Gemma the Tarsier-Cat

Gemma the Tarsier-Cat v3.0.4/BM Support v3.0.1

I respect your opinion but I was just pointing something out.
"Just pointing something out" ngl youre more like pointing things that arent even a problem at all
Shes wayy fine as it is and why a thok? She isnt even speed based
Imo youre just bein annoying

I really liked the battle abilities and the revamped sprites she looks more "alive" somehow(i dunno how to explain that) gemma is really fun to play
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RalphJeremy65 updated Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with a new update entry:

v1.3.3 [Re-Release]

[Originally released on April 16/17 (depending on your timezone). Due to recent events that happened in the SRB2MB, It was rolled back to it's April 14th state, 2/3 days before I even released this patch.]

- Fixed the Stand animation issue
- New Super color.


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Because I think a double jump action should be anything but a move that sends you downwards. Look at Modern Sonic: his Stomp move definitely isn't mapped to jump, is it? Same with Adventure Sonic, his bounce isn't mapped to jump either. SSNMighty's Hammer Drop, though, is mapped to jump, which is acceptable since it was like that in Mania.
Different characters, different playstyles, all that stuff, whatever. It's not a big deal having a double jump move send you downwards, in fact it makes sense for the character as they were created with that in mind. Whatever you think you're "pointing out" is therefore left redundant because you fail to consider the creator's intention and instead place your own beliefs over that.
RalphJeremy65 updated Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with a new update entry:

Gemma's 2nd Anniversary + Gemma v2 Previews

Hey y'all. been a while.

It's been 2 years since Gemma was released on the MB. To celebrate, here's some previews of what you can expect from Gemma's upcoming major update, v2:

To start with the obvious, Gemma has gotten another facelift. While the rest of her was mostly just clean ups to get rid of some crust for the most part, Her head has been completely redrawn to fit my current style...

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RalphJeremy65 updated Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with a new update entry:

v2 - (2-ish days late) 2nd Anniversary update


It's finally here.
Can't believe it's been two years since I first released Gemma. Looking back, she was quite a bit crusty, and as my artstyle has changed over the years, so did her sprites look outdated overtime. So I thought, how about I do what I should've done.


Gemma got herself another resprite. While her head has been completely...​

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Hey, I got two warnings while playing Gemma:
WARNING: ...haracters/CL_Gemma-v2.0.3.pk3|Lua/moreanimations.lua:64: accessed mobj_t doesn't exist anymore, please check 'valid' before using mobj_t.
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
...haracters/CL_Gemma-v2.0.3.pk3|Lua/moreanimations.lua:64: in function <...haracters/CL_Gemma-v2.0.3.pk3|Lua/moreanimations.lua:61>

WARNING: ...ddons/Tag/Characters/CL_Gemma-v2.0.3.pk3|Lua/HUG.LUA:242: accessed mobj_t doesn't exist anymore, please check 'valid' before using mobj_t.
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
...ddons/Tag/Characters/CL_Gemma-v2.0.3.pk3|Lua/HUG.LUA:242: in function <...ddons/Tag/Characters/CL_Gemma-v2.0.3.pk3|Lua/HUG.LUA:239>
I hope this helps with debugging!
From the game's point of view, I think so. The base game Nights mode sprites are suppose to be the super sprites so it makes sense that the game would pull super standing when your nights mode character is standing on the ground.

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