Amy Rose Pack

Amy Rose Pack V2.1

and that way we can choose what amys we want in our game
Uh, that's already the case? Did you download the .zip? You shouldn't be loading Cameo Amy and Mania Amy together anyway as they conflict with each other.

What was fixed? I was getting a Lua error before whenever jumping out of Birdie Flight, and it seems to be there still. The filename is still "CL_ModernAmy-v2.wad", was the wrong version uploaded? If this is the correct version, I have some thoughts about things I feel still need fixing below:
I really like the new sprites, I just think Modern Amy as a whole still needs some polishing, like the amount of hearts Piko Grapple spawns (I get framerate hitches and the sheer mass of hearts blocks the camera), and the sprite offsets when in her alternate moveset, when she's jumping she goes all over the place.

Speaking of Piko Grapple, I'm having a lot of problems with it when slopes are involved, if there's a slope in between Amy and her target she will land on it and cancel the dash, performing a hammer flip or running into the enemy. Moving grappled enemies on slopes is really dangerous, as the slope seems to push enemies into Amy and damage her.

Edit: Also sometimes this happens?
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The filename is still the same because the bugs fixed weren't enough to justify it as a new version. As for the bugs fixed, I fixed her Piko Grapple being able to lock onto players in BattleMod, and I patched some of her BattleMod stuff as well. As for the bugs mentioned, the Piko Grapple doesn't check if Amy's moving onto slopes while she has an active target. The Piko Grapple sets the most recent enemy grappled as Amy's target, but it doesn't check for two targets so it either ends up not killing either of them, or killing only one target but leaving the other one bugged out.
Uh, that's already the case? Did you download the .zip? You shouldn't be loading Cameo Amy and Mania Amy together anyway as they conflict with each other.

What was fixed? I was getting a Lua error before whenever jumping out of Birdie Flight, and it seems to be there still. The filename is still "CL_ModernAmy-v2.wad", was the wrong version uploaded? If this is the correct version, I have some thoughts about things I feel still need fixing below:
I really like the new sprites, I just think Modern Amy as a whole still needs some polishing, like the amount of hearts Piko Grapple spawns (I get framerate hitches and the sheer mass of hearts blocks the camera), and the sprite offsets when in her alternate moveset, when she's jumping she goes all over the place.

Speaking of Piko Grapple, I'm having a lot of problems with it when slopes are involved, if there's a slope in between Amy and her target she will land on it and cancel the dash, performing a hammer flip or running into the enemy. Moving grappled enemies on slopes is really dangerous, as the slope seems to push enemies into Amy and damage her.
View attachment 58738

Edit: Also sometimes this happens?
View attachment 58742
actually i didnt even try the mod yet
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Yay, an ACTUAL modern Amy, now modern sonic and Miles/TailsRE Are gonna have another companion, we only need a Modern Knuckles to Complete the Modern Main cast/Team Megadrive (reference to Sonic Megadrive, Classic Sonic related series by Archie).
can i have Miles/TailsRE
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Rascally Rosy updated Amy Rose Pack with a new update entry:

Version 2.1 Patch

Update thingy, download it or I'ma yeet you

Modern Amy
BattleMod changelog
Ground Hammer and Twinspin range was reduced.
Hammer Spin takes 3 seconds to get dizzy instead of 5.
Strong Piko Wave was removed.
Can't Piko Wave while Hammer Spinning.
Persona Changelog
Learns Samarecarm at level 46 instead of level 68.
Learns Healing Arrows at level 18, Soothing Arrows at level 36, and Heartfelt Arrows at level 59.
Has a team attack with...​

Read the rest of this update entry...
This is a good update, but some problems still linger. Like Special Stage issues. The Special Stage feels like a parody of hard mode versions of games. As soon as it loaded, Amy's collision becomes bonkers and is barely playable. I hope this gets fixed next update.
i like this mod alot but uhhh...

piko grabble moment
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i like this mod alot but uhhh...

piko grabble moment
Of course this meme is no longer popular but still

This is madness!

Unfortunality after 2.2.11, the homing attack from his piko piko hammer on Modern Amy tends to break now cuz the hearts spawning from the attack now hurts you and make you unable to attack enemies without hurting yourself. Check on that problem
Unfortunality after 2.2.11, the homing attack from his piko piko hammer on Modern Amy tends to break now cuz the hearts spawning from the attack now hurts you and make you unable to attack enemies without hurting yourself. Check on that problem
Thanks for informing, I'll let rosy know.

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