• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)

I'm sorry what

Also, you guys should make a modelpack for the custom enemies and other stuff that's in the mod. I really liked playing this with jeck jims models so of you can make the models in the style of that it'd be super. Thanks
Finally releasing v0.4 complete! Many new fixes and small content features, though not as many new levels, bring the pack's completion just over 40%. Hopefully we can keep this going, we're almost halfway there!
  • Fixed MFZ frozen softlocks
  • Implemented FlowBubbles to mrce stages with water
  • Implemented GlobalBanks, allowing support with other mods that use it
  • Major MFZ performance enhancements
  • If SuperColors is loaded, your chosen color will override the default hyper color
  • Fixed occasionally being able to be instakilled during the mrz end transition
  • Tails super flickies work again. They may commit war crimes as they please again
  • vfz2 demo made beatable, now placed in main campaign replacing the old level
  • General performance improvements
  • Hyper Sonic major adjustments, including
    • Considerably stronger in numerous ways
    • Can now perform a directional dash with c1. When pressing c1, hold a direction to dash that direction, hold no direction for a strong upward dash, or hold spin + no direction to perform a downward dash that can break floors. If used properly, directional dash can be combined with rebounds to dash up to 3 times + 3 rebounds. Unlike rebound dash, directional dash is based on momentum and will get significantly stronger the faster you go
      -Hyper Music!!
      Hyper Rebound can bypass the usual block on noclimb walls
  • Marathon runs will now end completely after agz3 if the player doesn't have all 7 emeralds, for bad end runs
  • Entirely revamped episode select screen (courtesy of @ashi )
  • New demos for FRZ1 and AGZ1
  • Started work on holiday easter eggs
and more! Download now!
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For some reason 0.4 consistently boots up without any HUD for me and I'm not sure why that is.

Nevermind it was Modern Sonic's custom HUD messing with the MR HUD.
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There is still a lot of lag on Midnight Freeze Act 1. This occurred all throughout regardless of the detail on the screen, so I can only conclude there are a lot of objects executing logic when they do not have to (ie. not executing more complex functions and loops if the height difference compared to the player is greater than x for instance).

Keep up the good work.

EDIT: Some good news, Lactozilla's sprite culling patch for 2.13 produces a highly noticeable performance boost for that zone (though it still does not quite run at 60 FPS on a Ryzen 2700X processor). There is still notable lag in areas such as where you begin a long ascent above a lake of icy water.
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Quick update to address certain pressing concerns, comes with some new stuff too!
Styles has been officially discontinued (for good this time).
KeepShield allows the player to carry a shield between acts but still lose it between zones. Think Sonic 3
Emblem hints are now unlocked by default again
Temporary workaround implemented to disable episode select on mobile, will (should) skip to jade coast on new save files doesn't work, may need an update on the mobile port's end
Certain content removed at author's request
Rebound Dash can become Rebound Burst when carrying a flame shield
Rebound Dash while hyper upgraded to Rebound Crash (May potentially do something with directional dashing at a later date, it remains as-is for now)
E-102 Gamma gets 2 1/2 minutes to defeat the Egg Animus

Download v0.4.1 now!
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When was that new act 2 music added? Cause it's great.
the Jade Coast act 2 music was just over a year ago, by @Marcos
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Following recent feedback, particularly regarding the upcoming tournament this weekend, this patch addresses a few balancing concerns as well as implements a few new features to hopefully round off v0.4
Such notable changes include the following:
  • New collectible item, the Continue Medallion. Appearing hidden throughout the zones, these minis will grant a continue to the player for every 3rd medallion they find. They're a bit more expensive in ultimate however, you'll need to find 5 per continue there. Should you find one in a netgame or on a completed save file, you will instead receive a cool 100 rings!
    • You will also find some Medallions in Primordial Abyss, but they don't give any rings or continues here. They do give a little score either way, so maybe try to challenge yourself to collect as many as you can throughout MRCE's most difficult challenge
  • Tails, and other bot partners, can no longer spawn in dwz / abyss (this was always intended behavior so consider this a bug fix)
  • Water run splashes shouldn't spawn when going fast underwater but not touching solid ground. oops
  • An invisible ceiling was placed in the arena in MFZ3 to prevent the boss from flying upwards unintentionally
  • unused hidden spz2 gimmick was finished. Look forward to it's eventual inclusion ...someday
  • some more easter eggs
  • Rebound Dash can now receive different types of buffs depending on the shield you carry. Try to see what each shield does!
  • Hyper Forms now have an unlimited speed cap, and receive x4 acceleration while under the effects of speed shoes. NYOOOM
  • Fixed hyper properties not resetting as intended when the transformation ends
  • Record Attack's instant retry will no longer break the hud
  • Made Second Quest properly hidden and unlockable, and added 2 other unlockables to the episode select
  • added new codes, including one to alter Marathon Mode, mr_ma_ep, allowing the player to choose which episode to run in marathon, including some exclusive options like being able to run vanilla stages without lockon
  • minor updates to mfz1
  • player will now lose momentum past their normalspeed when running up slopes. This speedloss scales with how steep the slope is but will not scale quite as fast as speed gained from running down slopes
  • rolling down slopes now increases speed faster than simply running, and has a higher speed cap
Also now is a good time to note that, for the foreseeable future, 3D models are not supported. Any bugs found due to models being enabled, of which there are plenty, will be ignored due to not being able to fix them.

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Following recent feedback, particularly regarding the upcoming tournament this weekend, this patch addresses a few balancing concerns as well as implements a few new features to hopefully round off v0.4
Such notable changes include the following:
  • New collectible item, the Continue Medallion. Appearing hidden throughout the zones, these minis will grant a continue to the player for every 3rd medallion they find. They're a bit more expensive in ultimate however, you'll need to find 5 per continue there. Should you find one in a netgame or on a completed save file, you will instead receive a cool 100 rings!
    • You will also find some Medallions in Primordial Abyss, but they don't give any rings or continues here. They do give a little score either way, so maybe try to challenge yourself to collect as many as you can throughout MRCE's most difficult challenge
  • Tails, and other bot partners, can no longer spawn in dwz / abyss (this was always intended behavior so consider this a bug fix)
  • Water run splashes shouldn't spawn when going fast underwater but not touching solid ground. oops
  • An invisible ceiling was placed in the arena in MFZ3 to prevent the boss from flying upwards unintentionally
  • unused hidden spz2 gimmick was finished. Look forward to it's eventual inclusion ...someday
  • some more easter eggs
  • Rebound Dash can now receive different types of buffs depending on the shield you carry. Try to see what each shield does!
  • Hyper Forms now have an unlimited speed cap, and receive x4 acceleration while under the effects of speed shoes. NYOOOM
  • Fixed hyper properties not resetting as intended when the transformation ends
  • Record Attack's instant retry will no longer break the hud
  • Made Second Quest properly hidden and unlockable, and added 2 other unlockables to the episode select
  • added new codes, including one to alter Marathon Mode, mr_ma_ep, allowing the player to choose which episode to run in marathon, including some exclusive options like being able to run vanilla stages without lockon
  • minor updates to mfz1
  • player will now lose momentum past their normalspeed when running up slopes. This speedloss scales with how steep the slope is but will not scale quite as fast as speed gained from running down slopes
  • rolling down slopes now increases speed faster than simply running, and has a higher speed cap
Also now is a good time to note that, for the foreseeable future, 3D models are not supported. Any bugs found due to models being enabled, of which there are plenty, will be ignored due to not being able to fix them.


Something still needs to be addressed regarding the Episode Select menu. It still loads on mobile devices (or at least it does for me), and I still don't know how to use it. v0.4.1 said it would be disabled, yet it still loads. Someone help with this, please.

In the current Github preview version, Aerial Garden Act 1 causes a SIGSEGV error.

Note that in the GIF, the error is not seen.

Can you please fix this?

Also, I encourage you to make maps for this.
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The GIF never ends up in here for some reason.
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Oh, by the way, in Primordial Abyss the music can completely fade out when next to the chiming enemies.
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And it's probably a preview of a revamp for Prismatic Angel Act 1.
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One last thing: Do you want to show ideas for TVZ2? It starts with a mountainside to a slime room, and then you end up near some sort of dojo. What does this mean?


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Actual last bugreport: Castle Eggman Act 2 also has a SIGSEGV.
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Hello, a question, how do I enter the latest version to play because I am a mobile user and I cannot enter, it is in lock on, main quest and second quest and I would like to know how to play because it already adds all the buttons that the game left me and it simply does not work on its own. sonic and tails sneak in the background (jump, spins etc...) thank you very much and I hope you respond quickly, I really want to try the new version
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it is possible, but not in the way you may think. The level was designed for Sonic alone, so some characters may find difficulties that were not intended. Blame Mystic for being bad at level design ig.
You can put a room which has a trampoline that can be broken with knuckles and so that Amy doesn't pass or it is possible to use it with Amy, you would put parts for climbing, right?
Given that progress on v0.5 has died out for a while and it may be some time before it releases, I've decided to pull together the fixes and features that have since been implemented git-side.
Fixes include but are not limited to:
  • Players will no longer lose their i-frames on respawn in multiplayer
  • Episode select will no longer duplicate entries
  • Silver can break egg capsules
  • Snowboard will no longer accelerate infinitely
New features include:
  • The remaining 4 shields that did not have an effect on rebound dash previously have all been accounted for. Every shield (except pity) will now change the rebound in some way or another.
    • The Force shield allows up to 3 rebound dashes instead of 2, and can rebound off non-climbable walls
    • The Attraction shield allows the rebound dash to home in on enemies and monitors
    • The Elemental shield greatly strengthens the rebound, causing it to slam into walls with great force that can break stronger walls and destroy nearby enemies
    • The Whirlwind shield boosts the rebound's height when bouncing off a wall or object
    • Flame shield upgrades the rebound's dash, allowing it to grow in strength the faster you go
    • The Bubble shield will bounce off walls with greater horizontal strength that can scale with speed
    • The Lightning shield turns the dash into a jump dash, thrusting the player up as well as forward
    • The rare Armageddon shield charges the rebound, allowing each bounce to deal double damage to any enemy with which it connects. Great for bosses
    • Most of these abilities can also be used while hyper regardless of shield, save for attraction and lightning. These can still be used while hyper so long as you have the shield
  • New music in MFZ2 courtesy of marcos and sonix
  • running in snow or sand will kick some up
Minor adjustments include:
  • Players will no longer lose speed immediately when running up a slope, and instead will maintain speed for a brief moment before beginning to slow down.
  • adjustment to command mr_seasons allows setting to -1 to force disable most seasonal events regardless of current date
Known: AGZ1 crashes on load, but there doesn't seem to be any noticiable cause, cannot fix until cause is found
Update: crashing fixed, redownload
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Given that progress on v0.5 has died out for a while and it may be some time before it releases, I've decided to pull together the fixes and features that have since been implemented git-side.
Fixes include but are not limited to:
  • Players will no longer lose their i-frames on respawn in multiplayer
  • Episode select will no longer duplicate entries
  • Silver can break egg capsules
  • Snowboard will no longer accelerate infinitely
New features include:
  • The remaining 4 shields that did not have an effect on rebound dash previously have all been accounted for. Every shield (except pity) will now change the rebound in some way or another.
    • The Force shield allows up to 3 rebound dashes instead of 2, and can rebound off non-climbable walls
    • The Attraction shield allows the rebound dash to home in on enemies and monitors
    • The Elemental shield greatly strengthens the rebound, causing it to slam into walls with great force that can break stronger walls and destroy nearby enemies
    • The Whirlwind shield boosts the rebound's height when bouncing of a wall or object
    • Flame shield upgrades the rebound's dash, allowing it to grow in strength the faster you go
    • The Bubble shield will bounce off walls with greater horizontal strength that can scale with speed
    • The Lightning shield turns the dash into a jump dash, thrusting the player up as well as forward
    • The rare Armageddon shield charges the rebound, allowing each bounce to deal double damage to any enemy with which it connects. Great for bosses
    • Most of these abilities can also be used while hyper regardless of shield, save for attraction and lightning. These can still be used while hyper so long as you have the shield
  • New music in MFZ2 courtesy of marcos and sonix
  • running in snow or sand will kick some up
Minor adjustments include:
  • Players will no longer lose speed immediately when running up a slope, and instead will maintain speed for a brief moment before beginning to slow down.
  • adjustment to command mr_seasons allows setting to -1 to force disable most seasonal events regardless of current date
Known: AGZ1 crashes on load, but there doesn't seem to be any noticiable cause, cannot fix until cause is found

ok well I didn't know that about the shields but it doesn't answer my question how do I start playing how do I choose an episode if I press all the existing buttons on mobile and it doesn't let me
ok well I didn't know that about the shields but it doesn't answer my question how do I start playing how do I choose an episode if I press all the existing buttons on mobile and it doesn't let me
You'll need to start a save file on a version prior to v0.4, mobile is still unsupported
Once you have a save you can always update back to v0.4.x

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