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The lava one is purpousedly Made so you won't get hurt, it would be unfair. but anyway, it will have more thinks to think of later.
I'm adding some new FOP (Floor over pit area) It's getting Way good and when I have time I will upload It. Wait a minute! It's already up! Go check it out. For the jetty in the FOP area use the jumping low then jumping to kill technique... Now... I'm off to sleep....
Sorry for triple posting and bumping this topic, wheter It's old or not but I need someone who could align textures for the contest.
If you would like to help, reply here or PM me and I'm sending the WAD so someone can align It's textures.
Also, aligning textures isn't particularly important. We don't even do it in the official stages of the game.
So. It doesn't matter if I align them or not in the contest? YAY!!!
But there are some textures that really reveal secrets such as the emrald chamber or credit. Also, Do you know how to delete the sectors that appear in the top of the level, over FOF? Because they create some insane lines which go from the FOF to that sector over it.


Take ou all of the 'Main' textures.
No, the problem is that heights cause a desplacement of the textures. I found all the hidden areas because this occurs.

In WadAuthor, you can change the X/Y Offset align for each linedef. Probably you can do this in other editors.
Where can I do It? I'm enering WED into the contest so I must have textures looking good. A wall texture coul be seen overlaping the floor
:eek: :eek: :eek:
WED kicks ass. Nuff said. 8)
Huh, that's the first time out of 307 posts that I used 8). Weird.
WED It's near Its completion but I have a problem.
Does anybody know If the Floor to ceiling crushers work?
I need them.
Any help will be apreciatted.
I've checked them both, but when I assign Floor to ceiling I get a normal Crusher, from ceiling to floor.I could send it to you so you can test it out.
Mystic. Can I still put the wad in the contest after giving it to Sik?
It's not the best way to do it, but you could make an FOF a crusher, then the ceiling of the FOF would come down to the floor of the FOF.
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