Blue Heaven

Blue Heaven v0.7.2

Why not? What harm does it cause to anyone? It's clearly communicated, and any mild inconveniences caused is completely inconsequential.

dear god romine I gave you a publicly accessible download link. You click the link, and it directly downloads the exe. How hard could that possibly be?

either way it was up to the judges whether or not to pass it through before or after 2.2.11 so you're really in no position to rag on Rad for any reason

"I refuse to get UDMF"🤨 Why on earth would that be the case? I would sure hope it has to do with you being unable to download / run the file, and not a petty refusal to just use another version of srb2
Petty refusal is my excuse then.
Why not? What harm does it cause to anyone? It's clearly communicated, and any mild inconveniences caused is completely inconsequential.

dear god romine I gave you a publicly accessible download link. You click the link, and it directly downloads the exe. How hard could that possibly be?

either way it was up to the judges whether or not to pass it through before or after 2.2.11 so you're really in no position to rag on Rad for any reason

"I refuse to get UDMF"🤨 Why on earth would that be the case? I would sure hope it has to do with you being unable to download / run the file, and not a petty refusal to just use another version of srb2
not gonna say how easy it would be to make an annoucement saying "yuo neied to wait untitl 2.2.11 verson" instead of teasing us with the mod release that you can't play
srb2 staff the best

thanks for the build, why couldn't rad post it within the mod?
why include it AFTER my interference?
doubt you would include the files if some "angry" comment wasn't there
srb2 modding col
Wow , another forgotten mod , im very curious how memorable it is to be ported on 2.2

Anyway , while this level pack being exclusive for 2.2.11 beacuse of the "UDMF" (i dont really know what that is... , textures maybe?)

I can download it and run it without problems (also having 60fps+ support) , however the problem is that when i drag it on my folder...and open the exe it gives me an error (0xc000007b) saying that the app couldnt be opened succefully , idk if this is related to the uncapped plus exe i am using or the in-files being modified , i doubt the autoexec.cfg causes the error though

For some reason this doesnt happen if i make an clear install of 2.2.10
Interesting that the staff here appear to be accepting mods that require a build of Next with UDMF, though since it is now more or less safe to port our maps to the new format, and since this pack is a new entry to the 2.2 maps section, I guess it is fine then as long as the release is not too far off.
While we on the dev team encourage everyone to try UDMF for both existing and new maps, since it will be completely supported from the next version on, allowing a mod made for a version of the game that is still not out into releases might not have been the best decision from our side and we do not guarantee this will be allowed again.

The next branch of the game is unstable, incomplete and does not always work right out of the box, hence why it exists solely for development purposes, and not for enjoyment of the game. We recommend being patient and as before, only submitting mods that will work with the current version.
Fortunately, the OP should be able to easily backport this pack to work in 2.2.10 (if needed) since the maps have nothing there that is reliant on UDMF-specific features (no equation slopes etc.). Thank you for the clarification.
Well this sucks...
Given what Tatsuru said earlier and how much feedback I've heard, I think porting it to UDMF right away might've been a mistake for a public release. For the sake of accessibility until v2.2.11, I'll whip together a v2.2.10 supported build for the time being.

It was my bad to rely on people being able to run an unstable build of the game. Apologies.
having a UDMF build is fine in my opinion, it's just not something that makes sense to make be the main download with the current public release version of SRB2.
Radicalicious updated Blue Heaven with a new update entry:

v2.2.10-compatible release

Due to my poor decision making, I decided it would be a good idea to release a level pack incompatible with the latest version and expect people to run an unstable version of the game. While I will release all future versions for v2.2.11+, I've decided to release a version compatible with v2.2.10 that reverts the UDMF conversion while porting all map fixes over.

Read the rest of this update entry...
I'll admit that I'm slightly upset that future versions of SRB2 won't be able to run any maps that aren't made in UDMF (and vice versa in the current versions)
I should probably set the record straight before rumors start to spread: Future versions of SRB2 will still support non-UDMF maps, at least for the forseeable future.
what soundfonts did you use for remixes?
I am kinda surprised about someone catching on to these being soundfont-jobs, lol. What I used was an absolute whole hodgepodge of different ones I've downloaded across various sites over the last decade, and endlessly mixing and mastering the channels until I think they sound adequate. It would take a long time for me to look back and see the ones I've frequently used when originally developing my late-2.1 music replacement mod these are sourced from, but things like "SGM", "Timbres Of Heaven", "Arachno Soundfont", some Yamaha SF2s, and a couple game soundfonts like a huge Spyro one, and Touhou... believe it or not.

Taking an opportunity to also say that the title screen music and Burning Caverns' music actually stem not from Emerald Quest, but another old fangame named "Sonic Legends", no relation to the one on SFGHQ. These two musics were bundled with the Emerald Quest ones in a big MIDI music ZIP that their composer, Arrow, archived back then. Really thankful he did so, and even if S:EQ is a bygone fossil, it's gratifying to know he brought great music to SRB2 right from the beginning.
Radicalicious is not a developer, so I'm here to make an official statement.

Also, Radicalicious suggested that 2.3 might no longer support the old binary format. 2.3 will definitely still support binary maps.
That statement of mine about the binary format possibly not being supported in v2.3 was purely speculation, thanks for clearing that up - I had not heard anything official regarding binary's future and had only noticed the heavy push for UDMF in the future, so it was just an educated guess. Even with UDMF being the most flexible and maintainable format, it's good to know binary isn't going anywhere.
I am kinda surprised about someone catching on to these being soundfont-jobs, lol. What I used was an absolute whole hodgepodge of different ones I've downloaded across various sites over the last decade, and endlessly mixing and mastering the channels until I think they sound adequate. It would take a long time for me to look back and see the ones I've frequently used when originally developing my late-2.1 music replacement mod these are sourced from, but things like "SGM", "Timbres Of Heaven", "Arachno Soundfont", some Yamaha SF2s, and a couple game soundfonts like a huge Spyro one, and Touhou... believe it or not.

Taking an opportunity to also say that the title screen music and Burning Caverns' music actually stem not from Emerald Quest, but another old fangame named "Sonic Legends", no relation to the one on SFGHQ. These two musics were bundled with the Emerald Quest ones in a big MIDI music ZIP that their composer, Arrow, archived back then. Really thankful he did so, and even if S:EQ is a bygone fossil, it's gratifying to know he brought great music to SRB2 right from the beginning.
what yamaha sf2s?
Well, I guess less "some" and more "a couple", because I searched my soundfont folders and the two names I know I recall using were "YAMAHA S-YXG50_0.2.1.2.sf2" and "yamaha xg sound set.sf2". The former I believe in fact is something I remember downloading from a thread on this MB from 2016; SSNTails having posted on it to say he used a S-YXG50 keyboard, which was what made most of the classic pre-2.2 SRB2 music sound like it does.

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