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Minecraft is awesome game, but i don't have it now... :(
(Reason: Windows XP -> Windows Vista <:( )
Holy shit. After some testing I realized Withers actually attack pretty much EVERYTHING.
I proceeded to test with Endermen... worked.
And then of course, I couldn't stop myself- I spawned some in the End. They started fighting the Dragon.
Let the Boss fight begin.
Edit: Just to clarify, Withers don't actually hurt OTHER Withers. I'm not sure about Wither Skeletons, too lazy to test that :X

Fear not, Senku, we put it back together. We did such a good job we had pieces left over! So we used them to give you a little surprise.
New Snapshot! Sadly it doesn't have nearly as much as features as last week :P
List taken from the wiki, just so it's fully detailed (because you know I love you guys, really!)
Tweaks to the Wither.
  • A large explosion is set off when it's spawn cool down completes.
Added "Re-Create" option to the World selection menu.
  • It can be used to copy a world you have created but with other options.
Carrots are now carrot.
Added Pumpkin Pie

Tweaks to a couple of item sprites.
  • Bread, Raw Chicken, Cooked Chicken, Raw Beef, Steak, (metal) Raw(r) Porkchop, Cooked Porkchop, and Nether Star no longer have a dark outline, Golden Carrot now matches Carrot, and Heads are slightly different.
Leather armor now has a non-dyed layer.
Time of the redstone signal of the wooden/stone button extended.
Superflat customization options.
Pigs are now able to jump when players ride on them.
Added /clear command to empty the inventory.
Evil mobs are now a little bit more fearless in hard difficulty.
Various bug fixes.
So yeah, pigs can now jump while riding them so you don't need stairs.. That makes Mario Kartpig a bit less fair (or a bit more intresting, depending on your point of view.) but makes traveling a lot better because you don't have to carry slabs or stairs wherever you go :P
On other news, Dinnerbone has been twitting about making the a new mob suiting for Halloween! He describes it for now as the "second ranged mob in the overworld". Sounds intresting!
also, am i the only one who fights the Wither while listening to this? It just fits.

Furthermore, I came up with a new "mechanic" for making minibosses in Minecraft* (*works on the snapshots only, pretty much)! I further explain in stages: (also spoiler tags are useful)
>Make spawner using mcedit or your tool of choice with whatever overpowered mob you want
>Mob spawner is found underneath where the players will walk
>Use mcedit to define the mob's spawn place to right above a stone pressure plate which activates A) A lamp near the spawner, to disable from spawning further "minibosses" or "overpowered pizzas", as well as activating a Command Block that teleports @mob (the nearest mob) to where the player faces the mob off in an epic battle!

Ooooon more other news, my friends are preparing to start hosting a 24/7 server, with a spawn we built and all. If anyone cares, I'll release info such as IP here (once the server's hosted), we could say hello and do stuff. We have a mob arena of sorts (that I didn't work on). Also I have a Boss I made that may or may not make it in there since I'm too lazy to decorize it, but the bossfight is already built in. My friends describe it as the "hardest, most complicated boss to build in Minecraft without mods". :3

... Also, in the case I am allowed to go into the SRB2 server once it's on, I have plans on doing 2 things pretty much straight away, as a "remorse" for past actions, you can say:
1) After getting from Chrome that my Fortress has a lot of dungeon potential a few months back, I'm going to make it visitable by anyone and finally have challenges in it.
2) I plan on making a small, fun public place for all, almost like a park, where you can have all sorts of redstone games fun! A lot better than the Dual Piston Arena I built, and a lot less deadly. The things I prepare for that place are gonna be fun and wacky~
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Hello again~
Yep, just here for the standard weekly Snapshot update, in case you missed it.
I hereby summon the list of changes for snapshot 12w38a!

  • Nether loads faster when going through a portal
  • Updated and added new sounds by C418
    • New sounds when placing different kinds of blocks: Wood, Stone, Plants, Sand, Gravel, etc...
    • New sounds for Water
    • New sounds when walking on Sand, Gravel, Soulsand, Grass Block or Stone
    • New sounds for walking zombies, walking and damaged skeletons and galloping pigs
    • New sounds for the Cow
    • New sounds for the Enderman
    • Lava has become noisy
    • New level up sound, but will be changed later for a shorter one
  • Added a neutral mob (Bat)
  • Added a hostile mob (Witch) (doesn’t spawn yet)
    • Spawnable using Monster Eggs in Creative Mode
  • Command Block target parameters have been upgraded, check here for details: https://gist.github.com/3736487
  • Beacon artwork has changed
    • The light has changed
  • Wood Trunk blocks are now rotated differently. Instead of using the player’s position, it will rotate based on the face it is placed upon, like a lever (this is mainly a test).
Notable Bugs:
  • You are instantly teleported when going through a Nether portal (Maybe not a bug)
  • Beacon has a yellow cube inside when in the inventory but it doesn't appear when placed
  • Lava Sometimes does not emit light until a block near it is updated
World Release Imminent

After a long time, I'm finally done with the map. It was a long and difficult task, but thankfully it's done. It would have been longer if I had done what I originally planned. But thanks to some advice from Sp47, one of my building partners, I was able to devise a feasible shortcut, scrapping a lot, while still keeping the importance of the content we had worked on. All I have to do now is to finish one structure, and compile a list of the coordinates of everyone's ported structures. I'll post that list here when it is complete.

Official launch will be around six or seven EST. That's assuming furyhunter is available in that timeframe.

So be there!
Just in time for 1.4 to make another world hop necessary this month :D

(Actually, does 1.4 even introduce anything that would render one necessary? I should investigate that.)
The only thing really different world generation wise in 1.4 is that Villages might spawn with carrots and potatoes. Thankfully we can get those as a rare drop from zombies too :P
We'll still probably need a zombie grinder to get them though because of the lack of mobs after the first night. @~@
Change that to 9pm EST. Furyhunter is at his exams right now, making it impossible to do anything to the server.
Hm. Maybe it wasn't you... I thought it was.


Furyhunter is still not home, and I must not be going to bed. Tomorrow afternoon, for sure.
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