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  1. Zio105

    SH-Sonic.WAD -Updated (SOC isnt buggy anymore + Super Form!)

    Inuyasha.......thank you.....finnally.....*dies*
  2. Zio105

    3D Sonic going to cry....INUYASHA WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS TO US!?!? :cry: :cry: :cry:
  3. Zio105

    Sonic 2006 - PC CONFIRMED

    *faints, dies, reincarnated* THIS IS TOTTALY AWESOME BEYOND ALL IMAGINATION I CAN AFFORD IT FOR PC!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  4. Zio105

    charmander wad!!

    Would you please post the sprite sheet in a larger size?
  5. Zio105

    Sonic Advance 3...

    Ummm.... Why dont you just look up how do get Cream on GameFaqs... *sigh* Dont be lazy enough to ask us this question and look it up! :?
  6. Zio105

    Sonic Fanart, anyone?

    Hey! The I saw the first pic on deviant art! You copied it... :?
  7. Zio105

    Beachside Hill

    123 on the key board, and i mean the wad
  8. Zio105

    Beachside Hill

    How does this work? I have the pc version of sonic heroes but how doet it work?
  9. Zio105

    3D Sonic

    Im going to hurt inuyasha if he doesent get back here and finish this wad! :twisted:
  10. Zio105

    3D Sonic

    Inuyasha Im gonna die if you dont hurry up! Yes I do know I overused exclamation points, but atleast its for the cause.... Don't stretch the tables, one '!' is enough. We don't need 30 of them.
  11. Zio105

    Metal Sonic Race Zone?

    What is this wad? Sorry Ive heard of it but where is it? :?
  12. Zio105

    3D Sonic

    Sure!!! Why not! Do it Tapika! :D
  13. Zio105

    SADX-sonic (now for 1.09.4)

    I love this wad.....
  14. Zio105

    How many do you have

    Try to find it on wait you live in Berlin......
  15. Zio105

    3D Sonic

    Im here everyday! :) Hurry with the wad!!
  16. Zio105

    3D Sonic

  17. Zio105

    THIS RECOLOR IS CANCELED!!! (form a new topic about new...)

    Actually Draykon thats outlined with blue......but......Yeah It looks cool.
  18. Zio105

    Never mind this topic

    Put the file you have in a zip and put it on sendspace, I think thats how you do it.