New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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Retarded blog comment said:
Oh,Come ooooooon!Everyone wants to know about the physics not this small of course i see sega’s plan they’ll reveal the next changes in september then the game isnt revelaed to play like the classics at all it sill has the rush physics andd sega gives us the middle finger Ken probably says marvelous things about it at TGS its the sonic cycle all over again!
And once again, someone manages to neatly sum up why I lost faith in humanity. The funny thing is that the perceived "Rush physics" aren't even all that different from the physics in the classics. Hell, if they didn't say it was built on the Rush engine, they wouldn't even notice. Parents, don't give your kids unlimited internet access.
Well SEGA. I must admit. That was a pleasant surprise. Now this game will have a chance.

Too bad you're stealing ideas straight from Donkey Kong Country and not even trying to hide it in any way. That makes me wonder if you guys have been indeed cashing on whatever the big thing currently is. Werehog Sonic now seems even more like an unholy Wolf Link/Donkey Kong brainchild/knockoff than ever before.

But it doesn't look incredibly bad now. Looks mediocre-average now.
Well SEGA. I must admit. That was a pleasant surprise. Now this game will have a chance.

Too bad you're stealing ideas straight from Donkey Kong Country

Stopped reading right there. Christ Almighty, Greg, nobody bought DKC for the minecart areas. Plenty of games had it before DKC did it, too. DuckTales and (if you wanna talk about Sonic games) even Sonic Spinball/Sonic 2 8-bit had mine cart rides in them.

DKC's mine cart levels were a pain in the ass, anyway. Show me ONE PERSON that liked them.
Too bad you're stealing ideas straight from Donkey Kong Country and not even trying to hide it in any way.
Why do you take originality to such an important level?
I couldn't care less of this game is original (tip: it's meant to be like the classics, for Christ's sake) as long as the gameplay is decent, which it appears to be so far.
Maybe the torch will be somewhat similar to lighting up the area in Sandopolis Act 2? Those ghosts always used to freak me out xD

Also, I love the visuals on Lost Labyrinth. Especially the BG.
Well SEGA. I must admit. That was a pleasant surprise. Now this game will have a chance.
Yes, says the guy who flamed a beta version to heck and back, when we just told you just to wait!

Too bad you're stealing ideas straight from Donkey Kong Country and not even trying to hide it in any way.
Ha ha straight?
If this is true then every race game with items is a Mario Kart rip-off!

That makes me wonder if you guys have been indeed cashing on whatever the big thing currently is.
So now you just when to "Hmm, this game could be good" to "They're just doing it for the money they don't care!" in one post.
Personally, I don't care if they care. They can have my money if I get my money's worth!

Werehog Sonic now seems even more like an unholy Wolf Link/Donkey Kong brainchild/knockoff than ever before.
What? Werehog? I thought we all agree it was terrible. And did Link turn in to a wolf depending on the moon/night? Because again, then every game were you jump on your enemies is a Mario ripoff!

But it doesn't look incredibly bad now. Looks mediocre-average now.
Now you went to mediocre-average, >>'

RedEchidna said:
I just love all the

[B]fanboy A[/B] said:

[B]fanboy B[/B] said:

I'm seeing in here.

I know, I noticed it when they announced Sonic 4's bosses.

Some fans are too used to Rom hacks.
This is just because SEGA has fragmented their fanbase so badly that there is absolutely nothing they could make or do with the franchise that wouldn't piss off 50% of them.

Oh, and this thing.

Those things are an absolute PITA, especially when they don't even make it obvious what you have to do with them till you fall off dying a couple of times.
This is just because SEGA has fragmented their fanbase so badly that there is absolutely nothing they could make or do with the franchise that wouldn't piss off 50% of them.

This. Fans will always whine and complain regardless of whether Sega listened to them or not. You guys are pretty damn lucky enough that they made a Sonic 4 just for you classic fags. First, it was the glitches that made Sonic bad back at Sonic Next Gen. Now according to fans, green eyes and Robotnick being called Eggman are bad things. How long is it gonna take for fans to realize that the crap they're complaining about is not a big deal at all? What the fuck happened to the fanbase?
This. Fans will always whine and complain regardless of whether Sega listened to them or not. You guys are pretty damn lucky enough that they made a Sonic 4 just for you classic fags. First, it was the glitches that made Sonic bad back at Sonic Next Gen. Now according to fans, green eyes and Robotnick being called Eggman are bad things. How long is it gonna take for fans to realize that the crap they're complaining about is not a big deal at all? What the fuck happened to the fanbase?
That's not it. Fans will whine regardless, but this is a different issue altogether. SEGA has changed the design for Sonic so many times and messed with the gameplay and play-style enough that anyone who liked a specific design is likely to find something they don't like in any new version. I mean, just how many continuities do they have if you include all the games, television shows, and comics? Now think about how many wildly different gameplay styles they've used over the years. Any fan who liked one of these styles or designs better than the other is going to feel rejected when SEGA uses something different from what the fan wants. SEGA can't please everyone because different fans want wildly different, contradictory things because of all the different things SEGA has done with the series over the years.

SEGA fragmented the Sonic fanbase on their own. This kind of forum whining is just the result of basic cause and effect.
All those "better than Sonic 4" comments are retarded. Seriously, this is just S3&K with some flashy 3D graphics. Sonic 4 is actually a whole new game.
It's a movie, not a game.

I'm pretty sure the "Better then Sonic 4" was implying that they wanted Sonic 4 to be like that. A classic 3D models, S3&K gameplay, and slower acceleration and speeds.

I'm not saying Sonic 4 is bad.
All those "better than Sonic 4" comments are retarded. Seriously, this is just S3&K with some flashy 3D graphics. Sonic 4 is actually a whole new game.
It seemed more like a goog portion of my favorite things from the classics that I really liked but half assed yet playable and will appeal more to people who never played a Genesis yet it calls itself a sequel.


I'd take a perfect replica of a game I played 17 years ago with amazingly well updated graphics that is named appropriately "Sonic 3 & Knuckles HD Remix" than a game that claims to be Sonic 4, yet has nothing new to offer except for a minecart stage with obligatory dynamite and pitch dark areas.

The thing that bugs me most about that as I know that I should elaborate so as not to sound like a completely pretentious ass is furthering on with SEGA's trend following. Megaman 9 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii is released, a few months later SEGA announces that they are having Dimps develop a CG prerendered sequel to the classic games without mentioning swiping elements from another well known CG prerendered game. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is released and a month later Sonic Colours is announced. The thing that's ticking me off here is that SEGA is cashing in on the popular trend at the moment and copying what it's competition is doing. If they really want to reel me in, they should try putting more effort into what they're doing and make their strategy plan less predictable. As of now, I have reason to believe their 20th Anniversary game that's in production is in fact Sonic Adventure 3 or was being developed as Sonic Adventure 3.

The reason I'm harping on them is that I feel like I've seen it before and it was done better. I want them to surprise me for once instead of being incredibly dense and predictable.
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