Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

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That still doesn't mean it is broken/flawed. You guys are not making any points by pointing out the game is easy.

"Sora does too much hits and damages so the game is flawed"

Xatled, he lost all(but regains a lot of) his memories. If you played the game. >_>
That still doesn't mean it is broken/flawed. You guys are not making any points by pointing out the game is easy.

Yeah, because enemy and ally (except for Riku) AI being absolutely terrible isn't at flaw at all.

Putting the rest in short-terms though, the game is easy because it is flawed.

"Sora does too much hits and damages so the game is flawed"

Xatled, he lost all(but regains a lot of) his memories. If you played the game. >_>
Sora's memories being restored was to fix the damage Namine did to Sora in Castle Oblivion, and he only remembers what happened in Castle Oblivion when fighting Xemnas (when Sora and Riku get separated from Kairi, Mickey, Goofy, and Donald). Sora's memories have nothing to do with his fighting skill at all (another fun thing to notice is how Sora still fights pretty much like he did in KH1 when he gets out of the pod in the Twilight Town Mansion). Sure you can call it development on his part (he did fight pretty terrible in KH1), but that doesn't mean he has to be God-like compared to everything he fights.
The AI wasn't that bad. Donald and Goofy + Co did what they did. Healed you and attacked, they don't randomly jump into walls and get stuck. If you think the AI is bad, wouldn't that make the game harder? Seriously, they made the game easy on purpose. The creator regretted doing that. Thus, making FM+
The AI wasn't that bad. Donald and Goofy + Co did what they did. Healed you and attacked, they don't randomly jump into walls and get stuck.

Half the time Donald will heal you right after you finish healing yourself, he casts the wrong spells on the wrong enemies (hey a fire resistant enemy, lets cast fire on it and see what happens!)

If you think the AI is bad, wouldn't that make the game harder?
Putting the rest in short-terms though, the game is easy because it is flawed.

Seriously, they made the game easy on purpose.
You know this how? I mean, the 1st Kingdom Hearts had a perfect difficulty, so why would they try and make this game easier? Seriously, the enemies are just as fast as they were in KH1, and since Sora has developed into a God-like swordsman himself, the enemies become incredibly easy.

The creator regretted doing that. Thus, making FM+
Um, no. The main reason for the 1st Final Mix was to add the bosses Japan didn't get (Sephiroth, Ice Titan, etc.). It also adds some new cutscenes, skills, etc. Now, the Final Mixes are a reoccurring thing in Japan (which gives them more content than we do).

FM+ may have a higher difficulty mode and some harder bosses, but it also tries to explain vague plot-points (Roxas attacking Sora at Memory Skyscraper and his speal of "why did he pick you" and what-not). It also adds some things that Nomura wanted in the original version anyways (Organization XIII Mushroom Puzzles). Let's not forget more skills (which allows you to pump out even more damage with the Decisive Pumpkin, joys)! Even with the extra bosses (and dungeon which is actually hard for the most part), the game actually manages to make the main quest-line even easier on the original 3 difficulties than it was in the original.
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Even with the extra bosses (and dungeon which is actually hard for the most part), the game actually manages to make the main quest-line even easier on the original 3 difficulties than it was in the original.
Really though, the AI could have used fined tuning, but whatever, the game was still FUN, which is most important. Speaking of which, it looks like that party members are not present in BBS, this right?
[offtopic]I really am sick, so... yeah[/offtopic]

True, there is that; but if you're playing through FM+ normally; and normal KHII normally; FM+ is definitely easier.

Really though, the AI could have used fined tuning, but whatever, the game was still FUN, which is most important.
Not denying that it was fun.

Speaking of which, it looks like that party members are not present in BBS, this right?
Nope, party members are still there.

*EDIT*: To get more back on topic; Jump Festa 2010 apparently had a BbS Trailer, so here's a detailed description of the contents.
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You know this how? I mean, the 1st Kingdom Hearts had a perfect difficulty, so why would they try and make this game easier? Seriously, the enemies are just as fast as they were in KH1, and since Sora has developed into a God-like swordsman himself, the enemies become incredibly easy.

Have you ever heard of an interview?

Every game has some sort of flaw, but that does not make a game broken.

Um, no. The main reason for the 1st Final Mix was to add the bosses Japan didn't get (Sephiroth, Ice Titan, etc.). It also adds some new cutscenes, skills, etc. Now, the Final Mixes are a reoccurring thing in Japan (which gives them more content than we do).

Um... YES, the interview even said that as a reason. Adding the bosses were also several other reasons.

Every game has it's flaws. Though, these flaws don't make the game broken. Nor do I get the same issues you have.
Have you ever heard of an interview?

I actually have, and I looked at every interview I could find involving KH2, and KH2:FM+, and he never said he made the game easy on-purpose, nor did he regret making it easy anyways..

Um... YES, the interview even said that as a reason. Adding the bosses were also several other reasons.
Since you seem to be referring to the same interview, I'd like to ask this. KH1 was the first FM to come out, yes? So explain to me how KH1 was easy.

Every game has it's flaws. Though, these flaws don't make the game broken.
Quite honestly, Sonic 06 was broken because of its flaws. KH2 is broken but unlike Sonic 06, it still remains a fun game

Nor do I get the same issues you have.
The copy of KH2 you played sounds absolutely magnificent. Do you mind if I borrow it?
I was referring to KH2.

Quite honestly, Sonic 06 was broken because of its flaws. KH2 is broken but unlike Sonic 06, it still remains a fun game

For the love of God, it isn't broken. "OMG AI is dumb and game is easy, so its broken!"
The copy of KH2 you played sounds absolutely magnificent. Do you mind if I borrow it?

No... too magical for you. :(
I see that I may have been more clear. KH2 is not broken. The new abilities are, as in they make the game too easy. Playing without them gives you some challenge.
@XAlted: That is true, and thanks for the clarification.
Whoatefred, saying something is easy does not make it broken.
Reaction commands made the game easy since you could block almost everything, though it did not make the game broken.

Does Kingdom hearts have you fall through walls and floors? Are physics broken? Does everything work fluently?
Broken doesn't always mean flat out broken, look at the elemental sheild, it's practicaly broken, but still perfectly functional.

The game is broken becasue the abilities and AI cause the game to be an easy, button mashing mess.
Well, I'm dumb. I was basing that on the trope "Game breaker" but I was recalling it completely wrong. So, it's not broken.
My bad. And this is why one does not debate while sick.
For the love of God, it isn't broken. "OMG AI is dumb and game is easy, so its broken!"

I'll say this again; The game is easy, because it is flawed.

Here's the list again:

-The enemies are incredibly slow compared to Sora and co.
-Sora's combos have too many hits in them (and he goes through them incredibly fast), making finishers broken (Oh yeah, not to mention there's a skill that puts two finishers at the end of the combo, and the Decisive Pumpkin is not only as strong as the Ultima Weapon; it puts even
-The QTE's are incredibly easy to do, and pump out a large amount of damage (not to mention they're also used to evade attacks, making Sora god-like).
-Drive Forms make the game even
damage on the finishers).easier.
-Donald Duck is the world's worst mage
-Magic spells are too powerful and cheap (Reflega (?) is the best example of this).
-The game practically degrades itself to a button-masher.

-Ridiculous amount of experience given from slain enemies. (Example would be 100 XP from defeating a single Soldier heatless)

-Set level of worlds made heartless underpowered compared to your current level (by this I mean after you beat every world. The enemies are permanently set to that level, therefore Sora can cut through them like butter. This is unlike the first where Sora has limitations and can be defeated by enemies despite level difference.)

It isn't that hard to see; the enemies are slow and can barely harm you, while Sora is quick and over-powered. Sora is practically a God in this game; when he clearly shouldn't be (which I find funny since Xemnas practically ate God (Kingdom Hearts) and still got beat to a pulp by Sora and Riku).

Reaction commands made the game easy since you could block almost everything, though it did not make the game broken.
Not to mention they can also deal out a large amount of damage for mashing the Triangle button with out any particular amount of skill at all.

Does Kingdom hearts have you fall through walls and floors? Are physics broken?
No, and No. KH2 is incredibly flawed in how the game-play overall works though; hence, see list above.
You are not proving anything by pointing out fact that the game is easy. Try playing harder modes?...
Flaw = Defect. The only flaw I can agree with the world thing.(And list) Though, you already beat the game, I think they force you to start a new save...?

Seriously, Mario and Sonic isn't broken because it is very easy. (Waggle fest) By your logic, every easy game is broken.

Fact: You don't have to spam attacks, a majority of games out there have a spam attack. Knuckles could even glide over levels if he wanted to.

I have several things I agree you. But I don't agree the whole game is broken.
Like I said I agree on....
The worlds are too easy once you get far in the game.
Sora is powerful (though.... proud mode. :p)
A.I. - I do notice it rarely, Donald does heal a second late.

The game is broken becasue the abilities and AI cause the game to be an easy, button mashing mess.
He stated the AI makes the game to be harder, due to not healing and using wrong attacks.
I disagree with your definition of broken, I find it to fit in with overpowered.
What is wrong with the elemental shield?

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Try playing harder modes?...
I played through Proud Mode in a breeze (You can get the Decisive Pumpkin about half-way into the game; which makes the rest of the game easier than it already is :P)

Though, you already beat the game, I think they force you to start a new save...?
No, it brings you back to your last save I believe (which should be right before the final boss).

Seriously, Mario and Sonic isn't broken because it is very easy. (Waggle fest) By your logic, every easy game is broken.
You're missing the point here. I'm not saying every easy game out there is broken (hell, I love some of them), but again; Kingdom Hearts 2 is incredibly easy for the wrong reasons; it was functional and enjoyable; but it is still pretty flawed.

I have several things I agree you. But I don't agree the whole game is broken.
Not saying the whole game is broken, but there are plenty of things that need fixing in the game play.

Sora is powerful (though.... proud mode. :p)
Read above.

He stated the AI makes the game to be harder, due to not healing and using wrong attacks.
Then you have Sora; whom can do everything possible in the game, making your allies pretty worthless anyways (except maybe Riku again, since he does a good job at keeping himself alive, and you have control over 2 of his abilities).

I disagree with your definition of broken, I find it to fit in with overpowered.
Which Sora is...
Can't find Endless MP... I'll look thoroughly tomorrow.
I don't think Endless MP was a skill, but for future reference, the KHWiki isn't a good source for information at all.
This article is lacking: Description for Final Mix abilities
So... yeah.
MP gift was only in KH1, and not completely cheap until Goofy got MPRage/Haste
What does endless MP do?
itt autosaver acts like a faggot as usual and defends a sequel against everyone else
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