What do you hate most about the game?

I'd also like to inquire on your comments about SRB2 not having much modding potential, because I'm genuinely curious but also a little confused. I'll admit I'm not especially privvy to the Doom modding scene at large, but I have no doubts about GZDoom's modding capabilities, and Snap the Sentinel is a perfect example of this. That being said, I have never seen a mod so extensively rework the game's mechanics as with SRB2 Persona -- this is not just assets and additional game mechanics, the entire structure of gameplay is flipped on its head to where the source engine is barely even recognizable. Even just in terms of softmodding, Metroid Vanguard, in my opinion, is a more impressive display of SRB2's modding potential than any of the examples you just listed.

If you have any better examples then I'd be very curious, but otherwise I genuinely think SRB2 has everyone else beat as far as modding capability goes.
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I don't have anything I hate hate, but my single greatest nitpick regarding SRB2 is the physics. The physics completely fail to live up to the classics and ultimately hurt replayablity. And, since it's something critical to the game, it has had a horrific ripple effect on a lot of the game's design. I can't bring myself to replay SRB2 like I can the original classics. You can't use the environment to your advantage. The Thok's continued existence is in part DUE TO the loss of momentum when you touch the ground. Slopes can't be used in clever ways, in reality, leading to their primary use as smooth stairs in many cases. Heck, the loss of momentum in part has become a possible justification for the very stop-and-go gameplay of Fang, for example.

The physics are the stem of many issues, and it's a good thing they are being redone in some form. Whether Accel-Momentum is currently good is a whole other question.
I'd say probably my biggest nitpick is the often uphill stage design. I've gone in depth regarding this topic in other threads, so I'll try not to go super in depth here and just cover the overall point, but Sonic stage design generally functions best when the overall trend is for the player to be led downhill so as to be able to take advantage of the speed this makes possible if the player so chooses. Sonic's speed is usually capped while running, so the player can stop themselves from going too fast if they desire it such as playing cautiously or exploring for goodies. However, by curling into a ball the player can take advantage of big bursts of speed, and in some cases can even avoid uncurling for the entire stage.

SRB2's stages on rare occasions have setpieces that feel designed like this, such as the big ramp near the end of GFZ2 leading into the big open area, but the general trend is for the player to have to platform upwards on their journey to the goal sign, a trend that advantages vertical playstyles such as Tails and Knuckles.

The way I think about it is that Sonic stage design is similar to designing a roller coaster. Uphill sections do exist, but they serve the purpose of building up anticipation for the next speedy downhill section. You don't typically end a roller coaster ride with an uphill climb, the finale is a final overall downhill rush of speed designed to be the most iconic section of the ride.
well i hate some things but not everything i think the thing i hate most is the multiplayer special stages idk they are just boring to me glad theres a mod that brings the NiGHTS mode back to multiplayer. and this last one is not something i hate but something i wish and hope would be in a future version a Super Sonic Final Battle like if you collect all the emeralds and beat Brak or whatever the final boss will be if and when Dark city comes back you get to do a secret final battle sonic 3 and knuckles style i guess. some small gripes include: THOSE FLYING WHATHCAMACALLITS IN RED VOLCANO!, the blue ball enemies though there not too bad i used to despise them but there not that bad but i could do without them, egg rock... just egg rock..., castle eggman not being big enough though thats probably because i like the stage too much its fine the way it is i just wish i had more of it, having to stop moving in multiplayer to change characters though thats fine i get it but not the color part why do i need to stand still to change my color i dont get it? and i think thats it other than all that this is a great game that can only get better. yay i vented my frustrations! :D oh wait i forgot the bees and the bee hives... frick those guys they suck they are so small its hard to hit them and they fly about and- ok imma stop here before i go too deep game good bye!
Techno Hill Zone and Deep Sea Zone! I enjoyed Techno Hill Zone's stages back on the older versions of SRB2, but now it just feels like a chore to even try to finish them. Maybe I'm just bad at the game or something, but I find Techno Hill completely annoying and unfun to play through. Deep Sea Zone is another that I find frustrating, and I really dislike the changes made to it. Though people have complained that the older Deep Sea Zone levels were horrendous!
it's boring dies in the last emerald and it's very boring dies in the boss of castle eggman, fang, sonic metal race and the fight against him in an area that looks like an elevator


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I don't particularly hate anything in this game, but i will list lots of things that have to be considerated.

  • THZ mosquito. Fuck they;
  • THZ Slime. For a gimmick, they are alright, but i fucking hate so much when i get hit by those mosquitos and be agonized floating in the slime for like 10 seconds;
  • DSZ1 routes. When i was emblem hunting, i had to restart the level lots of times because some routes are difficult to acess and backtrack, i wish the level offered more ways to travel through;
  • DSZ crushers. They are troll;
  • Arid Canyon 1 Ropes, they are unfun and a big difficult step in the final section;
  • Arid Canyon TNTs when they are on group. Serious, when they explode, they make a noise that hurts the ears;
  • All levels after Red Volcano (at least the musics are banger);
  • Unlockables level in general. Only HHZ, FHZ and beta CEZ are good, the rest aren't that much.
Multiplayer Levels:
  • Meadow Match sucks cry about it;
  • Also, all the levels weren't updated with slopes (except Dual Fortress, but it's on ceiling, oof), the most they did was update textures and visuals, like Nimbus Ruins or Lost Palace, but some of they were barely touched. Must be lack of interest or something (RS in general), but i can't blame them, since they have other better things to focus.

  • Fang gameplay, it doesn't fit with the game in the current state;
  • Amy is nice, but it feels incomplete;
  • Metal feels unsatisfactory to play;
  • Sonic;
  • Nights. I think the Nights gameplay is fine i just don't like lol, it takes a while to masterize and complete some difficult emblems/ranks, which i don't want to do it;
  • Ringslinger. It is fun, but was a lot of flaws (which i will not put them all lol) that makes an abyss between novices and "pro" players. It's hard to catch on and the rookies will surely take a beating for a long time. This makes people away from the gamemode. It's not that people don't play it, there are good matches with a good number of people, but it could be a more welcoming gamemode.

  • OpenGL makes me cry as a map maker;
  • Menus and UI;
  • Linedef Executors.
  • You can't play Ultimate Mode on the unlockable maps normally unless if you do specific launch options with either a batch file or through launcherblast2. I just want to play Azure Temple Ultimate Mode without having to relaunch the game after a death.
  • FHZ is not that fun to navigate, even if you know where you're going because visually everything looks the same because its all the same ice and snow texture plastered around everywhere and the stage for me at least does not visually signify where to go that well in some sections. It's my least favorite map overall.
  • AGZ bees (somewhat). The problem is that occasionally, depending on how fast you go and when the bees are spawned, it can cause a certain RNG setup that can cause you to get hit in some situations if you are unfortunate enough to get a bad pattern, mainly at the second section of the map where you have to get to the section with the three spring combo to entrance (which also makes it worse for Amy and Fang since they don't have a rolling jump to somewhat counter the RNG setup, but even if you did have a rolling jump, the springs put you in a vulnerable position and very rarely, a bee might be able to get you) which can be a big problem during a ultimate mode run of the map (though, considering that you can't normally play ultimate mode in the unlockable maps, I won't knock anyone on that for being a problem really). Also, I've had instances where during certain segments in the map (more specifically, the rising crusher platforms below the ceiling you have to jump through to get to the next intersection) a bee would suddenly appear from a moving platform and just sucker sting me to death. Otherwise though the RNG can mostly be mitigated by playing very fast and optimal and the bees do add to the stage by giving you a time limit to do everything as fast as you can (especially in ultimate mode), so mostly, its not that big of an issue for me.
  • HHZ final megaman platform section. I feel as though the platforms there are awkwardly positioned, but it's not honestly a big deal to me since its still passable.
  • There isn't any skillful way to get the seven emeralds faster in the nights mode. While I generally like nights, it feels like a slog to get the emeralds since other than knowing the stage layout and playing accordingly, which a person would have that knowledge on their second ever playthrough of the entire campaign most of the time, you can't really accumulate a lot of speed to allow you to get to the end more faster. The only add-on that had made the nights mode actually exciting for me was adventure sonic since he has the ability to gain instant amounts of massive speed to blitz through the entire stage. Otherwise, if I'm playing casually, I just use Pandora's box to cheat all the emeralds at the very start since going through all the nights stages over and over again can become very monotonous.
  • A lack of commands to find object positions, such as emerald tokens, monitors, etc.
  • The devmode automap. If you want to find a specific object, it is functionally useless since everything is marked as a green triangle, including scenery objects. There's no different colors to represent different objects. Also, you can't edit the colours. As well as that, you can't mark the automap with numbers like you can with certain sourceports of DOOM (if I remember correctly, Crispy Doom allowed you to do that as well as GZdoom).
  • For whatever reason, if you were to record a demo of an ultimate mode run and play it back, it attempts to play it back as a normal mode run on playback, which considering the differences between enemy behaviors, can cause desyncs and even abrupt demo ends depending on how severe the desyncs become. Other than certain commands I believe, I don't think there's a workaround for this.
  • The final MP emerald stage. Combined with netlag (hell, even if you are the host), unless if you are tails or anyone that can fly, you essentially have to do very precise platforming through the tunnel section, then, lets say if you survive all that, you would have to do a very long jump towards the pillars which contain the rest of the blue spheres (which I can't confirm if its possible with sonic or metal though I do believe that such a task is impossible with Amy and Fang. Since I haven't really launched the map in single player to test that theory out to its full extent, I can't confirm if sonic or metal is possible or not). It's basically tails propaganda.
  • CEZ Boss to me is slow since you have to wait after every single singular hit for the buttons to come up in which you have to push the buttons in order to do another singular hit. I wish that there was a least someway to somehow have the ability to wail on him for an extra hit if one was skilled enough to do so. Otherwise, the boss seems tedious and slow.
  • RVZ bottom path at the start is basically way slower and punishing than the falling rocks path, and it doesn't help that the falling rocks throughout the entire map take too long to respawn. This is especially a problem in multiplayer since unless you aren't playing sonic or some overpowered add-on character that can go 400 MPH, the rocks will fall and the only options are bottom path or wait around twenty seconds for the rocks to respawn (which is more optimal in net play since doing the bottom path with control delay takes way longer than just waiting for the falling rock path to respawn it seems). You are basically punished if you aren't playing a very fast character that can make it to the rocks quick enough or if you aren't playing a character with flight or gliding).
  • 100% the game doesn't offer much (and I probably wouldn't do it again if I had to). The only thing that I do like and do use a lot with my testing of certain strats and routes is the pandoras box because its faster than entering the commands for infinite lives.
  • A lack of commands to remove objects temporarily (I might be wrong on this).
  • BCZ Brak Eggman boss uses RNG for when he does an attack during his wandering phase which can become very anxiety inducing if you want to attack him (especially in ultimate mode) since he can suddenly start an attack with no warm up and basically dunk you, so the only strats you can do to circumvent this are to either rush him to get a hit in as fast as possible as this resets the timer that it takes for him to attack you (since it seems that there is a minimum amount of time that brak eggman needs to wait on in order to then have a chance to attack) or wait for him to attack which I've had moments where I've had to wait around 25 seconds for him to do his attack and by that point, I have to dunk him in the slimer™ juice again.
These are most of the nitpicks that I can think of in the top of my head at the moment for this game and I do have more but otherwise I love this game. It seems like I'm the outlier for the most of the things people hate since it seems like I'm the only one that thinks that sonics thok is a fun ability and that ATZ, AGZ, ERZ1, and ERZ2 are fun maps to play on.
ACZ 1 & 2 are just boring imo. (Also, I hate the last minecart section with a passion)

ERZ 2 is Buggy and forces you to choose between easier difficulty or the really cool set pieces.

The final boss is awesome but too short, and there's no true final boss yet.

Ultimate mode would be 3x better if it allowed saving (Though I do understand why you can't)

And last but not least "You do not have the required mods for this server, check the console for more information"

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