Recent content by Saseto

  1. Saseto

    Poke' mon Lucario

    I'm going to cancel Lucario for now because I'm working on a Ichigo wad.
  2. Saseto

    Poke' mon Lucario

    Im not doing Lucario because I like pokemon I'm just doing it because he looks tight :wink:
  3. Saseto


    The only problem is basically the head is to small make it bigger. I like the gliding.
  4. Saseto

    Poke' mon Lucario

    Here's what he looks like so far.
  5. Saseto

    My first character Saseto

    Can't believe you didn't fix it before you uploaded to your site. Well good thing you fixed it fast.
  6. Saseto

    My first character Saseto

    Ok now its my turn After my brother released his shadow, its my turn to release my character. Download here:
  7. Saseto

    My first Char Saseto(which one do you like better)

    Ok the little one wins.But I'm probally make a bigger on too any way :wink:
  8. Saseto

    Naruto Mod Level making Announcement

    I hope people keep sending him more levels.
  9. Saseto

    My first Char Saseto(which one do you like better)

    which Saseto would you like better. Vote :D:
  10. Saseto

    My first Char Saseto(which one do you like better)

    I didn't say all that though. But you still used him.
  11. Saseto

    My first Char Saseto(which one do you like better)

    Ah who cares. Thats just one old picture. It's not like I'm using Zeshiro like you.
  12. Saseto

    My first Char Saseto(which one do you like better)

    Thats not a glitch when super sonic thoks :wink:
  13. Saseto

    Kakashi.wad (question help plz)

    Thats just his jacket folding.
  14. Saseto

    Goku in SRB2! (looking for staff now!)

    It"s a good start.
  15. Saseto

    Flash-drawn wads a.k.a. NG wads (cancelled)

    I think it's pretty good.