Tortured Planet v9 (scmrtf_TorturedPlanet-v9.wad)

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he has no life(no offense)

And how is that not offensive? XD

To update on the music, I really haven't gotten pretty much anything done in the past week. I have good reasons for this, as I've had a busy social life, and a once in the lifetime music opportunity. Stuff will calm back down next week, assuredly, and I can get back to progress. One thing I did manage to do though, is get a good start on Gritty Columns Zone Act 1, which I had no idea for previously. I'm honestly really dying to get back to this project, it's really fun for me to do!
And how is that not offensive? XD

To update on the music, I really haven't gotten pretty much anything done in the past week. I have good reasons for this, as I've had a busy social life, and a once in the lifetime music opportunity. Stuff will calm back down next week, assuredly, and I can get back to progress. One thing I did manage to do though, is get a good start on Gritty Columns Zone Act 1, which I had no idea for previously. I'm honestly really dying to get back to this project, it's really fun for me to do!

Just to be a pain, what genre is it exactly? I'd just love to know.
Ow guess who wrote this one : "Yea this mod is ok. Needs to be more like this one: SRB2 CAPE COD"
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Interesting, can't wait to hear it!

Would act 2 therefore follow the lines of something such as this:

If it did, it would be pretty damn sweet.

I absolutely agree. It would be awesome for Act I to be Gritzy Desert-esque and Act II to be Sandopolis-esque. And I'm really glad to hear you're starting up the music again, not least that you're doing GCZ, which I've been really eager to hear your interpretation of.

I forgot who made that tortured planet but he has no life(on offense) spendin all day makin these long ass levels. I can't even spend 30 minutes makin a level.

I found this pretty amusing. I wish to assure everyone here that I do, in fact, have a life. Maybe not a terribly exciting life compared to the average college student, but I do go out with friends from time to time. I make time for Tortured Planet, but there's plenty left over for other things.

Ow guess who wrote this one : Yea this mod is ok. Needs to be more like this one: SRB2 CAPE COD

Oh man, I saw that post ages ago, and laughed my head off.

You know, I always wondered something along that subject. I noticed that A Cat started out with a short sentence, and the admins made it progressively harsher and harsher over the next few days until he was permanently banned. Why was that?
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Ah, thank you for answering my question.

BTW, can you update your signature so we have an idea of where you are on things?
Okay, here's my honest review after playing this entire pack.

The levels are okay, but they all need to be cooler. I'd say this pack needs to be about 20% cooler.
Well, after speedrun some of the levels(and actually exploring them too), I think it's time to make some reviews(I know you're making a lot of major improvements, but I'll make my reviews anyway):

NOTE:I forgot what I'd say here, so I'll choose random stages to review, and as long as I'm remembering what I'd say, I'll post here, so let's go:

DDZ2:This level is actually fun to play, I had no problems with it, but there is just one thing here that I want to be changed: In one of the water slide sections, there's a slope right there, when it finishes, and it's so slow to pass through it, that even if slopes were added in srb2, Sonic wouldn't go through it at this velocity,so just increase the speed of the zoom tube, I know that this is just a minor detail, but it still.

GCZ2:I really hate those long stairs,in the raising quicksand section, before the crushers, Sonic can't thok when he's on stairs, and you should make an invisible(not climbable[sorry Glaber, I couldn't resist]) wall on the sides of the crusher section(the one after the "long ass" stairs), because actually all the characters can avoid these crushers, including Sonic(when you wait the quicksand gets it's maximum height, you can pass through the crushers section via quicksand).There are some more things to say... I need to go play it again and then come back here to say what it is, but aside from that, that's a really nice level.

Well, now I forgot almost everything that I'd say here, I think that this level pack is way too big to remember all the things to review(or I need of a cure for amnesia), I'll play some levels again and then come back here to finish this review, which will takes about 4 days, as I'm at my grandma's house and here I'm not allowed to download SRB2. =(


Okay, here's my honest review after playing this entire pack.

The levels are okay, but they all need to be cooler. I'd say this pack needs to be about 20% cooler.

I completely agree with him. XD
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Okay, here's my honest review after playing this entire pack.

The levels are okay, but they all need to be cooler. I'd say this pack needs to be about 20% cooler.

What exactly do you mean by "cooler"? More ice levels? :P
Absolutely...I'll just increase my usage of Linedef Type 451 - Linedef Executor: Make Level 20% Cooler!

Seriously, if you wanna give me an actual suggestion on what to add to Tortured Planet, I'll see what I can do. Just telling me "it needs to be cooler" isn't really that helpful.
Well, Fawfulfan, I updated my signature for you. No major progress, sorry about that! A little too busy here to do much of any serious composing.

Linedef Type 451 - Linedef Executor: Make Level 20% Cooler!
If I had room to put that in my signature, I would.
Oh, actual idea to make levels more cooler!
A glide section using the glider SOC in either (OR BOTH)(<sorry I just love caps, if you haven't realized yet) AAZ or SWZ. In SWZ, it can be you flying through... Astroids, right? Anyway you fly trough and dodge them and stuff. In AAZ, it can be even harder! You can add some lazer turrents or pop up turrnets that shoot the player while he's flying! Another idea I had was making the glider pack have a certain amount of health, as in, he can get bumped in a wall only 3 times before exploding. Or something like that.
Edit: Add flying saucers in AAZ's gliding section. HECK YEAH.
There's an error in the cutscenes when you start a level.
The text seems to be going off-screen, making the level unplayable.
This occurs when the game is run on really low-resolution graphics, and I can't seem to find a way around it.
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