favorite MMORPG

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Hmm... do I dare post here?

Right, the one I play is Runescape, so yea, you can shoot me for playing it but, hey, some play Maplestory, some play WoW, some play PSOBB, etc.

But for me? Its Runescape, been playing it for 2 years now Lv 108, but I don't play it 24/7, I have stuff to do, such as school right now.

Its all about if you enjoy playing the game, isn't it? For example, Sonic the Hedgehog for GBA, that game wasn't enjoyable to me, but it may for some.

Same applys for Runescape, WoW, etc. If you enjoy playing it, then that can be accpeted, right?

Sure it may have flaws, but I still play it, not to metion the updates that made ALOT of people leave for good.

Now... I don't know what to put here now, really, after all that text.
SonicX8000 said:
Hmm... do I dare post here?

Right, the one I play is Runescape, so yea, you can shoot me for playing it but, hey, some play Maplestory, some play WoW, some play PSOBB, etc.

But for me? Its Runescape, been playing it for 2 years now Lv 108, but I don't play it 24/7, I have stuff to do, such as school right now.

Its all about if you enjoy playing the game, isn't it? For example, Sonic the Hedgehog for GBA, that game wasn't enjoyable to me, but it may for some.

Same applys for Runescape, WoW, etc. If you enjoy playing it, then that can be accpeted, right?

Sure it may have flaws, but I still play it, not to metion the updates that made ALOT of people leave for good.

Now... I don't know what to put here now, really, after all that text.

87 combat here, oh and BH sucks..
RuneScape. I'm honestly surprised at the amount of people here who like it. Not that that's a bad thing. Just somewhat surprising.
Disney's ToonTown Online. Most MMORPGs I try to play and get bored after 3 hours. Then, I never play them again. ToonTown, though, is the only MMORPG I'm still playing.
ninja said:
Meh Runescape is the worst Action MMORPG cause of the lazyness, All you practuly do is click on stuff or press the arrow keys to move the camera. Scam/or Hack

It's not just that. There are alot of things you can do by clicking on things. And the repitiion of clicking things actually works for me; My hands hurt badly if I play something like Maplestory or any game that uses some other input other than the mouse and arrow keys. When that happens, I'll be forced to reinstall JoyTokey.
How does your hand hurt badly when you play Maple Story?

It's not like they have a rapid clicking ability with random buttons.
I was a huge fan of EverQuest back in the day.

Unfortunately, each patch and expansion seemed to make the game easier and made each of the new features feel more and more "tacked on." It eventually got to the point where I gave up on it a few years ago. My dad and his friend still play it periodically though.
Mabinogi is fun, however if the time of day didnt change so quickly, I'd be more interested in it.

Gunz I has just started playing. Well worth the 166MB download.
Gunz? I used to play that, I even mastered Butterfly and stuff, but I got tired of it after awhile. It just got too repetitive with the sword play.
I keep it a secret among my friends, due to them being complete assholes, but I occasionally play RuneScape.
My favorite MMORPG is Billy vs SNAKEMAN on anime cubed. It's a great ninja MMORPG that doesn't require e-mail address.
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