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  1. SuperSonic117

    SRB2FFH - Currently experiencing some issues

    For those who have noticed, our server is having a few "Hiccups" along the way today. Unfortunately our Host decided to move our hosting over into a different area for better service. With that being said, you may experience some Errors when using the FFH service. JJames is currently working to...
  2. SuperSonic117

    Just droping by, how are things?

    Geez...i haven't played SRB2 since i hosted a 5 hour long game thanks to people who begged me on youtube. x_x Even more, ive been dead from the forums here! (Well, not like James has been very active himself here). ....So, how are things around here? I miss much? o_o
  3. SuperSonic117

    SRB2FFH (AKA SuparSanctuary to Newbs) Is Down

    We were DDoS'd on the SMWFFH (Super Mario War), and of course when one part of the site goes does the rest. Don't worry, JJames told me that all of the files are safe, you just wont be able to get em until our sites back up and running (about 3 days from the time of crash). Use...
  4. SuperSonic117

    Humping FoxBots! (Youtube Vid's)

    Well yays, im getting back into my Srb2 gaming season. XD For those who do recognize me from a while back- congrats. *gives a cookie* Anyways, back on topic. I think many people have seen the first Youtube video that involved "Humping FoxBots". Well did you know there was a sequel made too...
  5. SuperSonic117

    Guidlines to drawing Super Sonic I was bored, so i figured "heck, why not create guidelines to drawing the golden hedgie?". So, here you go. i could go on and on about other details to drawing him, but i wanted to keep this short. If anyone has any questions or...
  6. SuperSonic117

    "King of the Hill (Emerald)"- a SRB2 video I edited and spiced up a vid JJames recorded in a netgame. Just a hyped up version of the original. The Craziness starts just because i was showing off on the Master Emerald. Enjoy! EDIT: meh, i forgot to give credit for the Mystic Realm Wad. x_x...
  7. SuperSonic117

    People hardly use 3rd person cam in match?

    Geez, thats realy true? I cant stand that close up cam just because i cant see whats behind me, and platforming with its very difficult. o_0 What do ya think are the advantages of it exactly (besides getting less lag with it, unless your the host)? i use 3rd person mode because of my spin...
  8. SuperSonic117

    Sonic Fanart, anyone?

    Just a topic to post any Sonic fanart youve done- My guess theres some good fanartist by myself anyways. (I hope this doesnt go against any rules. I Uploaded my picture to Photobucket also rather than linking to my Deviant Art page so i dont get blamed for advertising. >_>; ). Heres my latest...
  9. SuperSonic117

    Will be hosting a "semi-dedicated" server

    JJames mentioned the idea for me to host a semi-dedicated server, so heck, why not? I have a very good connection (used to be dial-up, but i recently got a cable connection. w00t). and you shouldnt have any lag whatsoever, unless another player causes the lag of course. I probuly wont be on it...