How do I set up the models?
go into the srb2 files and look for a folder named "models" from there insert the downloaded files but that is not it you also need to go into the "models.txt" and insert all of the models you want (like: SONIC GANS/Sonic.md3 1.0 0.0 the "SONIC" part is what character then "GANS/Sonic.md3" is the path it takes to get models put on the character then "1.0 0.0" the 1st part of it how i know its how to scale up the model the 2nd part idk)
Good day to everyone. Gans, I love your models, they are very expressive and the support for so many characters is phenomenal. I don't mean to nitpick or anything, but it would be really great if modern sonic had frames/animations for the NiGHTS segments. Thanks a lot, and keep up the good work.
why the hell are these models so big????


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Thank you for checking out the page!

All the important stuff is in the overview tab now, so go look there from now on lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy these models as much as I enjoyed making them.

why the hell are these models so big????
help ; w ; ???


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The model was meant for neo sonic not extra life
well first I play with this model on any char like sonic adeventure but ALL models were giants because they were numbered at and not I don't know why that made it giant but it was just changing that solved the problem now
Hey gan
I've got some things you could add to alt sonic
Here it is:

Number 1:
fix his super form
Yeah whenever there is a player with for example with the color brown, alt sonic stays blue
(same when super)
Number 2:
Give him neck support........................

he's kinda cute, just yeah just let him have a neck plz
So I clicked on this link, not expecting much. And then boom, I saw a model, this then became my favorite model pack.
So I clicked on this link, not expecting much. And then boom, I saw a model, this then became my favorite model pack.
when you say "Link" you mean on a YT vid? or the addons page?
this is actually the main model pack i use scence 2021 (way before i made my srb2 acc)
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when you say "Link" you mean on a YT vid? or the addons page?
this is actually the main model pack i use scence 2021 (way before i made my srb2 acc)
I once thought this game was just fucking horrible............................................

2 years later it became my favorite other than sonic world DX/R9
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Extra life?
I mean, from the Fleetway comics.
There is basically no need to make a model for extra life,

you can just make a copy of the sonic model in a new Folder and retexture the mouth and the eyes
and if you want to do some tweaks to the texture, you can edit the blend
Don't delete or erase the blend because the colors will be the same for everyone (on you're screen)
and the super form colors wont appear



or any other model like the modern one or,
alt sonic one, anyone
if the model doesn't have a specific animation for the char
the animations will break
it wont work if you rename the texture and model.dat for the char-
i think you get what i mean



idk why i did this
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when you say "Link" you mean on a YT vid? or the addons page?
this is actually the main model pack i use scence 2021 (way before i made my srb2 acc)
I saw it on an add-ons page of someone talking about how they didn't like using models with crossmomentum, and then someone suggested this
can someone help me with feels model
What model pack Ver u on?
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What model pack Ver u on?
Just download the version before Feels got deleted From the pack (even tho it's a great model),
move all 3 feels files to the new ver of Gan's,
And the same, just copy'n paste the Models.dat line for feels to srb2's models.dat,
I think you already know how to download old versions from the model pack so I'm not gonna say it for now.
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Put them into the models.dat and none of my models worked, not even the vanilla models; Strange but okay, I put the files back to normal and now none of my models work.. Cool.
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Sweet looking models though! I really like the art direction of them all.
same thing happened here, sadness
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same thing happened here, sadness
NEVERMIND, it fixed itself!
Also, these models are nice!
edit: It'd be nice to see Mecha Sonic in full 3D. Would you mind doing that? It's okay if you don't want to, I'm just suggesting it! Thanks! --Casual Priest Allegro
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Hey, nice mod! But I have a weird question.
So uh, I downloaded jeck jims' models and put them in the game. Then I downloaded your mod because I really liked the junio sonic model (also there's some models in here that isn't in jeck's pack)
But I can only put one models.dat file into the game, and I wanna keep jeck's.
I'm really dumb and new to this modelling stuff, so basically
How the hell do I put some models from your mod into jeck's model.dat Or model files/ is there some way to merge the two dat files into one?
I flippin flooded the chat because my data sucks
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Hey, nice mod! But I have a weird question.
So uh, I downloaded jeck jims' models and put them in the game. Then I downloaded your mod because I really liked the junio sonic model (also there's some models in here that isn't in jeck's pack)
But I can only put one models.dat file into the game, and I wanna keep jeck's.
I'm really dumb and new to this modelling stuff, so basically
How the hell do I put some models from your mod into jeck's model.dat Or model files/ is there some way to merge the two dat files into one?
I flippin flooded the chat because my data sucks

You downloaded Jeck Jim's? Then Delete all codes for the models that are for Gan's (Sonic, Tails, Knux, Amy, Modern, Greeneyes, Neo Sonic, Junio Sonic, Ect)
