D Blast beta song... that kinda ruins the whole thing. I now have my doubts.
It is legit, it even sounds legit.

Sorry guys, removed most of the tracks off my video. Sega pulled like 3000 copyrights and I was going to get in a lot of trouble. One more strike and I am suspended. :(

Good thing I didn't empty my recycle bin. I'll just reupload the videos once the game comes out.

Why does it ruin the whole thing? I think its obvious they are trying to pull a genesis on this. Heck, every single tune in this game reminds me of 3D blast music.
Um... For a Metropolis knockoff, Mad Gear's music is very.. uninspired.

To be frank, I am unimpressed. It's funny, even the horrendous Sonic games like '06 have better soundtracks. Anything from Unleashed is better than this... Hell, Robotnik's battle sounds like a Circus Tent. I was getting tired of him clowning around and now they're continuing it. Well.... that's actually surprising. What gives?

I'm sorry. They aren't capturing the feel of the 90s. They're just sounding... bland.. and much uninspired.
IMO, I do think they are capturing the feel of the Genesis. Like I said, it reminds me of the times I replayed Sonic 3D blast.
You know, guys, maybe there was a reason they never used that Sonic 3D Blast song until now. I've got to say, the instruments on ALL of these are terrible, and it's really not helping the 'we don't care THAT much' feeling I'm worried is going to overtake this game.

Still, there ARE some good melodies in there, buried under lots of cheap synth. We just need to have Gecko redo the entire soundtrack, put it into the game somehow, and we're golden.
The beta 3D music sounds 10x better then the final one.
With the Xbox+PS3 , you can play your Ipod/Zune music. And the Wii...
You can already replace sounds with hacks IIRC.
Not sure if anyone's seen this yet:

Great stuff. A bit closer to Ristar than Sonic, but it's got the fuller sound I think the official soundtrack is kind of lacking in.

I don't get what people see (err, hear, I guess) in this song. Yeah, it's 16-bit, but it doesn't sound like anything that could be realistically be played on a Sega Genesis. To me, it just sounds like there are too many notes playing at once. I like the official Splash Hill Act 1 better.
They should give the player more vision. You're practically blind and can't really predict what's ahead unless you've seen it before.
You know, guys, maybe there was a reason they never used that Sonic 3D Blast song until now. I've got to say, the instruments on ALL of these are terrible, and it's really not helping the 'we don't care THAT much' feeling I'm worried is going to overtake this game.

Still, there ARE some good melodies in there, buried under lots of cheap synth. We just need to have Gecko redo the entire soundtrack, put it into the game somehow, and we're golden.

To be frank, Gecko's sounds way too much like Pokemon.

But this:

Oh man, THIS... is Sonic music. Everything feels full and filled. It's got counter melodies and everything. This is the DEFINITIVE Splash Hill Zone music. Hands down.

Heyyyyyyyy kids! It's leak time!

This time, we've got FULL footage of Splash Hill Act 1. Act now, before Sega's internet people erase it like it never existed.

And... OH MY. We have Rush physics! Sonic can now walk up walls going 5 miles per hour. Enemies are stepping stones for nothing important. And you can get by by.... That's RIGHT! Holding right!

Guess what? Sayger screwed up again! Momentum? WHAT MOMENTUM? I don't see any speed earning here.

I've gotta' say. This disappoints me as usual. This has more in common with Rush than the classics. I now KNOW it's Sonic Rush 3.
If you're sure that "Sayger" is going to disappoint you, why do you even get your hopes up?
Especially when it's been shown to you more than once that you should avoid that?
Sonic can now walk up walls going 5 miles per hour.
He had speed shoes equipped. If you listen closely you can notice the sped-up music.

Enemies are stepping stones for nothing important.
Beats the hell out of "move left and right aimlessly and hope the player runs into me". EDIT: looking closely, it's exactly how Sonic was able to reach those aformentioned speed shoes. Speaking of which...

And you can get by by.... That's RIGHT! Holding right!
...did you somehow NOT notice the player literally dying within the first ten seconds with that approach? Even from a speed standpoint, that's really not much different to what a typical Sonic game has going for it anyway. I mean hell, the most they usually do about it is throw in a slope for holding down, and that's not exactly rocket science.

Also bear in mind that (yes I'm gonna bring up this point again)this is the first level, which should typically be designed for this kind of streamlining in the first place.

This has more in common with Rush than the classics. I now KNOW it's Sonic Rush 3.
Except, you know, Rush games have a boost.
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