SRB2 Doom Builder

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Oogaland, you officially have the biggest penis size in the whole world. I want to bear your children.

Praise aside, I love this version to death. Honestly, I'll never go back to the old DB ever again. Please, keep up the good work and continue making super awesome versions of this already perfect SRB2 utility.
I have yet another idea. Often I've wanted a diagonal spring, or any other object, to face in a very specific direction. This can be accomplished by use of the rotate feature through trial and error and a lot of patience. However, what I've always wanted to do instead of that is rotate an object by using the mouse. You hit the R key, and instead of typing an angle into the box, click on the map and a "rubber band" sort of line appears between the object and the mouse cursor, which would depict the angle that the object would face. So if you wanted to, you could drag the angle line to, for example, another spring, and that's where the player would go (obviously, given that the height and distance of the target spring were also correct).

This is similar to how you can rotate things with precision in a lot of CAD software. In fact, when I thought of this I immediately remembered working in AutoCAD in my high school drafting classes. It would be an awesome feature.
Re: r9

Oogaland said:
I've yet to think of a way of designing an interface that would allow the user to draw sectors in 3D mode that wouldn't feel utterly bizarre. Any ideas?

Yes. You could set a key that switches to "3D Drawing mode," thereby disabling the current function of the mouse buttons and reassigning them to draw.

I got an idea. I highly unlikely one, but meh. Could you get DB running on a PSP? If so, that'd be very nice.

Build 10: Changelog:

+ Clicking part of a FOF now brings up the texture/flat browser. Press the FOF
  setup key for the old behaviour.
+ Added *.srb to the IWAD browse dialogue. Also added option for *.*.
+ Added slime and lava to the FOF presets.
! FOF sidedefs were drawn backwards when parent sector's linedef faced inwards.
+ Rotation of things using the mouse.
+ In 3D mode, FOF ceiling and floor heights can be altered using the raise/lower
  keys (mouse wheel by default).
+ Support for multiple editing colour schemes.
+ Finished DehackedSRB2.cfg.
! FOF setup undo and cancelling had several problems, particularly in 3D mode.
+ Added option to highlight the linedefs of a sector when pointed at in 3D mode.
+ Draw sectors in 3D mode. Set a key, point at a sector, then press it to begin.
  Click to place vertices. Close the polygon or press the key again to complete.

Installing this will clobber your existing FOF presets; if you don't want that, back up FOFPresets.cfg first.

New features this time around:
  • Draw sectors in 3D mode. Gaude et laetare. Very clumsy, at the moment. Set a key in the configuration dialogue (it's "3D: Sector draw"), and then press it while pointing at the sector within which you wish to create your new sector. Then, click to create each vertex. Closing the polygon or pressing the key again will complete the sector.
  • Linedef indicators. Shows the edge of a sector when you point at it. Turn this on to save your sanity if you want to draw sectors in 3D mode.
  • Tets' rubber-band thing. See his earlier post.
  • Change FOF textures and heights without the dialogue. Using the dialogue while in 3D mode was cumbersome. Now you can work with FOFs in the way you would normal sectors, e.g. by using the mouse wheel. Point at a FOF and press your FOF setup key if you really want the dialogue.
The rest of the changelog explains itself adequately, I think.

Don't have a PSP, I'm afraid. Although, as I understand it, they can run Windows 95, so theoretically... But that's just silly. :)

I'll probably move into beta stages soon, which means fewer new features and more emphasis on bugfixes and polish. Also, I have exams coming up, which I should probably spend some time preparing for, and so build patterns will most likely change significantly.

Apologies for the terseness of this post; feel free to add subjects mentally to sentences where I've omitted them. I'm sure I've forgotten something, but I can't for the life of me think what it is. Anyway, hope this build is useful to you.
I love you Oogaland.

Wait, what?

EDIT: Found a bug, although not completely neccesary to fix. It's in the FOF tag generator for sector mode. Open the dialog, set type to water, and it sets to a water default. Then, go back to block, and it still remains with water gfx.
This really does keep getting better and better with each new release. I have probably one finaly suggestion for a new feature and I think this will have successfully become the most wonderful piece of software ever to grace my computer. How about a small dialouge where you can set the texture defaults for the wad-by-wad basis? You could have it in the configuration or as a seperate thing altogether but I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult seeing as how you've made the much more difficult FOF dialouge. I must thank you a million, zillion times for this godly program, it's made map making thirty thousand times better. Thank you Oogaland.

Several bugs were brought to my attention, and so I promised on IRC that I'd release an interim build. Here it is:

! Video mode not restored on 3D mode exit.
! Beeping when keys pressed in full-screen 3D mode after drawing a sector.
+ Config file updated for; thanks to Foxboy for this.
+ FOF textures remembered per-class for each session in the FOF dialogue.
+ Support for FF_SHATTERBELOW.
! Last week's FOF sd texture fix actually caused *all* sidedefs to be drawn
  backwards... Oops.
! Alt+tab messed up the mouse if used while in a dialogue in 3D mode.
+ FOF collision-detection.
! All linedefs were identified as FOF linedefs.
! Disabling FOFs disabled ceilings.
Foxboy's updated config file is there, as are one or two small new features. As before, keep your FOFPresets.cfg (and ColourPresets.cfg, for that matter), if you want to keep what's in there.

You'll notice that the archive has grown somewhat this time. This is because I've included the debug symbols, which help me disagnose bugs if you send me a crash report.

JJames19119 said:
How about a small dialouge where you can set the texture defaults for the wad-by-wad basis?
Currently, you can do that by creating a sector, setting it up as you like it and ticking the 'save as build defaults' box. If you still think it's worth adding this, though, please say so, and I can do it fairly easily.
Re: r11

Oogaland said:
JJames19119 said:
How about a small dialouge where you can set the texture defaults for the wad-by-wad basis?
Currently, you can do that by creating a sector, setting it up as you like it and ticking the 'save as build defaults' box. If you still think it's worth adding this, though, please say so, and I can do it fairly easily.

It's hard to say. Sometimes it would seem worth it and sometimes it's best to do what you explained. I've run into both situations so it's kinda hard to say if it's needed so it's really up to you. I did find the fact that you had to type up the texture names and such for the defaults in the configuration so if you do go ahead with this, make it so that you can choose textures from the texture browser instead of having the user type up the name. (JTE did say how annoying it was to have to remember the individual names of each texture and flat.)
Re: r11

JJames19119 said:
It's hard to say. Sometimes it would seem worth it and sometimes it's best to do what you explained. I've run into both situations so it's kinda hard to say if it's needed so it's really up to you. I did find the fact that you had to type up the texture names and such for the defaults in the configuration so if you do go ahead with this, make it so that you can choose textures from the texture browser instead of having the user type up the name. (JTE did say how annoying it was to have to remember the individual names of each texture and flat.)
The lack of texture browser in the configuration dialogue has only now become a problem due to the change of behaviour of the sector dialogue: before, there was really no reason to use the main config dialogue to set the textures, as you could use the sector properties dialogue to set them; of course, that now sets per-wad defaults.

I'll add a 'configure defaults' panel to the map settings dialogue, and add texture browser support to the main config dialogue.

Wow: six uses of the word 'dialogue'. Uh, seven...
Hi, Oogaland

I have only one minor suggestion:

Make it show where point (0,0) is in SRB2builder. In 2D mode of SRB2, the camera points to (0,0).


By the 13 ghosts of Scooby Doo, this thing wins more than Mystic does in 10-person deathmatches.

Or close to that, anyway.
A major Dataloss bug!!!

Hi, Oogaland

While I was using SRB2Builder to make a 2d level for a mod that I am working on, SRB2Builder decided to mess up the FOF's and make my level look like a freight train hit it!! :evil: When I test played it, the water in the level was okay, but any FOF's that I made, the THOK barrier, etc... got corrupted somehow. In 3d mode however, it looks okay :? . Luckily I had a back-up that was not corrupted so I lost only about half an hour of work but this is pretty bad for me. I will send you a PM to as where you can download the corrupted wad so you can see where hell broke loose.

I hope you can find out what went wrong and fix it soon...



UPDATE: I solved my problem!!! :roll: It wasn't doombuilders fault or zenodes fault. When I was trying to align a texture by 24 units, I put the value in the linedef action box by accident (24 - Instant - Ceiling Rise) instead of where it was meant to go.

Sorry for the confusion,

Here is another suggestion and a problem that I have.


1) Make it so you can change maps in the current wad instead of having to load the file again just so I can change maps.

2) Add an option to import a map into the current wad. If a map name is the same, you should be able to change the map number so It doesn't overwrite anything.

3) Organize the menus a bit so it is shorter. Some of them are a little long.


I tried to create a MAINCFG in the script editor in SRB2Builder. I typed what ever I want in it and when I closed it and reopened it to check to see if the script editor is doing its job, It doesn't save.

Thats all for now,

Sonict said:

I tried to create a MAINCFG in the script editor in SRB2Builder. I typed what ever I want in it and when I closed it and reopened it to check to see if the script editor is doing its job, It doesn't save.

Strange, the MAINCFG script editor saves for me...
Glad you got your first problem sorted out. I was starting to get worried, there... :)

Sonict said:
1) Make it so you can change maps in the current wad instead of having to load the file again just so I can change maps.

2) Add an option to import a map into the current wad. If a map name is the same, you should be able to change the map number so It doesn't overwrite anything.

3) Organize the menus a bit so it is shorter. Some of them are a little long.
  1. Currently, you can do that by selecting the current file from the MRU list on the File Menu. Implementing a 'switch map' command wouldn't save any mouse clicks, nor would it save time in loading the file, since only the required lumps are loaded. I might add it anyway, just for the sake of intuition.
  2. You can currently achieve that effect by opening a map and the choosing File/Save Map Into. It works the other way round from that which you suggested, though, although the result is the same. I'm not sure if it allows you to change the map numbers if such a map already exists; if it doesn't, I'll add it.
  3. Yes, they are. There's a somewhat technical reason for this. Y'see, Windows has a limit on the number of controls that can be loaded in a dialogue template. By having lots of menu items together, you can treat them as one control. The main window is currently near the limit, but I can probably improve matters somewhat.
Sonict said:
I tried to create a MAINCFG in the script editor in SRB2Builder. I typed what ever I want in it and when I closed it and reopened it to check to see if the script editor is doing its job, It doesn't save.
That certainly happened in older builds. It may be that I haven't fixed the problem entirely in the current one. I'll take a look.

Thanks for the suggestions/bug report. I'll try to address these matters in the next build, which, as I mentioned earlier, might be a while away yet.
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